Memphis pulls the plug on honoring Cal...

This will or should I say should make Memphis fans stop wondering why Cal left the dump.
We still have RP's name hanging from the rafters. just to measure the difference between the class and the classless.
From now on I will drive from Tampa through Atlanta to Nashville to Lexington just to avoid going through the Memphis junkyard.

Exactly. Pitino still has some fans in Kentucky, myself included. I know I know, but the guy did a lot here.

We have his name in our freakin rafters. He's been back publicly several times for some speaking arrangements and deaths. He will be honored once he's retired from Louisvulle, our biggest rival, IN STATE, currently, once some time moves on.

Our fans are nothing like memphis trash. Period.
Did you miss the part completely about those two situations, UK and UM Cal/Pitino being NOTHING alike? Why do you keep comparing apples and oranges man?

For these situations to be similar, Kentucky would need to be in Tennessee and be Memphis's biggest rival, AND Cal would have had to go pro first, then come back to do it. Please, see the difference.

I get the fandom stuff, but it's not an excuse.

And no, we were dying sad when Pitino left; "Sad" - Not mad. It's when he chose to do the unthinkable, that shit got real. You know that, especially if you're old enough.

Because to Memphis fans, it's the same thing in their eyes. They thought they were on a cusp of being a powerhouse and he left for the evil empire that is Kentucky. They aren't a rival in our eyes, but UK is a rival in their mind. We pulled the rug and Cal left their cupboard bare in their eyes. I don't agree with that but that's what they think.

UK would never honor Pitino while he is coaching and for obvious reasons. Still think the reaction would be a little mixed if they were after he retired but why would Memphis fans want to honor Cal why he is still coaching. Like I said, stupid of the President to do it on a public level without asking boosters first. Shows the guy is out of touch with reality. Hopefully, they can honor him after he retires and they probably would have if this whole fiasco hadn't happened.

let me just add if all this had happened after Cal was retired, then by all means, they deserve the backlash but not while Cal is still coaching. I get where the anger is coming from.
Did you miss the part completely about those two situations, UK and UM Cal/Pitino being NOTHING alike? Why do you keep comparing apples and oranges man?

For these situations to be similar, Kentucky would need to be in Tennessee and be Memphis's biggest rival, AND Cal would have had to go pro first, then come back to do it. Please, see the difference.

I get the fandom stuff, but it's not an excuse.

And no, we were dying sad when Pitino left - Sad - Not mad. It's when he chose to do the unthinkable, that shit got real. You know that, especially if you're old enough.

For many of us we did not judge Pitino for taking a job. Didn't like it because we were afraid it would hurt us basketball wise, but it didn't. Just because it is a rival fans are selfish but any of you could go to a competitor and nobody will say anything.

If the UK job was open Rick would have taken it, but it wasn't. Fans are being babies complaining abut him just for taking that job.

Now, after his pot shots and the bledsoe deal, etc, he has lost favor with any that might have still respected him immensely for what he had accomplished here. He wasn't a trader IMO until he did all of that stuff.

Had he acted like Cal has with Memphis, and only spoken good of us, many adults would be ok honoring him.
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You are exactly on the money there. After their first bowl game in centuries, they cause a gang war on the field. Now their only real big time HOF coach might have come totown for some good pub, and they pull crap like this.

Power Conferences would NEVER allow Memphis, and that's why they will always be a mid major from this point forward, like they've always been.
HOF Eject Pitino..the air stinks with him in there..:chairshot:
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Because to Memphis fans, it's the same thing in their eyes. They thought they were on a cusp of being a powerhouse and he left for the evil empire that is Kentucky. They aren't a rival in our eyes, but UK is a rival in their mind. We pulled the rug and Cal left their cupboard bare in their eyes. I don't agree with that but that's what they think.

