Mounjaro/Ozempic weight loss

Not that I'm a big keto supporter but this seems relevant.

Study had some limitations
The study authors called out some limitations.

The participants self-reported their food intake via a questionnaire at only one point in time, which could impact accuracy.

"With only one day of food choices reported, there could be a lot of variation as to what diet these subjects actually followed on an ongoing basis," said Kulp of San Francisco.

"There's nothing inherently bad about keto, but it's not for everyone."

Additionally, because this was an observational study, it shows only an association — and not causation, the authors wrote.

"There's nothing inherently bad about the keto diet, as long as it's for the appropriate person, the consumption of fats are balanced, and the diet is cycled to allow for antioxidants and fiber," Allen told Fox News Digital.

"This study demonstrates that the keto diet definitely is not for everyone, and it would be helpful to seek guidance from a professional to make sure you're a good candidate."

More research is needed on the link between keto-like diets and heart health, Iatan said.
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Late on this. Seems they're talking about large amounts; which you would need to get even close to an actual sugar taste for a soft drink. I saw that they say that it can cause digestive issues so that's something to pay attention to.

I'm using a teaspoon of Erythritol and whatever the scoop is for that MCT Oil (that is actually powder). The alternative for me would be sugar.

Good info and it looks like they're seeing a need for a deeper dive.
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Is that kind of like the people that went on the atkins diet then ate a bunch of bacon?
It's a lot like Atkins. I just don't buy a long term diet that restricts fruit or legumes. Both can be excellent parts of a balanced diet. Keto should be for a specific group of people that have dietary or medical reasons for following.
Never eating fries or potato chips again would be great for you, but yeah that's not happening.
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It appears that taking Wegovy and the other similar diabetes/weight loss drugs might be dangerous long term (20 months or more).

It's a lot like Atkins. I just don't buy a long term diet that restricts fruit or legumes. Both can be excellent parts of a balanced diet. Keto should be for a specific group of people that have dietary or medical reasons for following.
I had awesome results going HEAVY carnivore but it’s expensive and time consuming to always eat meat, especially 6K cals a day.

Speaking of potatoes, had a client tel me he was doing great tracking cals and eating less of them. Then he proceeded to tell me ALL he had for supper last night was a huge baked potato, 2 scoops of butter and sour cream and a slice of bacon. 🤦‍♂️, you couldn’t have chosen worse cals almost lol.
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I had awesome results going HEAVY carnivore but it’s expensive and time consuming to always eat meat, especially 6K cals a day.

Speaking of potatoes, had a client tel me he was doing great tracking cals and eating less of them. Then he proceeded to tell me ALL he had for supper last night was a huge baked potato, 2 scoops of butter and sour cream and a slice of bacon. 🤦‍♂️, you couldn’t have chosen worse cals almost lol.
It’s really sad how people either don’t follow medical/health advice or don’t understand their consumption - I had a co-worker who was trying to eat healthy and he had a salad so I asked him what kind of salad and he proceeded to tell me it was a fried chicken salad with ranch.
Genetics do a play a large role. Is obesity solely genetic? No. But it is a big factor, as are some other big factors ones you can control. You can easily have 2 people eat the exact same things, get the same amount of sleep, and do the same exercise, and have a significant weight difference. But fine, be an a** and ignore the facts.
Not sure how I missed this gem. Of course that's true, but take 2,000 people and do that study and 90%+ will have great results. Some of them won't due to genetics but a VAST majority will all see similar results.
Genetics do a play a large role. Is obesity solely genetic? No. But it is a big factor, as are some other big factors ones you can control. You can easily have 2 people eat the exact same things, get the same amount of sleep, and do the same exercise, and have a significant weight difference. But fine, be an a** and ignore the facts.
Look at a picture from the 50’s. There are hardly any fat people. Did genetics change in 70 years?
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Look at a picture from the 50’s. There are hardly any fat people. Did genetics change in 70 years?
You haven’t seen all those fat Africans who’s average weight is 133 pounds?

