Mass shooting at Old National Bank in Downtown Louisville

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Why do the gun control zealots always think if we can’t put more restrictions on guns, we have to do nothing?
what should we do then? I see a lot of discussion being dismissed as unconstitutional before it even has a chance to start.
Also, what is unconstitutional about requiring a mental health evaluation to obtain a firearm? Is it not illegal to own a firearm if you have certain types of mental illnesses? No one is keeping you from getting your gun. But if it’s illegal to own one with a mental illness then it isn’t crazy to be required to pass an evaluation first.

Why not figure out if the person is crazy before they buy it? Instead we figure out a week after they bought it, once they have slaughtered many innocent lives.
I don't think a mental health evaluation requirement would be constitutional under the Bruen decision I posted above because that looks like a "may-issue" statutory scheme rather than a "shall-issue" statutory scheme.

That said, I think you are going to see states pass such laws (especially bluer states) and then it will go up to SCOTUS to see if that passes constitutional muster.

I think that is a great thing. That's the way the system is intended to work. States are the laboratories of democracy and it is a good thing to try different approaches to see what works best. It is also the job of SCOTUS to prevent states from infringing on constitutional rights of citizens and can only do so after a law has been passed.

I think the extreme of both sides of the argument are very, very guilty of not even being willing to entertain some sort of middle ground solution. The vocal minorities who scream about how guns should be outright banned or about how there should be no new laws whatsoever are so obnoxious and entrenched that reasonable, well-intentioned people find it hard to even discuss the subject.
I don't think a mental health evaluation requirement would be constitutional under the Bruen decision I posted above because that looks like a "may-issue" statutory scheme rather than a "shall-issue" statutory scheme.

That said, I think you are going to see states pass such laws (especially bluer states) and then it will go up to SCOTUS to see if that passes constitutional muster.

I think that is a great thing. That's the way the system is intended to work. States are the laboratories of democracy and it is a good thing to try different approaches to see what works best. It is also the job of SCOTUS to prevent states from infringing on constitutional rights of citizens and can only do so after a law has been passed.

I think the extreme of both sides of the argument are very, very guilty of not even being willing to entertain some sort of middle ground solution. The vocal minorities who scream about how guns should be outright banned or about how there should be no new laws whatsoever are so obnoxious and entrenched that reasonable, well-intentioned people find it hard to even discuss the subject.
Thank you for giving me a reason and something to look into instead of just deeming it unconstitutional without any reasoning to back that.

I couldn’t agree with you more. I am by no means on the side that we must ban all guns. But, we have got to find some middle ground somewhere. We’ve got to find a solution.

We have both a mental illness issue and a gun issue. We have far too many mentally ill who don’t have access to healthcare. And those same people are able to buy and obtain a gun in a very very short period of time.
what should we do then? I see a lot of discussion being dismissed as unconstitutional before it even has a chance to start.

If I was banning anything, it would be social media for children, not guns for everyone. Or age restrict the content and ability of children to interact with each other. China does it right (from an authoritarian dystopia point of view) where US children are fed mindless drivel on TikTok, and Chinese children are shown science and math.

We would have real physical and mental health discussions. The body positivity movement would be squashed, and people would be encouraged to maintain healthy diets and exercise.

We’d stop resorting to patentable, profitable pharmaceuticals as “solutions” to every problem.

We’d reverse the decades of drug policy and welfare policy that make single parent households the norm in certain communities.

But ultimately, there are going to be zero solutions that run through Washington. Banning guns would be ineffective, but people could claim victory, and that’s all that really matters to most.
Also, what is unconstitutional about requiring a mental health evaluation to obtain a firearm? Is it not illegal to own a firearm if you have certain types of mental illnesses? No one is keeping you from getting your gun. But if it’s illegal to own one with a mental illness then it isn’t crazy to be required to pass an evaluation first.

