Mass shooting at Old National Bank in Downtown Louisville

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It's also irrelevant....and it proves that gun laws like Chicago's are pointless. Bad gonna be bad however possible.
And states that border Chicago make it easier for the bad to do bad things. There are certainly issues within the city of Chicago that need to be addressed but relaxed gun laws in bordering states have shown to be a contributor in how easy it is for bad people to get ahold of guns.
No...just bringing it down to your level by equating it to Fetterman. Would a Kamala word salad clip suit be better for you?
A Trump supporter talking about bringing intelligence down to someone's level is funny. Go a little further and we will get down to your level. Once we get there, we can use words like covfefe and talk about how we controlled the airports during the revolutionary war.
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Just one link stating that the majority of guns used in Chicago crime come from outside of Illinois. That was his point
Isn’t there a law about bringing guns across state lines to commit a crime? So do laws not work? Or will bad people with guns commit crimes because they want to and good people with guns not commit crimes because they don’t want to?
Isn’t there a law about bringing guns across state lines to commit a crime? So do laws not work? Or will bad people with guns commit crimes because they want to and good people with guns not commit crimes because they don’t want to?
Wouldn't have been an issue if those other states didn't have gun laws that were more lax than Illinois. I am guessing since they know which guns came from Indiana that they were purchased legally there by someone who couldn't purchase in IL. Ultimately, if someone wants to find a gun they will but why are we making it easy for people to cross state lines to purchase a gun they couldn't purchase in their home state. We should make it as difficult as possible for those who use guns to commit crimes to get those guns. The current laws in Indiana etc make it easier than it should be.
The bigger issue is what about the other shootings that the current laws don’t fix? Let’s just keep doing the same things, right?

No. “Let’s just keep doing the same things” is mind numbingly stupid and there’s 17 pages of suggestions of things to do differently.
Those in public office need to carry out the will of the people:

Isn’t there a law about bringing guns across state lines to commit a crime? So do laws not work? Or will bad people with guns commit crimes because they want to and good people with guns not commit crimes because they don’t want to?
I don't know the specifics when it comes to Illinois laws on transporting guns but the whole "to commit a crime" part is something that is illegal everywhere.
The issue that stands out here is that the police have been called on this guy many times. What the f are we supposed to do?
The guy is here illegally. Why does he even have a gun? That for starters. It HAS TO BE illegally obtained. Does it not? He cannot own it...being illegal. If the border were secure then the Honduran's here illegally would not be here to have been shot. But for the local cops. Why did they not arrest him and give him to the feds to deport.
"Shall not be infringed"....even by those in public office.
Those aren't exactly infringements. The laws are no different than saying convicted felons aren't allowed to possess firearms. Are you going to argue that those rights aren't being infringed? Why should red flag laws, mental illness, or repeated threats to the welfare of others be any different?
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The guy is here illegally. Why does he even have a gun? That for starters. It HAS TO BE illegally obtained. Does it not? He cannot own it...being illegal. If the border were secure then the Honduran's here illegally would not be here to have been shot. But for the local cops. Why did they not arrest him and give him to the feds to deport.
Not sure how he managed to cross that secure border illegally at least 5 times.

Suspect in Texas massacre had been deported 4 times after entering US illegally, ICE source says​

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The Chicago gun law argument has been debunked plenty. Do a little research. Part of it is Chicago is surrounded by some of the weakest gun law states in the country.
So if we all the same gun laws and every state was equal, do you not think guns would be pouring in from Mexico like weed, illegals, fentanyl, cocaine, pills, etc?

If we all turn in our guns, do you think Chicago would be different? Simple answer is no.
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Illinoi's own gun laws allow residents to purchase shotguns or rifles from several adjoining states...

"Sec. 3a. (a) Any resident of Illinois who has obtained a firearm owner’s identification card pursuant to this Act and who is not otherwise prohibited from obtaining, possessing or using a firearm may purchase or obtain a rifle or shotgun or ammunition for a rifle or shotgun in Iowa, Missouri, Indiana, Wisconsin or Kentucky."

The gun being purchased must also be legal to purchase in Illinois, so any guns on their "banned" list are unable to be legally purchased out of state. Handguns purchased out of state have to be transferred to a dealer in Illinois to complete the background check.

Since probably 99% of the shootings in Chicago are done with handguns, residents aren't just taking a weekend to visit Gary and going home with a shiny new Glock because of the lax laws...

