There's worse ways to go, tbh.... then spent the last few days of her life having a “death party” while “rocking out” to heavy metal and doing methamphetamine.
Nellie Olsen would be aghast.He said she wanted to die at home so he removed her from a nursing home against medical experts’ advice and then spent the last few days of her life having a “death party” while “rocking out” to heavy metal and doing methamphetamine.
He did the right thing, imho.
The words “Death Parde God Hell” were painted on the front door, the Mankato Free Pressreported.
If you smell what Duane “methrock” Johnson is cooking. That was one hell of a story
This dude is 58.
Meth is a helluva drug.
If I had a better command of Corel PaintShop, I would alter Notre Dame's foosball locker room sign to say that instead of "PLAY LIKE A CHAMPION TODAY," -- cause, you know,The Fighting Irish are a bunch of over-rated, self-righteous, hypocritical pricks. Alas though, the learning curve is steep.DEATH PARDE GOD HELL
I would put that on a sign in the locker room and make all our boys slap it on the way to the gym.
HELL YES -- now I wanna get tweaked and crank up some Iron Maiden.I can visualize it, and it looks badass. Those players would run straight through that wall.
That would be a pretty good one, too. A little wordy, but damn inspirational.
If I had a better command of Corel PaintShop, I would alter Chapman's tweet to say, "Happy Pill Day" followed by a series of cutesy Oxycontin, Lortab, Vicodin, etc... pills -- cause, you know, King Rex is a recovering pill-head. Alas though, the learning curve is steep.
Ah. Gotcha. That’s more of a desktop computer thing. These were iPad creations.This one:
I hold my truths to be timeless as well as self-evident.What he's saying Mav is your idea is antiquated.
Probably told this story before, but here goes anyway.
Had a similar jacket to this when I was about 10 years old. Wore the hell out of it. Wrote my last name in it in case I ever lost it. It looked worn. I never wanted for much, but we didn’t have $ for extra nice stuff, and this was nice.
One night we’re shopping at McAlpins in Turlfland Mall. One of those long marathon shopping trips that kids used to have to endure. At some point I must have gotten hot and taken the jacket off, and then dropped it. Sales person finds it, puts it on the rack with the others like it. Someone notices this ragged, yet similar jacket.
All hell breaks loose.
They look up the name on the jacket in the phone book. Assumptions have been made, and apparently funKYcat has stolen a new jacket and left the old one in its place (spoiler: I didn’t). My parents’ number is unlisted in the phone book, which is a very old-fashioned sentence to type. Know whose isn’t? My 65+ year old widowed grandmother.
Apparently the LexPD didn’t have a lot to do that evening, so they hightail it over to the 40503, shine the flood light on grandma’s house and tell her to come out. I never heard exactly what she said to them, but knowing her as I did, I’m sure it was the grandma equivalent to “GTFODIAF you MF 5-0.”
Anyway. I got my jacket back.
I like how it pixel-ized the text. Looks more authentic.
“Werewolf”Luke Maye is what you get when a werewolf, a vampire, and Billy Mayes have a three-way.
Probably told this story before, but here goes anyway.
Had a similar jacket to this when I was about 10 years old. Wore the hell out of it. Wrote my last name in it in case I ever lost it. It looked worn. I never wanted for much, but we didn’t have $ for extra nice stuff, and this was nice.
One night we’re shopping at McAlpins in Turlfland Mall. One of those long marathon shopping trips that kids used to have to endure. At some point I must have gotten hot and taken the jacket off, and then dropped it. Sales person finds it, puts it on the rack with the others like it. Someone notices this ragged, yet similar jacket.
All hell breaks loose.
They look up the name on the jacket in the phone book. Assumptions have been made, and apparently funKYcat has stolen a new jacket and left the old one in its place (spoiler: I didn’t). My parents’ number is unlisted in the phone book, which is a very old-fashioned sentence to type. Know whose isn’t? My 65+ year old widowed grandmother.
Apparently the LexPD didn’t have a lot to do that evening, so they hightail it over to the 40503, shine the flood light on grandma’s house and tell her to come out. I never heard exactly what she said to them, but knowing her as I did, I’m sure it was the grandma equivalent to “GTFODIAF you MF 5-0.”
Anyway. I got my jacket back.
Seems like I’ve heard that jacket story before.Fun, stupid, but true story that I was reminded of tonight by this jacket.
This was around 84/85. I had a (knockoff) jacket pretty much identical to that one. Wore it everywhere and the nylon strands had started coming off like corn silk (mav’s favorite). We were at Fayette or Turlfland Mall at McAlpins (now Dillards) and somewhere along the way I dropped the jacket. They were also sold at that store and some employee or customer had put it back on the rack.
One of the employees must’ve noticed this ratty ass jacket hanging on the rack and alerted the boss, which alerted the gd POLICE, thinking we had stolen a new jacket and left the other at the store. My name was in the tag of the jacket. My last name is not that unusual, although the spelling of it kinda is, and due to the fact that only two families had that name, the police decided to look up the address and make a visit to the home. Problem was, this was before online databases and such, so they used the damn Lexington phone book. Our number and address was unlisted, but guess whose wasn’t? My 65 year old grandmother.
Cops show up to her house with floodlights and two squad cars. They scare the shit out of her, she calls my dad and gets the explanation which the cops accepted, and she makes it pretty crystal clear that they should get TF out of her house and yard (was a different time). If that was today she would have either been shot/arrested or be a millionaire for emotional distress.
I'm sorry.Still love this team and program..but pretty sure I easily hate 99 percent of fans that post here