UK would never honor Pitino while he is coaching and for obvious reasons. Still think the reaction would be a little mixed if they were after he retired but why would Memphis fans want to honor Cal why he is still coaching. Like I said, stupid of the President to do it on a public level without asking boosters first. Shows the guy is out of touch with reality. Hopefully, they can honor him after he retires and they probably would have if this whole fiasco hadn't happened.

let me just add if all this had happened after Cal was retired, then by all means, they deserve the backlash but not while Cal is still coaching. I get where the anger is coming from.
Pitino would get hooted out of Rupp Arena..He's a disgrace..
To me, it's fine if UK fans want to call it unfair. But I agree with the fans not wanting to have Cal come to Memphis and honor him. You can call them garbage, hypocritical whatever, but in their minds the program is not a second run program. Something I would say they are wrong about but that's not going to change their fans' minds. They think they are better than this than UMASS. Like I said, fan is short for fandom. You can call it garbage all day, but there are plenty of jilted lovers of Pitino's exit here. Fans that cheered on Pitino and would drop their jacket in the mud for him to walk over but would now trip him into the mud. You have fans wanting the jersey taken down. I will agree, a lot of it has to do with the UL thing but I would say when it come to Memphis fans, they see it the same.

UK didn't honor Pitino when he made the HOF because he is still coaching at another school. So why you expect Memphis to do the same is beyond me.

The school's President said they wanted to do it, no one here expected it. You would think he might have polled the area before making what was going to be a difficult decision in retrospect. I think most are upset over the response of the President and relieved that Cal's family doesn't have to go through the torment.
Pitino going to Louisville changed everything but he also wanted to prove that he was the sole reason for the success during his time at UK and wanted to show he could do that at UL too . So he didn't just betray UK , he wanted to prove himself against UK . Pitino absolutely thought he would dominate UK or at least get the best of us , of course UK has dominated Pitino :boxing: .
Pitino going to Louisville changed everything but he also wanted to prove that he was the sole reason for the success during his time at UK and wanted to show he could do that at UL too . So he didn't just betray UK , he wanted to prove himself against UK . Pitino absolutely thought he would dominate UK or at least get the best of us , of course UK has dominated Pitino :boxing: .

You can't fault Rick and his huge ego, always had that, but cal has smacked that thing down so bad...
What is sad to me in all this is that there probably are a lot of Memphis fans who were fine with honoring Cal. In fact, they probably looked forward to it.
Please get the phrase right, fan is short for FANATIC, not fandom, lol! Like Jon Snow, you know nothing Kat123, or whatever your name is.
Cal brought Memphis to top the of basketball and relevant again. They got to a championship game, landed top recruits. just cause he leaves for a better job they are pissed. Grow up Memphis fans!!! Cal brought you 9 great years of basketball.

I don't disagree with this one bit but isn't this the same way many people talk about Pitino? I know he is coaching at Louisville now and most UK fans hate Louisville but Pitino left for a pro gig and did a lot of great things while at UK. Just seems pretty hypocritical.
I don't disagree with this one bit but isn't this the same way many people talk about Pitino? I know he is coaching at Louisville now and most UK fans hate Louisville but Pitino left for a pro gig and did a lot of great things while at UK. Just seems pretty hypocritical.

As i said before, I was very happy for what Rick did for us. Our job wasn't available when he was looking and he obviously made the right choice financially so it doesn't bother me.

The things he has said and done regarding our program since he has been at UL have been shady and disrespectful, so I have nothing for him now.

In 20 years, he comes back to Rupp, I am sure he will be politely applauded, unless he pulls some more Bledsoe crap or continues his snide remarks.
Pitino going to Louisville changed everything but he also wanted to prove that he was the sole reason for the success during his time at UK and wanted to show he could do that at UL too . So he didn't just betray UK , he wanted to prove himself against UK . Pitino absolutely thought he would dominate UK or at least get the best of us , of course UK has dominated Pitino :boxing: .