Straw buyers are a totally different story, and that is where the vast majority of the handguns are coming from (the ones that aren't stolen), but that is now a Federal charge, so it isn't like there isn't a law against it. Just one more law already on the books that isn't enforced. But i'm sure things will be different if we make some new laws this time!!
Louisville shooter had mental health struggles for a year according to reports. This could have/should have prevented him from buying guns.

Nashville shooter had mental health problems for years. This could have/should have prevented him/her from buying guns.

The illegal immigrant couldn't buy a gun legally.

Uvalde shooter showed obvious signs of mental health issues years before.

Could red flag laws have prevented these? Maybe. All I know Is even some staunch gun control organizations have concerns with restricting people's rights based on what could be a temporary mental health issue.

I could support it if it was written by people with brains not by members of Congress.
Louisville shooter had mental health struggles for a year according to reports. This could have/should have prevented him from buying guns.

Nashville shooter had mental health problems for years. This could have/should have prevented him/her from buying guns.

The illegal immigrant couldn't buy a gun legally.

Uvalde shooter showed obvious signs of mental health issues years before.

Could red flag laws have prevented these? Maybe. All I know Is even some staunch gun control organizations have concerns with restricting people's rights based on what could be a temporary mental health issue.

I could support it if it was written by people with brains not by members of Congress.
I guarantee that any intervention would have been construed as a violation of person's constitutional rights and the person attempting to intervene would end up being the bad guy. Particularly, if the person identifies as a protected class. That is why the streets are full of drug addicts and mentally unstable people, because if you say they are a danger then you are violating their constitutional right to live as they please.
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I don't know the specifics when it comes to Illinois laws on transporting guns but the whole "to commit a crime" part is something that is illegal everywhere.
So how are all these people as you say from outside of Chicago bringing their guns into the state and committing all these crimes? Who is responsible for locking these people up when they commit a crime, punishing them so they aren’t repeat offenders? Is the government in Chicago not enforcing the laws on the books?
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So how are all these people as you say from outside of Chicago bringing their guns into the state and committing all these crimes? Who is responsible for locking these people up when they commit a crime, punishing them so they aren’t repeat offenders? Is the government in Chicago not enforcing the laws on the books?
I don't know for sure. I don't live in Chicago, you'll have to ask someone who does. Or do some research
I do know one thing, criminals that murder people are DEFINITELY worried about the laws against transporting a gun
I was simply making a comment about he worded his sentence. He said "Isn’t there a law about bringing guns across state lines to commit a crime?" That's comparable to saying "you can't purchase a gun if you intend to use it to pistol whip somebody." Well no shit.
I don't know for sure. I don't live in Chicago, you'll have to ask someone who does. Or do some research
I think I know the answer… and it’s not good people with guns.
I was simply making a comment about he worded his sentence. He said "Isn’t there a law about bringing guns across state lines to commit a crime?" That's comparable to saying "you can't purchase a gun if you intend to use it to pistol whip somebody." Well no shit.
All those good people in Chicago that follow the laws have to worry about those out of town people bringing their guns into an otherwise gun free city 😉. I bet majority of those people a few weeks ago that caused a ruckus in downtown in the middle of the day came from out of town too 😉.
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I think I know the answer… and it’s not good people with guns.

All those good people in Chicago that follow the laws have to worry about those out of town people bringing their guns into an otherwise gun free city 😉. I bet majority of those people a few weeks ago that caused a ruckus in downtown in the middle of the day came from out of town too 😉.
We are not talking about the same thing so I'll leave the conversation as it is. Good day sir
I see we're at the part of the conversation where the issue has successfully been put on Chicago and only Chicago, as if Chicago is the only place where gun violence occurs. Chicago certainly has its share of problems and I wouldn't be heartbroken if the city voted for a Republican mayor just so the Chicago talking point could perhaps be taken off the table for once whenever a mass shooting happens, you know, not in Chicago. That's the thing - this is happening everywhere and more often. In small towns none of us knew existed and large cities millions visit every year.

Everyone is just sick of it. In Nashville, the focus became the entire transgendered population instead of one individual. In Louisville, people with no ties to the city and state (and some here who do have ties) seemed more upset that the shooter used He/Him in a social media profile. Cool, let's not ask why and how the shooting occurred, let's focus on pronouns like agenda driven idiots. In Cleveland, TX, I suppose the focus will be on illegal immigration (which, yes, is a big problem but how was this person able to have a gun so easily and fire off rounds in his front yard constantly while drinking?)

