Movies that haven't aged well


Feb 27, 2015
Watched Billy Jack last week for the first time in over 45 years. Loved it back then but damn it sucks now.
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That "flavor" (Billy Jack etc.) and all the biker 'sploitation movies are just awful. I'd disagree with the notion that they haven't aged well. I think that they sucked from the start. I'm including films like Mad Max, etc. that are considered apocalyptic cult icons. Those movies are trash. Even supposed period piece blockbusters, like Bonnie and Clyde from that era of film are blech...

Most film noir movies from the mid 40's, to late 50's, hackneyed as they COULD be, are better than most 60's/early 70's "art" film, IMO.

Back to your question though:

Most James Bond films.

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

Casino (never thought much of it in the first place)

Dr. Strangelove

The original Superman

Everything that Kevin Smith made.
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I thought The Graduate was about the greatest when it came out. Now, not so much.
I thought The Graduate was about the greatest when it came out. Now, not so much.

Just one word. Plastics... That and him standing on the bottom of the pool in that diving suit were the best moments of that movie. If you think about it though, it pretty much inspired every John Hughes movie ever made.
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I'll push back on 80s horror. You mean all those schlocky, badly acted movies made for a VHS era for a nickel each didn't age well? Buddy, they were meant to be bad. I still love them but they were always bad. As a horror fan, I recognize it and enjoy them for what they are.

- Teen sex comedies like Porky's, Revenge of the Nerds, and American Pie because those films had predatory guys either stalking, trying to rape, or finding ways to stare at girls in their bedrooms, locker rooms, or showers and it was seen as lighthearted, funny, and normal.

- Breakfast at Tiffany's and Murder By Death included white men as Asians with big teeth and slanted eyes.

- Soul Man's entire plot was a white guy in black face and a wig. That was the movie.

- a few Slater joints...I love Pump Up the Volume but teens don't gather round radios anymore and no one gives a shit about the FCC now. The Wizard - just a commercial for Nintendo and the Power Glove with a scene of kids calling one of those gaming help lines. Untamed Heart - Slater's character breaks into a girl's bedroom and leaves a Christmas tree. He's somehow rewarded by getting the girl afterward.
- Teen sex comedies like Porky's, Revenge of the Nerds, and American Pie because those films had predatory guys either stalking, trying to rape, or finding ways to stare at girls in their bedrooms, locker rooms, or showers and it was seen as lighthearted, funny, and normal.

- Soul Man's entire plot was a white guy in black face and a wig. That was the movie.

Just as offensive as the themes of those movies, was the fact that they were not funny. AT ALL. Not even a little bit...

Elizabeth Warren connects deeply with Soul Man.
From Wikipedia's entry on 1984's Revenge of the Nerds:

About three decades after the film's release, commentators have looked at the film and considered some of the scenes, particularly when Lewis pretends to be Stan and has a sexual encounter with Betty, to be rape by deception and a misogynistic remnant of a male-dominated culture of that time.

"Three decades later"? That's some revisionist BS. My brother and I were both in our early teens when the film was in heavy rotation on HBO in the mid- to late-'80s, and concerning that rape scene in particular, our dad -- who'd pretty much let us watch anything -- was like "Guys, don't watch this ****."

Porky's was another rare off-limits movie, but I don't remember anything at all about it.
Blazing saddles. Never be made today even though Pryor was a writer.

I’m firmly in the clowns realm, noir from mid 40s to late 50s are the bees knees to me. As well as most main stream westerns from that time.

Touch off with those B movie westerns. Trash
Almost all of Kubricks stuff still works. Lawrence of Arabia still good. The Lion in Winter still works - but was dialogue driven. Those are notable in the limited selection of “still worth your time”. Foreign films like Wild Strawberries and The Seventh Seal I still enjoy. And Nosferatu. But those are almost arthouse to begin with.