Why not figure out if the person is crazy before they buy it? Instead we figure out a week after they bought it, once they have slaughtered many innocent lives.
It is not legal to assume you are guilty of having mental illness and must prove otherwise. The gun purchase application asks if you use drugs, treated for mental illness. Are you a convicted felon etc.... It is a federal crime to lie on the form....unless you are Hunter Biden.
I am for Red Flag restrictions that are not just a place for angry leftists to turn in their neighbors. It should be administered under control of a judge in a court and with a doc signing off on the mental state of the flagged. If done frivolously the tipper should be heavily fined for filing a false report. Fear that the govt will abuse this is a rational fear. Start there.
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I guess I'm naive enough to think that "HATE AMERICA!" is not as prevalent in schools as the media would like me to believe.
You are. Do you honestly think that the racial essentialism that is permeating every level of our culture is kept out of schools? You said yourself you see more adults disrespecting America than you do kids, as if that buttresses your argument. It doesn't. Where do you think these adults learned this stuff? Who teaches our kids? Who coaches our kids? These very same adults. I'm not getting this stuff from media. I know many teachers and administrators who deal with it daily. And this is in Kentucky. Just imagine CA, NY, DC, etc.
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Well then, I guess we go nothing and innocent people continue to get shot in places they should be safe. But at least we have our guns.
That is not an argument I have made. If you want honest debate then we find areas of agreement. First there must be agreement that the use of an AR15 is mostly a strawman. These are high profile and very low number incidents. But certainly focusing on WHO and WHY these killers are doing what the do is a good place to start. They largely are the same "kid." Target the who and the why and the how with them. But the facts from the Govts own data shows that only a few percent of murders are committed by rifles. Crime in general is the same. Criminals want to conceal their gun. Its tough to hide a rifle. So are we going to make law to make people feel good because they dont see a school or bank attacked by a crazy person? Is that the motivation?
If I was banning anything, it would be social media for children, not guns for everyone. Or age restrict the content and ability of children to interact with each other. China does it right (from an authoritarian dystopia point of view) where US children are fed mindless drivel on TikTok, and Chinese children are shown science and math.

We would have real physical and mental health discussions. The body positivity movement would be squashed, and people would be encouraged to maintain healthy diets and exercise.

We’d stop resorting to patentable, profitable pharmaceuticals as “solutions” to every problem.

We’d reverse the decades of drug policy and welfare policy that make single parent households the norm in certain communities.

But ultimately, there are going to be zero solutions that run through Washington. Banning guns would be ineffective, but people could claim victory, and that’s all that really matters to most.
You have some valid points.

I certainly agree with you on the points of social media. Not sure about banning it outright, but an age restriction could be an idea. I think a large reason for the decline of mental health stems from social media. I know first hand from an experience of my own in middle school how social media can be used as a vile form of bullying.

Wife was actually just talking to me about in college there was a social media app that allowed people to post completely anonymous. As you can imagine, there was just absolutely disgusting things being said about others.
Mental health screenings are not the best way to evaluate someone. It's easy to prepare for a test. The best way and one that most gun control pushers will reject is mental health crisis's being reported to NICS. Then the bg check would be denied.

However, even a lot of people who are pro gun control do not want peoples mental health records in the system. Even though that could have prevented several lately.

The other issue is what is considered a mental problem. Not long ago a trans person would be labeled mentally ill. Someone like Fetterman who was depressed so he checked into a hospital, is that a denial?

I know someone who was put on a 72 hr hold and ended up staying a week. He could have gotten out after the hold and immediately bought a firearm after 3 days earlier making threats to himself and others. That probably shouldn't be the case.
People following the law as do millions of Americans would comply until thrown out by SCOTUS due to it being totally unconstitutional. Do you really think killers follow the rules? They would simply steal the gun or get from a thriving black market as they do now.
So then let’s do nothing? Because that’s sure as hell what you’re implying.
You said yourself you see more adults disrespecting America than you do kids, as if that buttresses your argument. It doesn't. Where do you think these adults learned this stuff? Who teaches our kids? Who coaches our kids? These very same adults.
Honestly, these adults that I referred to don't "hate America" and haven't been taught that. They are too lazy and indifferent to stand or take their hat off because they are "ME first and to hell with everyone else". They are too lazy to coach or teach or even work a concession stand. That's a whole different thread.

I'm guess I'm just tired of seeing today's youth getting thrown under the bus by people that watch cable news all day and are told what to believe and that letters are out to get them. If that's not you, then great. I hate that your experience is different than mine. I'm friends with our superintendent, hs pricipal and several teachers in our district and surrounding counties and there is no "hate America" rhetoric coming from them. I'm willing to bet that our district is more of the norm in KY than the "hate America" thing we are supposed to be afraid of. Is there some out there? Sure. Will there always be a small number of kids that lock on to something to hate whether it's America or whatever the flavor of the month is? Sure. Will these kids always get the most attention from media and message board posters? Yep.

If my thoughts on this makes me naive then so be it. I'll keep volunteering at school events and trying to be as positive as I can all while looking for the best escape route to point kids toward in case something happens.
Can someone explain to me what the impetus was/is behind this KY state law that these crime scene weapons must be put up for auction and can't be destroyed. Surely to goodness we all agree that is absurd.
I’m not shocked but this needs context. Government seizures (cars, boats, guns, and knives, etc) are consistently up for auction to fund first responders & schools. I have been on the site and looked at auctioned items but they don’t have information on what circumstance they were seized.

While on its face it’s morbid. But if you are against it with guns (specifically this one) then the same logic would be applied to a lot more items that are used to provide money to places that need resources.

If you want every item seized in criminal proceedings, destroyed, I understand. However this would need wide application and every drug dealers cars, atvs, boats, would also need to be destroyed.