This is on the money.
Am I the only one that sees a similarity between this guy at Memphis and the Pres at INC? This guy is opting to follow local opinion rather than stepping up to the issue. The Pres at INC is failing to take responsibility and self report/self penalize most likely due to the same fear of local opinion. Memphis is a much less severe and onerous situation than INC but both show a distinct lack of ownership of the situation.

I guess its just another symptom of general trend of leaders not possessing the "nads" to "Do the Right Thing". Sad example for a leader to set if you ask me.
Am I the only one that sees a similarity between this guy at Memphis and the Pres at INC? This guy is opting to follow local opinion rather than stepping up to the issue. The Pres at INC is failing to take responsibility and self report/self penalize most likely due to the same fear of local opinion. Memphis is a much less severe and onerous situation than INC but both show a distinct lack of ownership of the situation.

I guess its just another symptom of general trend of leaders not possessing the "nads" to "Do the Right Thing". Sad example for a leader to set if you ask me.

I'm still not buying any of it at the moment. He spoke to no one before hand abut this? Didn't ask anyone? No fred Smyth?

I wouldn't doubt Memphis doing it on purpose.
Hypocritical bastards. They loved him while he was there, and would have keep him employed as their coach until he dropped dead.

I guess they want to pretend this about the NCAA infractions involving Rose, for which Cal had no direct responsibility. This is just pathetic sour grapes. Their program has gone to crap and they're angry about it, and Cal is a convenient scapegoat.

The real problem is an inept young coach and conference re-alignment that has left Memphis on the outside looking in. Now they've brought immense embarrassment on the university with this crap.

A PR sh!t storm needs to be unleashed on these tools. Most importantly however, I'd like to see some of Cal's former players at Memphis speak out about this.
What are you talking about? Memphis is a gorgeous and underrated city, plenty of reasons for recruits to go there.



Holy crap, is that really Memphis? looks like the slums of Harlem or somewhere like that. Hell Up in Harlem or Black Caesar comes to mind. Pay the cost to be the boss
I'm no fan of Coach Calipari, but this was bush league.

When I first read the letter, I honestly thought it was a joke someone was posting.
The Pitino and Cal situations have too many differences to be comparable.

Pitino is currently coaching our biggest rival, a team we play every season in a city 70 miles away.

The Louisville/Kentucky rivalry is by far the most heated in college basketball.

If we were to do something like this for Pitino right now I think Kentucky fans would go along with it and give him his due but only because 1. The current state of the program is as good as it's ever been and 2. We've completely dominated them in recent years.

Had we done it a few years ago when Pitino was inducted and they were coming off a title while we were in the NIT I'm not sure how it would have went over.

As others mentioned there was some backlash over the ad(personally I don't even remember that so it must not have been that big of a deal).

What if it had happened 6 years after Pitino took the UL job when we were right in the middle of the worst 4 year stretch in the programs history?

Initially I thought the Memphis fan base looked petty and ignorant but honestly I feel for them because they're not likely to ever have another coach as good as Cal. If Pastner ever works out he's going to leave them for Arizona.

I think the president of the university is the one that comes out looking the worst. He's embarrassed his fan base and his university and left a black mark in an incident that won't likely be forgotten by the media and fans for a long time.
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Pitino left for Boston and nobody thought less of him , his move to a rival and in state Louisville is what brought the dislike . Cal left Memphis for the best program and a school Memphis never plays . That you can't make the distinction between those two situations tells me you are a moron or you ignored it to fit your agenda .
It just amazes me that anyone would think memphis fans would be ok with this. If cal were to leave next year and then all the recruits were to follow him and we ended up getting sanctions for something a player did that cal knew nothing about, i seriously doubt many people would want to honor him a few years later. Calling me a moron because i can look at something without blue tinted glasses on just shows your stupidity. Its a wonder why our fanbase gets blasted by others so much.
Horseshit. Pitino was loved in Boston when he left. Louisville is a different matter. Rivals are rivals.

Ridiculous take. How old are you?14?

