
I told you I’m off the diet for the weekend my boy @Pervis_Griffith was in town.

Diet be rigid with intermittent fasting on Monday.

I'm back on mine too, but had a fantastic time breaking it this weekend. [cheers]

Thanks again for the hospitality ....

And oh yeah. Your commute is as crappy as advertised. :flushed: Glad I did it - once. No idea how you deal each day bro.
Just a fantastic time seeing what the city has to offer through a fresh set of eyes.

I felt bad for you doing my commute in. I don’t wish it upon anyone. Good thing you didn’t do the return trip... as that is a soul crusher seeing a 500 deep line to get on a 50-seat bus.

Highlights include:

Homemade Pulled Pork
High Line
Sports book @ Meadowlands
Exotic Bourbons
Fraunces Tavern
Major Andre Hanging Site / Tappan
Dinosaur Harlem Garlic Chipotle Wings
Candy Land / Leggos with Mase
Human Feces, but street parking
Fort Lee Pizzaria (Barstool 8) - ((Jew overrated))
Peculiar Pub
Arturo’s pizza & calamari
Rocco’s cannoli, sfoglatelle & pignoli cookies
Fox News detour
Hudson Valley - Cold Spring - Boscobel
Argentine Ice Cream Cones
Homemade Sauce, Meatballs, Sausage & Pasta

Yep - any You jackals need a Red Carpet...I’m your man.
I don't trust the opinion of any poster with Pervis or Griffith in their username...but both in the same username? The smell of Crown Royal & KFC is thick in the air.

I'm sure he is a good dude if he is friends with kooky...doesn't mean I will trust his word on anything though. Especially something as ludicrous as kooky's mutt being fast.
@Pervis_Griffith tell this ^ Chooch that my fur baby would smoke his mutt...

Can I get a witness!

She's huge. And powerful. Strides are long. Very fast.

I'd be curious to see her run against my new pup, an Austrailian Shepard - Rottweiler mix. She outweighs him by prolly 65 pounds, but my guy is blazing fast, and prolly much much quicker. On a straight away "track" with some distance, she'd prolly get him. Her strides would eat him up. But anything with agility, he'd smoke her, cuz her stride and power would work against her.

She's very fast though.
Well my fur child kills squirrels for breakfast. Would trash all of your dogs in any athletic competition.
This one below ain't too sure 'bout that.

Just went through TSA security check with members of David Lipscomb U men's basketball team. They were all smiles. After destroying Stetson University yesterday, reason is obvious.

Oh, and primarily TALL honkys, they.
Lipscom has always had a good basketball program. Even 100 years ago when I played (when they were still NAIA). They've also always been primarily tall honkys.
David Lipscomb just defeated Wichita State in the NIT semifinal. Playing ether UTexas or TCU for the NIT championship. Wow.
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Hey guys, I've not posted much lately cause, well, I'm superstitious and I didn't want to jinx us, but I gotta say I've got a good feeling about this weekend (as well as Monday night, of course). I really think we're finally gonna get #9.

See y'all on the other side.