Versus Americans who’s average weight is 190?

Largely genetics for sure.
The diabetes drug Semaglutide has sparked a weight loss craze, as people realized it can be used to shed pounds quickly when prescribed off-label.

Semaglutide is better known by the brand names it’s marketed under, like Ozempic and Wegovy. Tirzepatide, marketed as Mounjaro, has gotten a lot of buzz for the same reasons. But enthusiasm for the drugs has led to a short supply, along with patients reporting unexpected side effects.

One such side effect has been described as “Ozempic face.” The rapid weight loss can leave some patients’ faces looking hollowed out, sagging and rapidly aged.

To treat so-called “Ozempic face,” some patients are turning to another medical procedure: injecting dermal fillers to make their faces look fuller.

Dr. Dhaval Bhanusali told the Times he’s seen an increase in patients looking for fillers after dramatic Ozempic or Mounjaro-driven weight loss.
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Intermittent fasting and walking 10,000 steps a day works wonderfully. If you can add 30 mins of tonal weight-lifting 3 times a week, do it. I lost 85 pounds this way and have kept it off.

My IF approach was to eat only 2 meals a day, within a 6-hour period. First meal was generally a bit lighter, but second was pretty much whatever I wanted. My time windows were 9-3 or 10-4, usually, depending on when I ate my first meal.

For me, the key was not to have any snack foods in the house. I do not drink alcohol. I am 71, but started this at age 64. Currently, I am 5’9 and weigh 180, after weighing 255-265 range for years. Diet & Exercise is the way.

My Doctor told me that if you are over 40 and can keep your waist-line under 40, you will probably have eliminated 80% of the probability of dying before the average lifetime age. Obesity creates many health problems.


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Wow, 19 lbs in five weeks? That's amazing! I'm just starting on my weight loss journey and I'm looking for tips from people who have had success. Are you still losing weight? I'm looking into Mounjaro/Ozempic, so your post gave me more motivation to look into it. I am currently working with to get better results. In the meantime, have any other tips for me? What have you been doing to get results so far? Are there any diet changes you recommend? Any specific exercises or routines? I'm really inspired by your success and I'm excited to start my journey. Thanks for sharing! :)

  1. Get a fitness tracker and complete your exercise / calorie targets every day without exception. I use an Apple Watch and I make sure I hit at least 1050 active calories every day. This means there are a lot of late night 3 mile runs that I don’t feel like doing, but I found if I give myself days off I start having a lot of days off if you know what I mean.
  2. Get a calorie tracking app and capture what you eat. Focus on increasing your protein intake. Also, make sure you cut out super high calorie intake days. This is what killed me. I’d do a pretty good job of eating healthy, but then I’d just have a couple 3500 calorie days and be screwed.
  3. This is a new one for me, but I like this idea of “dailies”. Pick a few things you want to improve on and do 100 each of them. So for example, I’m doing 100 curls for each arm, 100 sit-ups, and 100 tricep extensions each day. For the curls and extensions it’s extremely light weight but I try to do them all at once. I don’t know how well it works yet but it’s a good way to make sure you are doing something active.
  4. Figure out what your food weaknesses are and get them out of your house. If you are getting a craving for food just go for a walk or something. At dinner, eat a normal helping of your meal and then go do something else as opposed to sitting around at the table where you’ll be encouraged to have seconds.
  5. Don’t let screw ups discourage you. Just do better the next day.
  6. Make it a game
I forgot to share the advice I got from a hypnotist that was not only going to stop me from smoking but help me lose weight. He called it "one half then push" for every meal. Sounds silly but his logic was sound. Many of us grew up hearing about the starving kids that would want our food. So, our parents would tell us to clean our plates. What this also did was teach us to overeat because you may not have wanted to clean your plate because you were full.

Therefore, you can break that habit by eating half of what's on your plate and push the rest away (eat tomorrow as leftovers).

