Mass shooting at Old National Bank in Downtown Louisville

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Good lord. Yes, she should be taught that. Yes, Americans need to feel those negative feelings when learning about the history of our country. Everyone should be taught an accurate history of the history and founding of this country and they can come to their own determination of whether the country is as good as is often claimed.
You really think that 13 year olds, with all the other shit they have going on(particularly girls) should be learning about the darkest time in our country? I don't have kids but I can tell you don't either.

And adding in the "(particularly girls)" is a bit gross here. "Oh my we can't give girls too much to think about, they already have their women's troubles to worry about"
Do you have kids? It wasn't in regards to that. I was thinking boyfriends and other social issues my niece is dealing with. We see where your head is though.
I simply said a lot can happen in 5 years no more no less. The idea has merits but a 5 year window is way too long when mental health is involved. Maybe it could be 2 years for certain purchases. Every single time for others. In my opinion, the checks should be every time you purchase since at any point something could set you off. I also think there should be mandatory retesting after the purchase. Maybe that’s every 5 years.
Zero chance of implementing a system where people have to regularly register to keep their firearms. It would be impossible to enforce, lead to multiple situations of attempts at enforcement leading to shootouts, and beyond that it wouldn't even be considered constitutional.

Interesting to see that is your suggestion in response to someone saying they would be okay with having a mandatory background check system in place.
You really think that 13 year olds, with all the other shit they have going on(particularly girls) should be learning about the darkest time in our country? I don't have kids but I can tell you don't either.
I think you’re the one who needs to go back to school because you’re coming off as by far the least educated person in this entire thread.
I don't want to discount what you're saying, but at least from my perspective, I am not sure that public shame will change the trajectory. I think that works only if you assume the people who commit these acts are motivated by fame and given that they almost always get killed, shame isn't a problem they have to worry about.
You missed the gist of what I was saying, I am NOT saying they are doing it for fame.

Look, if you are mad at the world and you want to cause as much pain as possible, what do we keep broadcasting in every one of these shooting? Mass public displays of mourning and funerals and speeches about how much this all hurts.

OF COURSE these nuts are going to pick the very thing we keep broadcasting to them is hurting us so much.

Again, WE"RE DOING IT WRONG. Stop with the public mourning. Instead, I want the first sentence out of the President's mouth to be calling the shooter out by name, calling them a terrorist, and then spend about 30 straight minutes just demonizing every aspect of the shooter as humanly possible. Then have every media outlet just eviscerate this person as the next Osama bin Laden for about 2 months solid.

All funerals, the President meeting the families, all mourning should be done privately.

All the weak gun control measures that are discussed in this thread, even if they are passed, will stop nothing. 3 months after every gun control measure talked about in this thread was passed there would be another shooting.

Until you change the narrative around these shootings from mass public mourning reflecting the very kind of pain these people are seeking to cause into a public hate-fest on the person doing the shooting you will change nothing.

If you want to stop these things then do what I say as it is as simple as that.
I think you’re the one who needs to go back to school because you’re coming off as by far the least educated person in this entire thread.
Well tell me where I'm wrong then genius.

Do you have stats that our education system is not a contributing factor in the mental health of children and young adults?
Well tell me where I'm wrong then genius.

Do you have stats that our education system is not a contributing factor in the mental health of children and young adults?
You might want to just sit this one out. I'm generally on your side of this debate and your responses range from "makes no sense" to "damages your argument".
Once again here we are with people quibbling over guns when the issue is mental health. Good people with guns are not a problem in this country, or any country. It is merely a tool. You want to address the problem, then go to the source of it. Warped minds and twisted ideologies. This country has a mental health crisis and it needs to be addressed head on. No sane, rational person experiences some sort of hardship in life and comes to the conclusion the solution is to shoot up a bunch of people.
Can’t it be both? It simply has to be both. That’s obvious to anyone who doesn’t have their head in the sand at least. There are way too many dangerous weapons available and they’re way too easy to get. There’s also a massive mental health issue. So why would it make sense to make guns so easy to get in a country with so many mentally ill people in it? The problem is that one side says it’s only guns (not true) and the other will say it’s anything but guns (not true and mostly a way to deflect from the whole issue). Common sense says it’s both.

The problem is that (a) republicans say it’s mental health and then never agree to fund it and (b) once you start making it difficult to get guns and add common sense measures, you cry that your rights are being infringed on. So since that’s the case, just stop saying it’s mental health and quit BSing everyone. You’re not budging on guns, just admit it. Even if the other side moves, you won’t. Admit that children being ripped to pieces is just an unfortunate side effect to being allowed to have whatever gun you want. At least I would respect you and the others on here for being honest.
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You might want to just sit this one out. I'm generally on your side of this debate and your responses range from "makes no sense" to "damages your argument".
Fair enough. Not gonna lie though. Seeing those assignments really pissed me off, as well as her parents and many others.