Generally the lack of tech, often poor editing, outdated dialogue style, etc just make it too much for me to overcome. A lot of it seems hokey.
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Than one Die Hard movie where they run from payphone to payphone. Get a damn jitterbug for gods sake.
There was a whole class of movies from the early days of the industry where they just took pictures of people doing things. Not really documentaries. People walking past the camera at a market. Or people building a bridge. The camera would just be there taking pictures. At the end of the day or so, they would develop the film and show it to the people of the area. The same people they took pictures of. There was an English company that did this for a few years. Can't remember the name.

People would put camera on trucks and just drive around. There's a fascinating one of San Francisco that was filmed shortly before the earthquake. There are pictures like that of New York or Paris. Not a story, but you can see how people walked and dressed. In the San Francisco one you can see people dodging street cars. Horse drawn wagons. Early flivvers. Only the vaguest kind of traffic lanes. People in hats. Women in high collared dresses.

The sound in this movie is invented sound added recently.

Exactly. The point was that chicks love nerd wang, dummy.
I've watched Love Story (1970) and Valley of the Dolls (1967) within the past 5 years. Don't ask me why because I couldn't finish them but Ali Macgraw and Sharon Tate were nice eye candy. Big in their days but laughable now. Not the kind of films that are so bad they're good, i.e. Plan 9 From Outer Space, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, etc. but excruciatingly bad.
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There's a fantastic blaxploitation western from 1975 called Boss N-word. Stars Fred Williamson who I think wrote it. In some ways, I like it more than Blazing Saddles. Pretty much just known as 'Boss' now for obvious reasons but it's a hoot.
"Billy Jack" was always a so bad, it's good. Preaching peace and love and beating the $hit out of you if you don't agree. I agree with the Bond movies, there's still a couple I like but I don't think they are nearly as entertaining now.

I never got the appeal of "Scarface", Pacino went from so nuanced as Michael Corleone to cartoonishly over the top and pretty much stayed there for the rest of his career.
The Michael Keaton Batman. I loved that movie as a kid. Watched some of it the other day and thought it was written and directed by my daughter’s seventh grade drama team.
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Talk about a movie that has aged very well. IMO.

Also, here's a movie that has aged almost to perfection.

I was actually talking about this move with my wife the other day.

It would never be made in 2024. And not because it's controversial, but because it'd immediately be associated with the Ben Shapiro's and Margerie Taylor Greene's of the world. Back then, it was just funny.
I was actually talking about this move with my wife the other day.

It would never be made in 2024. And not because it's controversial, but because it'd immediately be associated with the Ben Shapiro's and Margerie Taylor Greene's of the world. Back then, it was just funny.

Yeahhhh.. that's not how the rest of us see it. It literally painted a picture of our future, at least on college campus' and that's why this movie is making the rounds lately.

And just so some here don't get their panties in a bunch, it takes takes it's shots on both sides. It was just as funny to see weasel-y David Spade be his pompous self playing a mid 90's preppy Reaganite.
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Yeahhhh.. that's not how the rest of us see it. It literally painted a picture of our future, at least on college campus' and that's why this movie is making the rounds lately.

And just so some here don't get their panties in a bunch, it takes it's shots at conservatives as well. It was just as funny to see weasel-y David Spade be his pompous self.


And regardless how you see it...if you made it today, it'd immediately be polarized, embraced by weird Twitter types and shunned by everyone else. That wasn't painting the future. It was taking place from the 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's. Little has changed.

But in the 90's, no one gave a shit.

That's the difference.

And regardless how you see it...if you made it today, it'd immediately be polarized, embraced by weird Twitter types and shunned by everyone else.

And in the 90's, no one gave a shit.

That's the difference.

Oh I agree it could never be made today, I just disagree with the reason.

It wouldn't be made today for the same reason why comedy movies simply aren't being made anymore, and presumably died off in the early 2010's with Judd Apatow style films and movies like Tropic Thunder.
"Some" Bond films...."most" are still iconic.

Horrendously incorrect on GWCTD....that one has stood the test of time and should be required viewing in today's era.

All of the Pierce Brosnan Bond films, which I enjoyed in the 90s, absolutely suck now. Great call.
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