Funding could be pulled elsewhere to make up for the loss of revenue.

Just adding a little more context.
Did you lose anybody close to Covid?
Yes. My Gma who was also my closest family member. She was 97. And still it shouldn’t have meant we all stay home and close everything down. She should stay home, not all of gods creation. It’s such a dumb argument.

It’s also obviously been proven to be a poor choice for everyone. You want to stay home, wear a mask, get shots, do it. Doesn’t mean we all should.
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If I was banning anything, it would be social media for children, not guns for everyone. Or age restrict the content and ability of children to interact with each other. China does it right (from an authoritarian dystopia point of view) where US children are fed mindless drivel on TikTok, and Chinese children are shown science and math.
I'll push back slightly on this. While social media can have a negative impact on kids, it can also have a negative impact on adults who raise those kids. I've repeated myself on this issue in the past so I won't go into specifics yet again, but I've read/heard about abhorrent behavior from adults who use social media (including here), from mocking tragedies to using their platform of choice to make various threats or push false information to hurt others. You don't want responsible gun owners to feel they're being punished for the sins of others and I understand that, but banning kids from creating TikTok videos would be punishing them, and in a lot of cases kids aren't the ones causing mass destruction. In a lot of cases, they're the ones running from it with blood on their clothes as their friends lay dead. We have a people problem in this country and until that's fixed, until we begin showing compassion and not living to troll each other or laugh about violent acts just because, it's going to continue. We should all work to limit ourselves from social media, but to make children go through active shooter drills and then tell them "no more social media for you" as if this is all their fault misses the mark a bit.

America has never been Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood but because of social media, because we're able to find and run to our little comfort media bubbles of choice, we've become a less compassionate, meaner society. So if you're going to limit or ban children from social media, you might want to start with us adults first. The rest of your post I largely agree with.
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Guys, really appreciate you letting me know there is American pride in rural KY!! I definitely had questions.

I'd say that is the case for 80-85% of the land mass in our country.
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I’m not shocked but this needs context. Government seizures (cars, boats, guns, and knives, etc) are consistently up for auction to fund first responders & schools. I have been on the site and looked at auctioned items but they don’t have information on what circumstance they were seized.

While on its face it’s morbid. But if you are against it with guns (specifically this one) then the same logic would be applied to a lot more items that are used to provide money to places that need resources.

If you want every item seized in criminal proceedings, destroyed, I understand. However this would need wide application and every drug dealers cars, atvs, boats, would also need to be destroyed.

Funding could be pulled elsewhere to make up for the loss of revenue.

Just adding a little more context.
Thanks for that answer. I didn't know this was even a thing.
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People following the law as do millions of Americans would comply until thrown out by SCOTUS due to it being totally unconstitutional. Do you really think killers follow the rules? They would simply steal the gun or get from a thriving black market as they do now.
You’re right, let’s continue to do nothing since that’s worked so well so far
Youre barking up the wrong tree. I dont own any guns. Republicans are 100% in favor of passing mental health legislation and common sense gun laws. If Democrats would stop trying to tack on pork barrel projects or legislation they know Pubs will never agree to like they did with this last bill, itd get passed. The problem is the left has shown time and again that if you give them an inch they will take a mile. It's not right wing 2A guys shooting these places up. If you'd admit that is a problem for time immemorial, take some ownership of it, and why we can't sit down at the table to pass common sense legislation, I'd at least respect you and others on here.
I’m good with common sense legislation plus other things to include mental health (and actually funding it). If we even mention common sense legislation on here, most people complain that somehow infringes on their rights. They refuse to bend at all
This bill, passed by our Kentucky legislators, which became law in March of 2023, declares that the state will not enforce any federal gun laws or regulations.

Think any of them regret it?

Why does the left consistently oppose hardening targets such as schools?
I was against it for a while from the standpoint of how it made me feel that my kids have to go to a school that looks and feels like a prison with guards etc. But hell that’s where we are now. Kids already have to practice hiding in case someone is there to murder them and rip them to unrecognizable pieces so seeing a guard there isn’t the worst thing.

Since we’ve decided as a country after Sandy Hook that we’re not going to address the gun issue and dead kids are just a sad side effect, then hardening schools is a solution that makes sense along with tackling and funding mental health, etc.

But I then ask, don’t we then have to “harden” wherever the next hot place is for nuts to mow people down with ARs? It’s schools right now but where do they go next if we harden schools? Aren’t we just shifting the problem elsewhere? Banks? Churches? I guess at least then our kids are protected and they’ll just be murdering adults right?
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If I was banning anything, it would be social media for children, not guns for everyone. Or age restrict the content and ability of children to interact with each other. China does it right (from an authoritarian dystopia point of view) where US children are fed mindless drivel on TikTok, and Chinese children are shown science and math.

