
Man, stay strong.

Like Austin said. Go vegan. Seriously. My bowels are beautiful since i did. You only need 58 grams a day of protein and a b vitamin supplement. Wanna never worry it after you do chemo? Go vegan brother. Go vegan. I can't repeat that enough. You really never hear about vegans getting sick.

Watch the doc What The Health on Netflix.

Red meat is a level 1 carcinogen in the same group as asbestos, plutonium, and tobacco.

Pork and chicken are level 3 carcinogen.

Got another story, brother Willy. Flew in from Orlando on Oct 10. Rode the bus with a gal who lives near where I work. She's 40. Looks 25. I asked her how she looks so good. "I'm vegan". Few wrinkles. Saw her again earlier this week. Gonna try and get some of that skinny vegan ass.

No, KS, no pics. Please be quiet. TIA.

Got another story, brother Willy. Flew in from Orlando on Oct 10. Rode the bus with a gal who lives near where I work. She's 40. Looks 25. I asked her how she looks so good. "I'm vegan". Few wrinkles. Saw her again earlier this week. Gonna try and get some of that skinny vegan ass.

No, KS, no pics. Please be quiet. TIA.

Hahahahahaha! ! That's awesome man. Git in it bro
I got a pic for you, ATC...

@thabigbluenation - glad to hear that you are a survivor. One of my friend's wife had colon cancer around age 39. They cut it out and that was that. As far as I know, she's still in good health (she & my buddy divorced a few years after).

I wish I knew what was wrong with me. The last 2.5 years, I have no energy. Labs are all good and no other symptoms. I exercise, sleep, and eat ok.

@AustinTXCat - I ate at 30 Hop last night. No Yard Sale IPA on tap. Drank a Surly Wet IPA. Really nice.

In other news, my wife who got a layoff notice last month ended up being retained in a different position and may get a raise. She ended up getting a personal apology from the CEO.
@thabigbluenation - glad to hear that you are a survivor. One of my friend's wife had colon cancer around age 39. They cut it out and that was that. As far as I know, she's still in good health (she & my buddy divorced a few years after).

I wish I knew what was wrong with me. The last 2.5 years, I have no energy. Labs are all good and no other symptoms. I exercise, sleep, and eat ok.

@AustinTXCat - I ate at 30 Hop last night. No Yard Sale IPA on tap. Drank a Surly Wet IPA. Really nice.

In other news, my wife who got a layoff notice last month ended up being retained in a different position and may get a raise. She ended up getting a personal apology from the CEO.
Man, wishing only the best for you and your wife. It was a great personal honor meeting up with you in April. So happy for y'all. Loved the Yardsale beer. One of the awesome pleasures so far in my life to finally get together with ya. Beyond description. Good to call and speak with Willy while there, too. Unforgettable. I talked about the experience at work for weeks after.
Okay, so me and @UKGrad93 meetup at 30hop in Iowa back this past April. My old lady calls while we're talking. Had to explain the 3,500 golf balls I collected from various "raids" at the now defunct Golfsmith golf course to both him and her. I know. I'm a opportunistic hoarder.

Life is wonderful.
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Okay, so me and @UKGrad93 meetup at 30hop in Iowa back this past April. My old lady calls while we're talking. Had to explain the 3,500 golf balls I collected from various "raids" at the now defunct Golfsmith golf course to both him and her. I know. I'm a opportunistic hoarder.

Life is wonderful.
DUDE! I didn’t know (or if I did then I forgot) that you were a golf ball hunter too! I used to love doing that back in the day.
Love ya Mav, but at 55 yo, hey, I still have them ebay dreams.

(waiting until spring for a big blowout) Damn Hurricane Harvey FEMA team still occupies that area. Bastards.
Ha, bastards indeed.

Man when I was in college we used to go wading in the ponds of local courses at like 2-3 am digging those damned balls out. My dad never bought a ball in his life haha. At one time I had three 30 gallon trash cans filled with ‘em.
Man, wishing only the best for you and your wife. It was a great personal honor meeting up with you in April. So happy for y'all. Loved the Yardsale beer. One of the awesome pleasures so far in my life to finally get together with ya. Beyond description. Good to call and speak with Willy while there, too. Unforgettable. I talked about the experience at work for weeks after.
That was a great day. Still can't believe you drove across Iowa to have a beer with me.
Ha, bastards indeed.

Man when I was in college we used to go wading in the ponds of local courses at like 2-3 am digging those damned balls out. My dad never bought a ball in his life haha. At one time I had three 30 gallon trash cans filled with ‘em.
I've got so many right now, and probably more. Would have more if not for those FEMA maniacs. They have literally invaded my country. Man, I've had to put on my old BDUs and crawl through crap to get what I've got before those US GOV types invaded. Hurt production. We're talking serious $$.
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Okay, so me and @UKGrad93 meetup at 30hop in Iowa back this past April. My old lady calls while we're talking. Had to explain the 3,500 golf balls I collected from various "raids" at the now defunct Golfsmith golf course to both him and her. I know. I'm a opportunistic hoarder.

Life is wonderful.
Haha. I kept picturing your wife trying to pull stuff out of the closet and causing an avalanche of golf balls to rain down on her head (ala Mr. Moose and the ping pong balls on Capt. Kangaroo).
That was a great day. Still can't believe you drove across Iowa to have a beer with me.
Thanks, man. Seriously, I would not trade that meetup for anything. Totally privileged was I. The experience is beyond words.

Aunt Agnes, at age 86, moved to Reno, Nevada this past May. Cousin Debbie still lives in the Bellevue area. Her daughter, my 2nd cousin, Genny, took a road trip to Asheville, NC, and is checking that place out as we speak. I so love Iowa and Nebraska. Too awesome.
I've got so many right now, and probably more. Would have more if not for those FEMA maniacs. They have literally invaded my country. Man, I've had to put on my old BDUs and crawl through crap to get what I've got before those US GOV types invaded. Hurt production. We're talking serious $$.
Damn. That’s great you still do it though. I’ve gotten chased by a few security guards, but never the Feds haha. Bastards.
Haha. I kept picturing your wife trying to pull stuff out of the closet and causing an avalanche of golf balls to rain down on her head (ala Mr. Moose and the ping pong balls on Capt. Kangaroo).
I gotta tell ya. man, meetup was just too cool.

The sheer cleanliness I witnessed in both Iowa and Nebraska just floored me. Driving out to meet you and seeing those windmills impressed the heck out of me. I so want to return and check out the German colonies. The entire journey out and and back to Omaha ranks among the most memorable of my life thus far. Thank you so much for the experience.
Oh Altuve amazes me. At 5’6”, he’s basically me minus about 100 lbs haha. He reminds me my stature isn’t what kept me from playing pro ball — rather it was more my lack of world-class talent combined with a shitty work ethic.