Those in public office need to carry out the will of the people:

These numbers will only grow as this continues and our "leaders" speak with empty words while (in some instances) cutting mental health funding behind our backs. Like I said weeks ago, think there are no solutions? Don't want to move an inch because the govt. makes you nervous? You'd rather rally around a weapon or the Second Amendment? All cool. But we're at a point where this is becoming an issue in the voting booth and Gen Z seems ready to make their voices heard. Want a prediction that involves national politics? Biden gets a second term and within a year tries for an assault weapons ban, and his talking point for it will be he's talked about it for a couple years, was voted back in, and his opponents offer no solutions (again, that'll be his talking point). Want another prediction? A majority will be in favor of it, if nothing else just to see if it can have a positive impact. Because "The People" want their leaders to at least try something that could make a dent in this problem. "The People" are tired of hollow tweets and somber pressers asking for prayers. We could pray eight hours a day and the problem would only continue.

Want one last prediction? The youth is going to start getting more involved in politics since many feel unsafe in schools, in businesses, in theaters, in restaurants, and at concerts. In a decade there will be stricter gun laws in many places and you're going to see several working in govt. whose background includes "mass shooting survivor."

(again, all predictions. Hell, Biden may lose and every state spits on shooting victims and allows no permits for guns across the board as we all start believing we're Billy The Kid)
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(again, all predictions. Hell, Biden may lose and every state spits on shooting victims and allows no permits for guns across the board as we all start believing we're Billy The Kid)

Your entire word salad of a thesis can be summarized with your last line...which takes the cake for full blown ignorant.
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I see we're at the part of the conversation where the issue has successfully been put on Chicago and only Chicago, as if Chicago is the only place where gun violence occurs. Chicago certainly has its share of problems and I wouldn't be heartbroken if the city voted for a Republican mayor just so the Chicago talking point could perhaps be taken off the table for once whenever a mass shooting happens, you know, not in Chicago. That's the thing - this is happening everywhere and more often. In small towns none of us knew existed and large cities millions visit every year.

Everyone is just sick of it. In Nashville, the focus became the entire transgendered population instead of one individual. In Louisville, people with no ties to the city and state (and some here who do have ties) seemed more upset that the shooter used He/Him in a social media profile. Cool, let's not ask why and how the shooting occurred, let's focus on pronouns like agenda driven idiots. In Cleveland, TX, I suppose the focus will be on illegal immigration (which, yes, is a big problem but how was this person able to have a gun so easily and fire off rounds in his front yard constantly while drinking?)

These numbers will only grow as this continues and our "leaders" speak with empty words while (in some instances) cutting mental health funding behind our backs. Like I said weeks ago, think there are no solutions? Don't want to move an inch because the govt. makes you nervous? You'd rather rally around a weapon or the Second Amendment? All cool. But we're at a point where this is becoming an issue in the voting booth and Gen Z seems ready to make their voices heard. Want a prediction that involves national politics? Biden gets a second term and within a year tries for an assault weapons ban, and his talking point for it will be he's talked about it for a couple years, was voted back in, and his opponents offer no solutions (again, that'll be his talking point). Want another prediction? A majority will be in favor of it, if nothing else just to see if it can have a positive impact. Because "The People" want their leaders to at least try something that could make a dent in this problem. "The People" are tired of hollow tweets and somber pressers asking for prayers. We could pray eight hours a day and the problem would only continue.

Want one last prediction? The youth is going to start getting more involved in politics since many feel unsafe in schools, in businesses, in theaters, in restaurants, and at concerts. In a decade there will be stricter gun laws in many places and you're going to see several working in govt. whose background includes "mass shooting survivor."

(again, all predictions. Hell, Biden may lose and every state spits on shooting victims and allows no permits for guns across the board as we all start believing we're Billy The Kid)

I agree about your point that inaction now will lead to possible overreaction later. You lost me at your wet dream about Biden getting re-elected though, but thats par for the course for you political weirdos.
I’ve had guns for 20+ years. Oddly, I’ve never shot anyone.
Ah, but it is possible that one of your guns got up and shot someone by itself. AR15's do that all the time. Especially when used by a trans. The gun not the shooter was responsible.
Those aren't exactly infringements. The laws are no different than saying convicted felons aren't allowed to possess firearms. Are you going to argue that those rights aren't being infringed? Why should red flag laws, mental illness, or repeated threats to the welfare of others be any different?
When does an arbitrary 30 day waiting period (without a reason) become 45 days, then 60 days then a year? I agree with reasonable measures that would stop CRIMINALS. Banning a scary looking gun that is no different from other rifles that do the exact same thing but do not look scary makes no sense. Deny the scary looking gun until 21 is fine with me. Background checks, certainly. Jailing those who lie on their form? Lets start with Hunter Biden or the rest is BS. Go after the POTUS son or you cannot justify going after me.