We would have real physical and mental health discussions. The body positivity movement would be squashed, and people would be encouraged to maintain healthy diets and exercise.

We’d stop resorting to patentable, profitable pharmaceuticals as “solutions” to every problem.

We’d reverse the decades of drug policy and welfare policy that make single parent households the norm in certain communities.

But ultimately, there are going to be zero solutions that run through Washington. Banning guns would be ineffective, but people could claim victory, and that’s all that really matters to most.
We have no idea of what the effect on children will be to what we have allowed them to be exposed to, not to mention 6-12 hours a day of violent video games.

Frankly, I don't know how a child survives mentally intact with all we're throwing at them. Then of course the transvestites show up to read to what's left of them.

I don't have words for what we're doing to children with absolutely no idea of how it all will affect them long term, or even short term for the most part. We just dumped it all on them and hoped they'd figure it out.

Am I a boy? Am I a girl? Why am I afraid of girls but not boys? What if I get shot? Why is that man dressed up like a woman? Want to play Halo for 9 hours after school?
I was against it for a while from the standpoint of how it made me feel that my kids have to go to a school that looks and feels like a prison with guards etc. But hell that’s where we are now. Kids already have to practice hiding in case someone is there to murder them and rip them to unrecognizable pieces so seeing a guard there isn’t the worst thing.

Since we’ve decided as a country after Sandy Hook that we’re not going to address the gun issue and dead kids are just a sad side effect, then hardening schools is a solution that makes sense along with tackling and funding mental health, etc.

But I then ask, don’t we then have to “harden” wherever the next hot place is for nuts to mow people down with ARs? It’s schools right now but where do they go next if we harden schools? Aren’t we just shifting the problem elsewhere? Banks? Churches? I guess at least then our kids are protected and they’ll just be murdering adults right?
I’m afraid it’s only a matter of time before there’s a mass shooting at a major sporting event.
Is anyone trying to prevent slavery, redlining, or Jim Crow from being taught in school? There may be, but I don't think those topics are the issue with "teaching kids to hate America."

My 1st grade son and I were watching the NCAA tournament and he told me he hated Maryland because they allowed slavery.

Why the f are they teaching 7 year olds about this? They can’t begin to comprehend it.
I’m good with common sense legislation plus other things to include mental health (and actually funding it). If we even mention common sense legislation on here, most people complain that somehow infringes on their rights. They refuse to bend at all
I have no problem at all with expanded background checks, mental health screenings, increasing funding all around for mental health resources at schools etc. I argue for the 2A because to me it is about the principle. Even though I own no guns. I absolutely wish the idiot politicians on both sides would quit the bullshit and make some hard compromises. This stuff HAS to stop.
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I have no problem at all with expanded background checks, mental health screenings, increasing funding all around for mental health resources at schools etc. I argue for the 2A because to me it is about the principle. Even though I own no guns. I absolutely wish the idiot politicians on both sides would quit the bullshit and make some hard compromises. This stuff HAS to stop.
Those things, and every other thing proposed in this thread will do nothing. You'll have more shootings less than 3 months after they are inacted.

You have to tackle the root cause of the problem. The pain these events are publicly causing as it is nectar to those wishing to inflict pain on a world they failed in. Tackle the root cause or watch them continue.

Change the message coming out of the shooting. Go all in on bashing everything about the shooters by name and brand them as terrorists loudly, publicly, and often.

Hold all the funerals and meetings in private. Mourn in private. Publicly bash the shooters non-stop from all avenues available.

In short, make them something nobody wants to copy.
I'm watching CNN coverage right now and it is guaranteed to produce more shootings. They are explaining the motives of the shooter. Examining his life with people talking about how he was good and this is so shocking. Showing the massive pain this event has had on everyone around it.

In other words. exactly what the shooter wanted. And others will take note. We never learn. Our messaging after these shooting is perpetuating them. Advertising their effectiveness. We are fools and we learn nothing from them.

All this repetitive talk about absolutely pointless weak gun control legislation is absurd.
Those things, and every other thing proposed in this thread will do nothing. You'll have more shootings less than 3 months after they are inacted.

You have to tackle the root cause of the problem. The pain these events are publicly causing as it is nectar to those wishing to inflict pain on a world they failed in. Tackle the root cause or watch them continue.

Change the message coming out of the shooting. Go all in on bashing everything about the shooters by name and brand them as terrorists loudly, publicly, and often.

Hold all the funerals and meetings in private. Mourn in private. Publicly bash the shooters non-stop from all avenues available.

In short, make them something nobody wants to copy.
Maybe, but I think these people live for the infamy. I don't know that branding them changes how they see themselves being publicized. The same people who want to copycat this bullshit aren't going to see them as any different than they did before.

I don't know how you don't publicize one of these shootings because it's obviously news, but I do agree that doing so is a big part of the problem.
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