Mass shooting at Old National Bank in Downtown Louisville

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I mentioned before just making this an ongoing mass shooting thread but I said it in frustration and in jest, not expecting this to keep happening every few days.
Hopefully next week I won't need to post about another mass shooting here, but I'm skeptical.

Unfortunately, I think we probably need a sticky thread for mass shootings. The frequency of these massacres are unlike anything we've ever seen in our nation's entire history.


Can we make it so if enough people agree?
There is hard evidence that red flag laws have reduced suicide rates, and a lot of anecdotal evidence that the have a positive effect on preventing mass shootings as well. This article tells you everything you need to know about red flag laws.

They cannot result in "massive government overreach". As the article points out this is a tool for law enforcement and each case requires evidence and a court order after a judge has reviewed the case. In states that have these laws there has been no evidence of any sort of overreach or abuse. In the grander scheme of things I think most people would value preventing even one mass school shooting or mass shooting in other public places, much higher than the possibility that someone may be without their AR15 for a while.

And BTW these laws are Constitutional according to Heller V. DC.
They don’t care. They use COVID as an example of government overreach to try to justify not having red flag laws. Even though all the government did was ask you to wear a mask and stay inside for a few days to try to stop the spread as if that was so awful. Looking back, yes schools shouldn’t have been shut down for that long but hopefully that was a lesson learned for if that ever happens again.

Of course red flag laws would work but they’re not going to bend or try anything with common sense. One person killed yesterday didn’t even have a face after it was over. There to hang out and buy a pair of jeans or something on a nice Saturday and completely obliterated instead. One was a little kid that had their brains blown out. Typical weekend now in America though.

I’ve completely changed my behavior when I go out now. I look around for exits, I look at surroundings to see if people are acting odd, look at what they’re wearing, etc. You have to now. I just want to live to see my kids grow up. Unfortunately this is what life is here now and it’s not changing. It’s that simple. Our kids will change the world when it comes to this shit though. We’ve forced them to grow up like this, scared of being mowed down at school, doing active shooter drills. They’ll be the smart ones that change things.
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Hard to read past your snark about Chicago (as in I did not). You take a superior tone with a strawman argument of your own creation in a thread that you pretend is of utmost importance. Seems this is becoming more about you than a discussion.
So you avoid my point about Abbott slashing mental health care funding but focus on my one sentence about Chicago when you and I both know whenever a mass shooting occurs anywhere in our country, some would rather solely focus on the Windy City. Should we not talk about Texas, like, at all? I think a discussion about Chicago is valid, but it shouldn't consume the thread, but we both know why some would like that to happen. Chicago is deep blue, so let's crush them. Texas is ruby red and Abbott seems obsessed with making the NRA happy, so let's not talk about him or his social media plea for all Texans to buy more guns so his state is number one on some NRA list. I'm not trying to make the NRA an enemy, but we shouldn't get our answers to this mess from a lobbying group. I'm not trying to make Abbott the ultimate villain, but some of his actions in office and pleas for more guns on social media should be questioned. How many times can Abbott send out the same sad tweet about mass shootings in his state? How many times can he stand in front of the media and shift all focus away from guns to mental health, when HE CUT FUNDING FOR IT IN HIS OWN STATE. I rarely do the all caps stuff but come on. Abbott may be a good man, but he's FOS on this issue as he watches his state turn into the Wild West.
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They use COVID as an example of government overreach to try to justify not having red flag laws. Even though all the government did was ask you to wear a mask and stay inside for a few days to try to stop the spread as if that was so awful. Looking back, yes schools shouldn’t have been shut down for that long but hopefully that was a lesson learned for if that ever happens again.
If that's your summary of government programs during COVID, we are living in a different world.
Unfortunately, I think we probably need a sticky thread for mass shootings. The frequency of these massacres are unlike anything we've ever seen in our nation's entire history.


Can we make it so if enough people agree?
Maybe so. It's something I've thought about as we keep bumping this thread as more shootings occur. There are posters who knew some of the victims in the Louisville shooting, and while they don't post in this thread, I'm sure constantly seeing this thread and long title about that shooting isn't the greatest thing in the world. I don't want this current thread to be a daily reminder they may see as we go into summer but I also think we shouldn't ignore what's happening around the country. There may not be another mass shooting like what we saw here in Louisville for several years, but that doesn't mean it's now a solved issue, that it doesn't happen elsewhere every few days.

So I dunno, I know it's a depressing thread and a bummer but it's still an incredibly important problem.
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I just want to live to see my kids grow up.
That's an issue that doesn't get mentioned much but the stress that is being endured not only by school children but by parents is criminal in and of itself. It is gross negligence for lawmakers to sit on their hands and not only do nothing, but in some cases like Texas and Florida pass laws that make it easier for these crimes to be carried out.

Your right that the youth has had it and is being motivated towards action. The school children's recent walk-out in Nashville protesting the legislatures lack of action, and subsequent demonstration in front the of the state capital has resulted in Governor Lee changing his position on red flag laws and is also supporting more extensive background checks. That's what it's going to take.

