I dug up some previous examples of behavior like that of Memphis fans, which proves they are not unique:
1. "He was my lawyer and I counted on him, but as soon as Delbert Snopes stole my hogs and I needed him to write up a warrant to give the sheriff, I hear he's up and run off to Warshinton. He promised he'd be there for me! Honest Abe my ass!" Elmer Snodgrass, Springfield, Illinois.
2. "Bruce was nothing before he came here. My place made him! And we had a good thing going -- full house every night! And he said, 'Irv, you and me will ride this all the way!' But then he wants to make a record. Well, record this: Spingsteen, you suck!" Irv Goldberg, owner of the Stone Pony, Asbury Park, N.J.
3. "I was Heidi's first. Well, not the first, but I did take her to the Grossenwald Senior Prom. And that night she told me 'We'll always be together." She even wrote it on a napkin. I called her my Klumquat. Next thing I know, I'm seeing her breasts barely covered on Sports Illustrated! And they are much bigger now, by the way. And she's living in LA or NYC or someplace, like eating at Der Snickelgruppen is not good enough for her. So, Klum, what did you mean by 'Forever, you liar!?' Hermann Schwartznacht, Grossenwald Germany.
4. "I hired Al here at the Swiss patent office. Trust me, he was no Newton, but I took a chance. And he promised he'd be there for me. But then he starts muttering about Time and Space, and the next thing I know, he's off getting the Noble Prize. Well, I got the Time and Space to whip your butt the next time I see you Einstein." Erwin Gauspacht, Bern, Switzerland.