Here we go again with this Pitino/UK "same thing" garbage. What the hell is so hard about understanding there is ZERO in common between UK/Pitino and UM/Calipari? Like, nothing alike in the least. Actually, completely different situations and the only similarity is they coach basketball and changed jobs; that's it, so enough already.
You might not blame them for not wanting to do it, but it's ridiculous that a man that brought them more joy than any coach in their history is going to be drug through the mud simply because they "don't like how he left". Well, TOUGH. They were lucky just to have him for as long as they did, and really, he COULD have left for Arkansas, North Carolina State, and several others but chose to stay in Memphis so those shit fans could have their "08" season they love so much. They better not honor any teams under calipari, because without him those teams don't exist. unfortunately in this life, you rarely get it both ways; and thats what this is, fans wanting it both ways.
Cal was very good to Memphis. They are just pissed off their basketball program will never be relevant again, they know it, so they take their anger out on Cal. It's that simple. I live with this trash, and trust me, you don't want to try and legitimize their hypocrisy.
edit: let me add, Memphis BOAST about having huge pockets. They SAY they're going to do this and that and that and this yada yada, but guess what?
Nothing ever happens.
They talk, lots of talk, lots of bragging, because they are inferior to the UT system in this state, academically and athletically. Even in basketball UT is completely on par with Memphis, they just won't admit it. To put it another way, Memphis is F.O.S and irrelevant.