People that think this issue won't touch their life at some point are delusional.
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If that's your summary of government programs during COVID, we are living in a different world.

It's posts like his that do more harm than good to the argument for gun control, and why some of us don't want to give an inch.

Whether it's true delusion, or just dishonesty, if someone is supporting red flag laws and minimizes the overreach of the government during covid, they should be immediately mocked as an idiot. They have no place in a rational conversation.

Same as Defense claiming red flag laws "cannot result in "massive government overreach". As the article points out this is a tool for law enforcement and each case requires evidence and a court order after a judge has reviewed the case." All I hear about is the systemic racism of that same Justice system. Love or hate Trump, the FISA courts were abused and used as a government tool. Etc. Etc. Again, delusion or dishonesty, it's not a rational starting point.
If that's your summary of government programs during COVID, we are living in a different world.
Not sure it's a meaningful comparison in the first place. Historically pandemics happen once every 100 years. Whatever improvements to the government response of COVID might be needed will long be forgotten before the next pandemic. It was a response put in place for a likely one time event. Red flag laws could be continually evaluated and tweaked as needed because gun violence is an ongoing problem. It allows for evolution of policy that the COVID response couldn't really have.
Not sure it's a meaningful comparison in the first place. Historically pandemics happen once every 100 years. Whatever improvements to the government response of COVID might be needed will long be forgotten before the next pandemic. It was a response put in place for a likely one time event. Red flag laws could be continually evaluated and tweaked as needed because gun violence is an ongoing problem. It allows for evolution of policy that the COVID response couldn't really have.
Oh they do! Had no idea the world shutdown every 100 years for old people and fats…

Hope I live another hundred years to see them shut down schools and retard children and people’s social skills so you people can feel safe again. 😘
"The first girl I walked up to was crouched down covering her head in the bushes, so I felt for a pulse, pulled her head to the side and she had no face."

"It's tough when you see a family that's out shopping, having fun, get wiped off the face of the Earth because somebody with a gun has some other type of issue."
I agree. Again, what are the policies you want to put in place to stop it? I’ll prob agree.

I’m a gun owner. Have lots. I’ll tell you mine.

1)no extended mag (>10) for anyone under 25, maybe a military vet exemption.

2) better background checks
3) two week waiting period for those guns
4) if your kid has access to your guns and commit a serious crime, you get charged with a felony. Not murder or accessory, but you go to prison for a bit because you were unsafe.
5)if you’ve ever committed a violent crime, you don’t get any until you did your time and a 10 year hold period where you’ve proved you hold a job, don’t house jump and are a different person.
And what does that mean?

I dressed up and played cowboys and Indians/cops and robbers and had fake guns my whole childhood as did all my friends. We dressed in camo, played “war” and none of us have killed anyone but we all have guns.

We took my buddies dads Desert Storm MREs and ate them, put his gas mask on, all his gear, he showed us his guns…

As teenagers we played fake war paintball. Pretend war. It was fun as shit. We’re all solid citizens.
This post just makes you a guy that thinks memes and stuff will change peoples minds. I’m over here giving suggestions and talking. You’re posting memes that no one even knows are true. That could’ve easily been made by an anti gun person to put on the internet.

Use your words like I am.
The US should not do anything.

There is nothing that can be done.

More armed people is probably the answer actually
The father of the Nashville Waffle House shooter is currently serving 2 years in prison for giving his deranged son his guns back.
Did he violate an order or violate a gun purchase law by making a strawman purchase? Link an article that says he is being held because he did not act when presented with his son’s mental illness.

Hell, I posted a nut job threatening others and encouraging harm to others and people here could not even say his tweet was a red flag, because of their stupid politics. No effing way we are going to hold parents responsible for their adult children’s mental illness. That is whack.
So you avoid my point about Abbott slashing mental health care funding but focus on my one sentence about Chicago when you and I both know whenever a mass shooting occurs anywhere in our country, some would rather solely focus on the Windy City. Should we not talk about Texas, like, at all? I think a discussion about Chicago is valid, but it shouldn't consume the thread, but we both know why some would like that to happen. Chicago is deep blue, so let's crush them. Texas is ruby red and Abbott seems obsessed with making the NRA happy, so let's not talk about him or his social media plea for all Texans to buy more guns so his state is number one on some NRA list. I'm not trying to make the NRA an enemy, but we shouldn't get our answers to this mess from a lobbying group. I'm not trying to make Abbott the ultimate villain, but some of his actions in office and pleas for more guns on social media should be questioned. How many times can Abbott send out the same sad tweet about mass shootings in his state? How many times can he stand in front of the media and shift all focus away from guns to mental health, when HE CUT FUNDING FOR IT IN HIS OWN STATE. I rarely do the all caps stuff but come on. Abbott may be a good man, but he's FOS on this issue as he watches his state turn into the Wild West.
Yeah. I did not read past your asinine Chicago strawman post.
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I agree. Again, what are the policies you want to put in place to stop it? I’ll prob agree.