Mental health checks or red flag laws. SURE as long as that is not abused by the govt...who few of us trust any longer.
I see we're at the part of the conversation where the issue has successfully been put on Chicago and only Chicago, as if Chicago is the only place where gun violence occurs. Chicago certainly has its share of problems and I wouldn't be heartbroken if the city voted for a Republican mayor just so the Chicago talking point could perhaps be taken off the table for once whenever a mass shooting happens, you know, not in Chicago. That's the thing - this is happening everywhere and more often. In small towns none of us knew existed and large cities millions visit every year.

Everyone is just sick of it. In Nashville, the focus became the entire transgendered population instead of one individual. In Louisville, people with no ties to the city and state (and some here who do have ties) seemed more upset that the shooter used He/Him in a social media profile. Cool, let's not ask why and how the shooting occurred, let's focus on pronouns like agenda driven idiots. In Cleveland, TX, I suppose the focus will be on illegal immigration (which, yes, is a big problem but how was this person able to have a gun so easily and fire off rounds in his front yard constantly while drinking?)

These numbers will only grow as this continues and our "leaders" speak with empty words while (in some instances) cutting mental health funding behind our backs. Like I said weeks ago, think there are no solutions? Don't want to move an inch because the govt. makes you nervous? You'd rather rally around a weapon or the Second Amendment? All cool. But we're at a point where this is becoming an issue in the voting booth and Gen Z seems ready to make their voices heard. Want a prediction that involves national politics? Biden gets a second term and within a year tries for an assault weapons ban, and his talking point for it will be he's talked about it for a couple years, was voted back in, and his opponents offer no solutions (again, that'll be his talking point). Want another prediction? A majority will be in favor of it, if nothing else just to see if it can have a positive impact. Because "The People" want their leaders to at least try something that could make a dent in this problem. "The People" are tired of hollow tweets and somber pressers asking for prayers. We could pray eight hours a day and the problem would only continue.

Want one last prediction? The youth is going to start getting more involved in politics since many feel unsafe in schools, in businesses, in theaters, in restaurants, and at concerts. In a decade there will be stricter gun laws in many places and you're going to see several working in govt. whose background includes "mass shooting survivor."

(again, all predictions. Hell, Biden may lose and every state spits on shooting victims and allows no permits for guns across the board as we all start believing we're Billy The Kid)

Every city with a Soros funded DA spits on the victims of crime whether shooting or robbery or mugging or all the other crimes. When the left is more concerned about excusing and freeing the perp rather than the victim as they CLEARLY ARE then there will be more not fewer guns. If Billy the Kid is what I need to be to protect my family and my stuff then Billy is as whom I will identify.

As for the Mexican illegal and his Honduran illegal victims.....that guys story alone should cause outrage and a demand for Biden to resign for allowing/encouraging this to happen.
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I hope we do.

Come into my house without a text or call and you’ll be right there with cartel members.
But would you turn yourself in brave patriot?
But would you turn yourself in brave patriot?
Notice how they never tell what he was shot with? Because it wasn't a "gun" per se. It was an airsoft weapon. That's why he made a very quick recovery. Still doesn't mean the perp was in the right but he doesn't deserve life in prison.
Notice how they never tell what he was shot with? Because it wasn't a "gun" per se. It was an airsoft weapon. That's why he made a very quick recovery. Still doesn't mean the perp was in the right but he doesn't deserve life in prison.
I stand corrected. I see it was a 32 caliber revolver. I read numerous articles after it happened that said airsoft but I can't find it now. I can admit a wrong.
Notice how they never tell what he was shot with? Because it wasn't a "gun" per se. It was an airsoft weapon. That's why he made a very quick recovery. Still doesn't mean the perp was in the right but he doesn't deserve life in prison.
The news reports say a .32 revolver.
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