i love how UK fans talk about his record at Memphis and UMass, weren't those vacated because on cheating... I agree Cal has changed his ways these last 2-3 years, but his in his John Wall class and a couple other early ones he gave the kids easy blow off classes for 1 semester and then got them out of school to the nba, He had to change his game due to new NCAA academic standards, so did UConn and Syracuse. He is finally starting to pretend to care about these kids educations... after all these years. Izzo has changed players lives for the better made them better men, and better basketball players at the same time. Look at Draymond, Payne, Steve Smith, Jason Richardson, Mateen Cleaves etc, etc. Cal has definitely coached better talent but he hasn't made his players better human beings. There is no better university in the country when it comes to athletics right now than MSU and thats because of the amazing coaches we have in Izzo, Dantonio, and their staffs. i wouldn't them both for that used car salesman cal, be interesting to see if the 3rd times a charm for him, or if his kentucky wins go the way of memphis and UMass before.