I'll get back to my main point - something is seriously effed up when young people hate this country at the rate they do, which is part of the mental issues IMO. The education system is a contributing factor whether it is what they are teaching or what they aren't.

The gun issue has been beat to death. It's time to look at the other side.
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Can’t it be both? It simply has to be both. That’s obvious to anyone who doesn’t have their head in the sand at least. There are way too many dangerous weapons available and they’re way too easy to get. There’s also a massive mental health issue. So why would it make sense to make guns so easy to get in a country with so many mentally ill people in it? The problem is that one side says it’s only guns (not true) and the other will say it’s anything but guns (not true and mostly a way to deflect from the whole issue). Common sense says it’s both.

The problem is that (a) republicans say it’s mental health and then never agree to fund it and (b) once you start making it difficult to get guns and add common sense measures, you cry that your rights are being infringed on. So since that’s the case, just stop saying it’s mental health and quit BSing everyone. You’re not budging on guns, just admit it. Even if the other side moves, you won’t. Admit that children being ripped to pieces is just an unfortunate side effect to being allowed to have whatever gun you want. At least I would respect you and the others on here for being honest.
Youre barking up the wrong tree. I dont own any guns. Republicans are 100% in favor of passing mental health legislation and common sense gun laws. If Democrats would stop trying to tack on pork barrel projects or legislation they know Pubs will never agree to like they did with this last bill, itd get passed. The problem is the left has shown time and again that if you give them an inch they will take a mile. It's not right wing 2A guys shooting these places up. If you'd admit that is a problem for time immemorial, take some ownership of it, and why we can't sit down at the table to pass common sense legislation, I'd at least respect you and others on here.
Fair enough. Not gonna lie though. Seeing those assignments really pissed me off, as well as her parents and many others.

I'll get back to my main point - something is seriously effed up when young people hate this country at the rate they do, which is part of the mental issues IMO. The education system is a contributing factor whether it is what they are teaching or what they aren't.
You're getting a little ganged up on but there is certainly worth in the point you are raising. There absolutely is a whole lot wrong with our public school system and the repercussions for what has gone on are unknown at this point, so you raising concern is 100% legitimate as we just don't know yet what all these changes are doing to our youth.

I know 100% that if I had a young school age kids that I would home school them. I am that certain that something is tragically wrong with our schools. Thankfully mine are grown.

So maybe the tie-in isn't direct enough in this thread for what just happened, but that doesn't mean that you are not bringing anything to the discussion despite the piling on. The remark about you appearing to be the least educated person in this thread was a low blow and little more than spiteful hogwash.
Republicans are 100% in favor of passing mental health legislation
Show me one bill put forth by Republicans at the state or federal level that does just this. To my knowledge, the last time this was pushed at the federal level every single House republican voted against it. Greg Abbott cut mental health services in Texas and then started carrying on about mental health after Uvalde.

I just don't buy this claim at all.
Show me one bill put forth by Republicans at the state or federal level that does just this. To my knowledge, the last time this was pushed at the federal level every single House republican voted against it. Greg Abbott cut mental health services in Texas and then started carrying on about mental health after Uvalde.

I just don't buy this claim at all.
I like how you omitted the rest of my statement explaining exactly why they didnt.
You're getting a little ganged up on but there is certainly worth in the point you are raising. There absolutely is a whole lot wrong with our public school system and the repercussions for what has gone on are unknown at this point, so you raising concern is 100% legitimate as we just don't know yet what all these changes are doing to our youth.

I know 100% that if I had a young school age kids that I would home school them. I am that certain that something is tragically wrong with our schools. Thankfully mine are grown.

So maybe the tie-in isn't direct enough in this thread for what just happened, but that doesn't mean that you are not bringing anything to the discussion despite the piling on. The remark about you appearing to be the least educated person in this thread was a low blow and little more than spiteful hogwash.
Thank you. Happy that I’m not alone in seeing that.

While my education isn’t exemplary, it was enough to take me around the country for the past 25 years and now be semi/mostly retired at 50.
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The point is - these kids/young adults are being told at some point, likely college but some high school that the United States is not a good country and that sticks with them. If they are also hearing that at home it only exacerbates that thought.
Has it ever occurred to you that young adults are learning accurate history about our country and its past and present issues and forming these opinions on their own?

My god, the belief that high school and colleges are these horrible places grooming and warping minds to believe American is a crap country is really astounding.
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Well tell me where I'm wrong then genius.

