
Meanwhile, James White and Rob Gronkowski failed me miserably last night. 9 pts total. Ugh!
That's bad, but 9 pts would be considered an ok showing for a RB2 and most TE's only get a few points. My top 3 QB and top 5 DST got me 6. Most bad defenses will even get you 6 pts.

Worst part of it is that it's probably gonna cause me to loose to the lousy eyeball team.
We had parent's night at school this week. Go around & meet all the 7th grade teachers. Each one had 5 min. to tell us stuff. About half of them had 20 page PowerPoints.

The global studies teacher uses about 3 different web pages, an app, and text service to keep everyone updated. Of course, I knew nothing about all of this until Parent's Night (1.5 wks into school). She also mentioned something about how she had sent study guides out by text message, but then found out that she was sending to the wrong list.

The whole thing is damn frustrating. - end school rant (for now).

At work, we sometimes have to do shielding calculations for radiation. Lately we've been dealing with calculations for some new radioactive material therapies. It's basically take a bunch of assumptions and crunch some numbers that tell you how much lead to put in a wall, ceiling or floor. Anyways, we keep hitting roadblocks with the design & construction people (they think we are over-estimating what is needed, not sure what their basis is). This morning my supervisor told me that D&C hired an outside consultant to do the calcs. The consultant told them that they need even more lead than we were telling them. (Turns out the consultant's numbers are high because they failed to take into account the fact that the patient will pass the drug from their body - pharmacokinetics).

So FU Design & Construction guy. This whole bullsh!t wouldn't be an issue if you had just left things alone (meaning moving nursing units around the hospital). We already had a shielded room for these patients, but some administrator decided to put newborns in that area and move cancer patients to a different floor.

end work rant (for now).
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New We had parent's night at school this week. Go around & meet all the 7th grade teachers. Each one had 5 min. to tell us stuff. About half of them had 20 page PowerPoints.

The global studies teacher uses about 3 different web pages, an app, and text service to keep everyone updated. Of course, I knew nothing about all of this until Parent's Night (1.5 wks into school). She also mentioned something about how she had sent study guides out by text message, but then found out that she was sending to the wrong list.

The whole thing is damn frustrating. - end school rant (for now).
I think we've reached saturation in the ways to tell parents shit. A few teachers have figured it out. Text them or email them. That's all you need. Forget webpages, secure sites and apps, etc. Youngest kid's preschool has an app/website that they post the most ridiculous crap 5 times a day AND you get at email each time. One thing you can't do? Pay the tuition on it. Still writing checks in 20gd17.
I rather enjoy my daily updates from "school" informing me when little diva princess priss blessed one took a dump or was involved in a cute scene with classmates like Walter, the heathen who brought lice around (sleuthed that one), throwing a 1 ounce ball 7 inches while the teachers cackle.
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We had parent's night at school this week. Go around & meet all the 7th grade teachers. Each one had 5 min. to tell us stuff. About half of them had 20 page PowerPoints.

The global studies teacher uses about 3 different web pages, an app, and text service to keep everyone updated. Of course, I knew nothing about all of this until Parent's Night (1.5 wks into school). She also mentioned something about how she had sent study guides out by text message, but then found out that she was sending to the wrong list.

The whole thing is damn frustrating. - end school rant (for now).

At work, we sometimes have to do shielding calculations for radiation. Lately we've been dealing with calculations for some new radioactive material therapies. It's basically take a bunch of assumptions and crunch some numbers that tell you how much lead to put in a wall, ceiling or floor. Anyways, we keep hitting roadblocks with the design & construction people (they think we are over-estimating what is needed, not sure what their basis is). This morning my supervisor told me that D&C hired an outside consultant to do the calcs. The consultant told them that they need even more lead than we were telling them. (Turns out the consultant's numbers are high because they failed to take into account the fact that the patient will pass the drug from their body - pharmacokinetics).

So FU Design & Construction guy. This whole bullsh!t wouldn't be an issue if you had just left things alone (meaning moving nursing units around the hospital). We already had a shielded room for these patients, but some administrator decided to put newborns in that area and move cancer patients to a different floor.

end work rant (for now).

Man, rant it out. Bro
We had parent's night at school this week. Go around & meet all the 7th grade teachers. Each one had 5 min. to tell us stuff. About half of them had 20 page PowerPoints.

The global studies teacher uses about 3 different web pages, an app, and text service to keep everyone updated. Of course, I knew nothing about all of this until Parent's Night (1.5 wks into school). She also mentioned something about how she had sent study guides out by text message, but then found out that she was sending to the wrong list.

The whole thing is damn frustrating. - end school rant (for now).

At work, we sometimes have to do shielding calculations for radiation. Lately we've been dealing with calculations for some new radioactive material therapies. It's basically take a bunch of assumptions and crunch some numbers that tell you how much lead to put in a wall, ceiling or floor. Anyways, we keep hitting roadblocks with the design & construction people (they think we are over-estimating what is needed, not sure what their basis is). This morning my supervisor told me that D&C hired an outside consultant to do the calcs. The consultant told them that they need even more lead than we were telling them. (Turns out the consultant's numbers are high because they failed to take into account the fact that the patient will pass the drug from their body - pharmacokinetics).

So FU Design & Construction guy. This whole bullsh!t wouldn't be an issue if you had just left things alone (meaning moving nursing units around the hospital). We already had a shielded room for these patients, but some administrator decided to put newborns in that area and move cancer patients to a different floor.

end work rant (for now).
Rant about "Design & Construction guy" reads more like a denunciation. [laughing]

Seriously, workplace bureaucracy blows. Hang in there, man.
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High school football games are just the best. There's not much I would go back in time for and do over in life, but going back just for a few of those would be sweet.

Labor Day is over, so the next two months of weekends belong to kid sports, dance and band. It all calms down just in time for University of Kentucky Mens Basketball. Pretty damn good timing.

UK 45 - EKU 13. Guarandamntee we start out slow.

The day Mark Stoops shaves off that thing he calls hair is the day I do the same. His hairline is 10000000x worse than mine, and mine is awful. Gotta lose some lbs. before that though. Chubby and bald ain't a great look.

Stay safe, stay dry, stay classy, NOB.
I'm trying to let my hair grow out long. Usually have a crew cut/buzz cut. It's reached the in between stage of making my head look like a big fuzzy q-tip.

Hope Willy is keeping safe.
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@Willy4UK : hey, bro, if you need a place to ride this toucher out, please call me. I can put you up with my brother in Orlando or with a few cousins. We call him Fred, the head. We watched pick up a small-block V8 and carry it into a car body once. Former football player. He's cool. Married to our cousin Terry. Crazier than hell. Old, like us, but good people.
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We call him Fred, the head. We watched pick up a small-block V8 and carry it into a car body once.

Irma ain't hurting him.
High school football games are just the best. There's not much I would go back in time for and do over in life, but going back just for a few of those would be sweet.

Labor Day is over, so the next two months of weekends belong to kid sports, dance and band. It all calms down just in time for University of Kentucky Mens Basketball. Pretty damn good timing.

UK 45 - EKU 13. Guarandamntee we start out slow.

The day Mark Stoops shaves off that thing he calls hair is the day I do the same. His hairline is 10000000x worse than mine, and mine is awful. Gotta lose some lbs. before that though. Chubby and bald ain't a great look.

Stay safe, stay dry, stay classy, NOB.

"He f'd me up here, kept fn me up...took it all the way back here"
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2-0 baby!!! 12 more to go!!! Meet you in CATlanta for the ship!!!