Like I said, sounds silly but it helps if you can get that into the headspace while deciding how much food you're about to destroy.
  1. Get a fitness tracker and complete your exercise / calorie targets every day without exception. I use an Apple Watch and I make sure I hit at least 1050 active calories every day. This means there are a lot of late night 3 mile runs that I don’t feel like doing, but I found if I give myself days off I start having a lot of days off if you know what I mean.
  2. Get a calorie tracking app and capture what you eat. Focus on increasing your protein intake. Also, make sure you cut out super high calorie intake days. This is what killed me. I’d do a pretty good job of eating healthy, but then I’d just have a couple 3500 calorie days and be screwed.
  3. This is a new one for me, but I like this idea of “dailies”. Pick a few things you want to improve on and do 100 each of them. So for example, I’m doing 100 curls for each arm, 100 sit-ups, and 100 tricep extensions each day. For the curls and extensions it’s extremely light weight but I try to do them all at once. I don’t know how well it works yet but it’s a good way to make sure you are doing something active.
  4. Figure out what your food weaknesses are and get them out of your house. If you are getting a craving for food just go for a walk or something. At dinner, eat a normal helping of your meal and then go do something else as opposed to sitting around at the table where you’ll be encouraged to have seconds.
  5. Don’t let screw ups discourage you. Just do better the next day.
  6. Make it a game

Good advice wayne, but that one has a link embedded in every post she makes. I don't think she will fully embrace your recs.

She was pushing a testosterone suppliment on another message board.

Good advice wayne, but that one has a link embedded in every post she makes. I don't think she will fully embrace your recs.

She was pushing a testosterone suppliment on another message board.

I thought the mods prevent this thing from happening. Ha!
Look at a picture from the 50’s. There are hardly any fat people. Did genetics change in 70 years?

There were tons of fat people in the 1950s. But unfortunately, cameras way back then just weren't complex enough to capture images of anyone who weighed over about 46,000 pennyweights (that's a little over two talents, for those of yinz who actually follow that dumb Weights and Measurements Act of 1878).
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Huberman was on the JRE today and they briefly touched on this subject. Main topic were studies showing extreme loss of muscle and bone density associated with the lack of eating/nutrition. So if you're using this you really need to make sure you're eating well and using supplements to compensate for the lack of intake. Then most importantly, doing resistance workouts. Which, I guess could be said for anyone, but you want to lose fat not bone and muscle.

Good overall listen if you're into nerdy fitness stuff.
If you’re doing this to drop 20 pounds it’s weak. Get some damn willpower and put in the work. If you need to drop a couple hundred then great do it.
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Ozempic, which I take for diabetes, did not really do shit as far as weight loss for me.

Oddly enough, getting my ass back in the gym and cleaning the diet up seemed to do wonders, though. Down 30 pounds since September. I could do that in three months at 27. At 57, it takes a little bit longer.
Snack time can be a hard time to get right. Corny as it sounds, berries of any kind (blueberries are best) and unsalted or lightly salted mixed premium nuts work well for me and are probably the healthiest combination of things you can eat for a snack. Plus if you need a quick breakfast a handful of berries and a handful of mixed nuts are great for you.

I like to eat, period. So food will always be the hardest part to get right for me. I can do the exercise, sleep good, and take the vitamins... but food is the hard part.
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Ozempic, which I take for diabetes, did not really do shit as far as weight loss for me.

Oddly enough, getting my ass back in the gym and cleaning the diet up seemed to do wonders, though. Down 30 pounds since September. I could do that in three months at 27. At 57, it takes a little bit longer.
I’m ten years older than you and trying to maintain muscle mass for diabetes control and metabolism. Doctor has given me the green light to take testosterone tablets to supplement my strength training routine. Could be a waste of money, but I plan to try for at least 3 months ..
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I’m ten years older than you and trying to maintain muscle mass for diabetes control and metabolism. Doctor has given me the green light to take testosterone tablets to supplement my strength training routine. Could be a waste of money, but I plan to try for at least 3 months ..
If you don't mind saying, are you talking about testosterone replacement therapy or some over the counter stuff?