Do you have stats that our education system is not a contributing factor in the mental health of children and young adults?
Asking someone to prove a negative is not exactly a stellar debate technique. You’re simply throwing out an opinion and saying, “prove me wrong.” How about doing a little Googling to back up your opinion with facts? I practically guarantee you’ll find nothing research based connecting school curriculum/educators to young adults/children hating America. It’s just wishful thinking because of your political views and exposure to conservative media.
Heard from a banker friend that the President of ONB was delayed by traffic and was in the parking lot when the shooting began. He too was supposed to be in the meeting.
Obviously this thread is going to get political, but this instance was sparked by a guy losing his job.

That has absolutely nothing to do with education, hatred of his country, or any other misleading concern the general population correlates this type of incident on.

I’m as pro gun as anyone, BUT you can’t deny when the idiots want to do this stupid shit they choose a certain weapon. Regardless of the argument against doing something to make the AR15 harder to get, you simply can’t deny the choice to use when carrying out this type of act.

The argument saying others are worse or whatever is like saying let’s not worry about pain pill addiction because oxy/opana, heroin and meth are worse……..ok then!

Not going to pretend to have a solution because until one side realizes it’s time to relinquish some of their so called freedom it’s all moot anyway. I’d hand over my AR15 right now without an issue as it’s in a safe that won’t be touched most likely ever anyway. The only weapons I have for home protection is our two 9mm and a 20 gauge shotgun. All the rest are put away and damn near useless to my life realistically.
Just to be clear: UK_Dallas doesn’t think teenage girls should learn about slavery because they have more important issues in their lives, like boyfriends.

This freaking guy. [laughing]
And apparently learning about that causes mental illness.
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Has it ever occurred to you that young adults are learning accurate history about our country and its past and present issues and forming these opinions on their own?

My god, the belief that high school and colleges are these horrible places grooming and warping minds to believe American is a crap country is really astounding.
For the record - is that 100% accurate, mostly accurate or kind of accurate?
For the record - is that 100% accurate, mostly accurate or kind of accurate?
More accurate than your claim that high school and colleges are telling kids to hate America and learning about slavery is causing mental illness.
Just found out the guy in his 40's was new to that bank and was a Xavier grad. He worked at a Cincy bank last year.
Putting people in jail for crimes that they did not commit just so that it’s not as hard for you to get the gun that you like is quite literally the most idiotic and unserious thing that I’ve ever heard.
Like his overlords, there is no bottom for that guy.

1. ARs are probably the most ubiquitous firearm in America. There are millions and millions of them. Banning them would do nothing to stop the supply for at least a decade.

2. The VAST majority of gun murders (including mass shootings) are committed with handguns. Admittedly, ARs appear to being increasingly used in mass shootings that are designed to capture the public's attention. Even though those types of shootings seem incredibly common due to the media attention, they thankfully are not.

The vast majority of mass shootings are drug related and committed with a handgun. Banning ARs would just be window dressing and have almost no measurable effect to reduce gun violence.

It would be the same WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING! mentality that led to all kinds of dumbass government abuse during COVID.

3. The AR platform is an incredibly versatile rifle. It has near limitless configurations. People use them for almost every conceivable use -- legal and illegal.

There are so many variations that defining what you mean by "AR" in order to ban that is basically impossible. (Google "featureless rifle California" if you want to see an example of the difficulty involved.)

4. As rudd said, most of what people object to about the AR are cosmetic details. It is a semi-automatic rifle that fires a relatively weak rifle round. Other than 22 long rifle, nearly every rifle is utterly devastating to mammals. In fact, that's the entire point.

By comparison, an AR is much more deadly than a handgun but much less deadly than many other rifles that no one believes should be banned.

Frankly, we should be glad that shotguns are not more popular with mass shooters because a generic pump action shotgun would cause much more carnage in your typical spree shooting at close quarters than an AR.

5. The federal assault weapons ban that was in effect in the 90s has caused many people (and many more people than will publicly admit it) to stockpile ARs, magazines, etc in case it is ever reinstated. That ban was also associated in many people's minds with the federal government tyranny in the 90s like Waco and Ruby Ridge.

Trying to reinstate the ban could cause much more bloodshed in this country than currently exists.

Thanks for the response. I didn't want you to think I had ignored it. I had stepped away and had some other plans tonight, so I'm just now getting back to it.

Your response primarily deals with the ban side of the equation, which I stated as a preference rather than a non-negotiable. I can understand parts of your argument. What I suggested in terms of making it difficult to get one of these guns quickly makes more sense to me. If you don't have the stomach to ban it, make it hard to acquire.

Furthermore, if they want to get one of these other rifles you cited, so be it. We know which well these nutjobs are going back to in order to commit their atrocities. It's the AR-15 time and time again. And it's because any schmuck with limited gun knowledge or training can pump off quick-trigger bursts and likely hit something (or many somethings) if they have enough ammo and anger and a willingness to die at the end of the day. At least with pistols or other guns, you need a certain degree of proficiency to kill a large number of people before you get what's coming to you.
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