
Good morning everyone.

We made it back to KY last night after 10 days in FL. Winter trips south are the best.

I hope the team can turn it on now that we're in March. I think they have the potential, but March is difficult even if you're head and shoulders the best team in the country. I hope Auburn finds that out this afternoon.

I hope everyone has a great day.
Read somewhere that this is only the 6th #1 team to visit Rupp. Doesn't seem possible. This would be a huge win for these beaten up Cats. Auburn, arguably the best team in the land, has dominated a conference that could be the best ever. We'll see if the SEC holds that honor after the NCAA tournament. Experts said the same thing about the Big East when they had 11 teams in the field but only 2 made it through the 1st weekend. Unfortunately UConn won the title that year but still.

Go Cats!!! They tend to really rise up for the big games.
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19-year-old me in an apartment in Frankfort Germany in 1977. This was during the time I spent with a young lady who was in a ballet troupe that was from New York traveling Europe giving performances. I met her at an indoor swimming pool and we struck up a conversation and started seeing each other. I was stationed in Hanau about 10-15 kilometers from Frankfort and would visit her apartment on the weekends. Mustache was not fully formed then but it came along. Also, we were given a lot of leeway with our hair because at that time Germany was experiencing a lot of problems with terrorist targeting American soldiers so, the Army relaxed its standards for hair and mustaches so we could blend in.



My apologies and please understand I am NOT picking on you Sir or trying to provoke. I just came back from our church men's breakfast. The last thing I am doing is trying to provoke YOU. Having stated that in all truth. (i KNOW my limitations knowing your background they way I do and vividly realizing you would turn me every way but loose.) i DO hope you understand....

You had them AD Brow's going on too..... (A little...)


Pray for me members of the D-League that brother Sir Warrior is understanding and is a forgiving sort AND doesn't know where I live...... Amen...

If we ever meet, I will buy you supper, drinks, I will name my next child after you... Please forgive me...

I got a BIG mouth....