Memphis a a mid major dump. Good luck in the future competing against Tulane. Good luck hanging your hat on a football program that hasn't done jack shit except 1 meaningless bowl (that turned into Memphis thuggery).

Idiots. All of you. Run along coward.
How does what i said make me a coward? I didnt say the situations were the same, just that i wouldnt see why memphis fans would want to honor cal.
How does what i said make me a coward? I didnt say the situations were the same, just that i wouldnt see why memphis fans would want to honor cal.

Give it up. Time to get back to and their ancient 1995 platform.

Memphis, lol. I just love the football program comments I keep reading. They actually think they have a good football program. It's a sad, sad athletic department and they are falling apart.
By the way, the Memphis logo is still hanging, and some of his former UM players are there. He is going to be classy until the very end.

Memphis is pure trash, just like their city.
You support your school. I can respect that. Just don't act all high and mighty. You were probably right there living and dying by every Calipari/Memphis game. Don't act like this decision is some righteous victory for the "honorable" supporters of Memphis. Get real. Look at your own program's history. One single coach isn't to blame for those transgressions. I know you don't speak for all Memphis fans, but I think this is why there is such a fierce backlash from UK fans.

None of us really care about what happened at Memphis, or care about what Memphis does not. I assure you, Calipari doesn't either.
Ok i guess i have to respond to every rocket scientist on here. I am not a memphis fan. I am a UK fan and i love cal as our coach. I just think its stupid that anyone is making fun of memphis and their fanbase. Uk is the best program in college and i dont think we need to worry about any other school much less memphis who hasnt accomplished much of anything aside from what cal did.
Ok i guess i have to respond to every rocket scientist on here. I am not a memphis fan. I am a UK fan and i love cal as our coach. I just think its stupid that anyone is making fun of memphis and their fanbase. Uk is the best program in college and i dont think we need to worry about any other school much less memphis who hasnt accomplished much of anything aside from what cal did.

ok "francis" if thats even your name!

who the F&^% cares about the little kids table that is memphis? No one.

But when they try and make Cal look like a fool, you damn right I'll be the first in line to slap 'em down. They low down, they dirty, they some bitches. The "memphis" way. They are a Pathetic excuse for a town and university.

I would think a real UK fan would understand that.
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ok "francis" if thats even your name!

who the F&^% cares about the little kids table that is memphis? No one.

But when they try and make Cal look like a fool, you damn right I'll be the first in line to slap 'em down. They low down, they dirty, they some bitches. The "memphis" way. They are a Pathetic excuse for a town and university.

I would think a real UK fan would understand that.
Its a nickname douche chill. Make sure u write a bunch of emails and call their administration and voice your displeasure cause im sure thats gonna make a difference since thats evidently what a real fan does....obviously one who doesnt have much of a life
ok "francis" if thats even your name!

who the F&^% cares about the little kids table that is memphis? No one.

But when they try and make Cal look like a fool, you damn right I'll be the first in line to slap 'em down. They low down, they dirty, they some bitches. The "memphis" way. They are a Pathetic excuse for a town and university.

I would think a real UK fan would understand that.
If noone cares about them then stfu about them
Its a nickname douche chill. Make sure u write a bunch of emails and call their administration and voice your displeasure cause im sure thats gonna make a difference since thats evidently what a real fan does....obviously one who doesnt have much of a life

I'll be sure and do that as soon as you pass the 7th grade.
If noone cares about them then stfu about them

It's not about them F-tard, it's about the situation. Did you forget what thread you opened? If you don't like that, see your ass to the next thread or back to your Memphis Bail Bondsman board.
I did as well. I encourage all of BBN to do the same if you truly care!!!!!!! Let those sissies know their sissy-ness. Hell yeaa GBB!!


And make sure and tell them the" little kids table" is full, so they'll have to go outside to the kiddy pool with Tulane.

lol, Cal said they sit at the Kids table, haha.