Did you jackals know that Willie Cauley Stein played WR on his HS football team?
Did you jackals know that Willie Cauley Stein played WR on his HS football team?
....with Adam SandlerDid you jackals know that Willie Cauley Stein played WR on his HS football team?
That looks pretty good. How close are you to Philly? I’m going there tomorrow.
When any you fools come up here to visit... I’m gonna blow your mind... not your weiner.
Keen’s Steahhouse is a treasure. Purveyor of enjoyable thrombosis.
Luhh-uhh-uhhhhves me some prime ribs.
When any you fools come up here to visit... I’m gonna blow your mind... not your weiner.
Keen’s Steahhouse is a treasure. Purveyor of enjoyable thrombosis.
NYCThat looks pretty good. How close are you to Philly? I’m going there tomorrow.
Stick to chickenIdk man, is that thing cooked? Come with ketchup?
‘14 lbs of beefy goodness’ aka Lil’ Mav — least ways that’s what the ladies tell me, amirite fellas?
Nobody NOB can afford BahamasSee all y’all in Bahamas... this team gonna be forizzle.
Nobody NOB can afford Bahamas
Nobody NOB can afford Bahamas
I just bit into a mouthful of baked beans and immediately smiled... God Save The Queen.Lads, it appears time for this ol chap to start rooting for Our British interests again. The boys on the footy pitch are up now 5-nil on Panama, Wimbledon and our boy Andy Murray will be soon ruling center court, and then it’s off to Carnoustie for the Open. Jolly good show, mates. Pip pip..
We used to catch tadpoles and put them in a big bucket. The big bucket would be placed in the garage to be forgotten.Things I loathe #3,481,722 — croaking frogs
Things I love #6 — finding dead, bloated frogs in my godforsaken pool’s filter hopper
Sounds like y’all gotta lot of chicks on the periods.Growing up, we used to play outside til it got dark out with the neighborhood kids... wiggle ball, hide and seek, ringalerio, kick the can... now, my town has BEARS.
Surely he can slang it better than SJ (and that’s not to slight SJ, I loves/loved me some SJ, in fact Mav wishes SJ was back).-Terry Wilson is fast AF but can he throw worth a shit?
Agreed.If he can't slang it better than busted-to-shit and totally wrecked (but also really, really awesome intangibly) Johnson, we have a problem and Ren Hoak won't solve it.
WELL ALL I CARE ABOUT IS IF TOUCHDOWN TERRY IS ACTUALLY SCORING TOUCHDOWNSIt’s weird as hell to me that we don’t know much of anything about Terry. I mean we went crazy about this guy, and he’s been throwing to our WRs for months now, yet we don’t know if he can even throw. Is that weird or not?