I’m a gun owner. Have lots. I’ll tell you mine.

1)no extended mag (>10) for anyone under 25, maybe a military vet exemption.

2) better background checks
3) two week waiting period for those guns
4) if your kid has access to your guns and commit a serious crime, you get charged with a felony. Not murder or accessory, but you go to prison for a bit because you were unsafe.
5)if you’ve ever committed a violent crime, you don’t get any until you did your time and a 10 year hold period where you’ve proved you hold a job, don’t house jump and are a different person.
We all want similar things but it's not my job to come up with ideas and enact them. I already have a job. So we're stuck in place, spinning our tires in blood. All we can do is talk and post these horrific stories and then live our own lives, because at the moment, politicians would rather play games using buzzwords. What's the mayor of Chicago doing? Probably not enough. What's the governor of TX doing? Probably not enough. TN? KY? CA? FL? OH? Probably not enough. As Deeeefense posted a while back (I'm ignoring the kid in tactical gear because he's being used as a prop for FB probably) polling numbers for the things we want are moving in one direction and it's the opposite of "Well shucks, evil and such. Nothing we can do." It's the jobs of politicians to do what a majority want done. Same with any issue. Sports gambling in KY didn't move for years until one politician finally caved and said the people who voted him in want this and I don't so I stopped it but now I've decided to listen to them. Gee, thanks. Only took like 900 days for an elected official to listen to his voting block.

Yeah. I did not read past your asinine Chicago strawman post.
Thanks again for being unwilling to address Abbott focusing on mental health care every time a mass shooting occurs in his state while he slashed funding for mental health care in his state. My advice? Stop pretending you're tied to the hip of every Republican who holds office. A mayor can be criticized and questioned. So can a governor, so can a president. But you seem unwilling to even mention Abbott's name and talk about why he cut funding for mental health. Do you not see the problem there? A man wants our focus to be on mental health. Okay. So why did he slash funding for it in TX in 2022? Do you not believe that should be asked?

You and I disagree on plenty and that's perfectly fine, but your continued unwillingness to say one word against an elected Republican is a little bizarre. They work for us, not the other way around. I've rolled my eyes at libs and taken lots of shots at their goofiness and have said Biden shouldn't run again, would lose to DeSantis with ease, etc. You're not related to all these Republicans around the country. It's alright to question their decisions.
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We all want similar things but it's not my job to come up with ideas and enact them. I already have a job. So we're stuck in place, spinning our tires in blood. All we can do is talk and post these horrific stories and then live our own lives, because at the moment, politicians would rather play games using buzzwords. What's the mayor of Chicago doing? Probably not enough. What's the governor of TX doing? Probably not enough. TN? KY? CA? FL? OH? Probably not enough. As Deeeefense posted a while back (I'm ignoring the kid in tactical gear because he's being used as a prop for FB probably) polling numbers for the things we want are moving in one direction and it's the opposite of "Well shucks, evil and such. Nothing we can do." It's the jobs of politicians to do what a majority want done. Same with any issue. Sports gambling in KY didn't move for years until one politician finally caved and said the people who voted him in want this and I don't so I stopped it but now I've decided to listen to them. Gee, thanks. Only took like 900 days for an elected official to listen to his voting block.

Thanks again for being unwilling to address Abbott focusing on mental health care every time a mass shooting occurs in his state while he slashed funding for mental health care in his state. My advice? Stop pretending you're tied to the hip of every Republican who holds office. A mayor can be criticized and questioned. So can a governor, so can a president. But you seem unwilling to even mention Abbott's name and talk about why he cut funding for mental health. Do you not see the problem there? A man wants our focus to be on mental health. Okay. So why did he slash funding for it in TX in 2022? Do you not believe that should be asked?

You and I disagree on plenty and that's perfectly fine, but your continued unwillingness to say one word against an elected Republican is a little bizarre. They work for us, not the other way around. I've rolled my eyes at libs and taken lots of shots at their goofiness and have said Biden shouldn't run again, would lose to DeSantis with ease, etc. You're not related to all these Republicans around the country. It's alright to question their decisions.
So you’re just coming online and yelling at clouds basically?

I like your posts for the most part but if you think coming online and just bitching over and over again without trying to posture solutions is healthy for you or anyone, just log out. It’s actually unhealthy for you to do.
We all want similar things but it's not my job to come up with ideas and enact them. I already have a job. So we're stuck in place, spinning our tires in blood. All we can do is talk and post these horrific stories and then live our own lives, because at the moment, politicians would rather play games using buzzwords. What's the mayor of Chicago doing? Probably not enough. What's the governor of TX doing? Probably not enough. TN? KY? CA? FL? OH? Probably not enough. As Deeeefense posted a while back (I'm ignoring the kid in tactical gear because he's being used as a prop for FB probably) polling numbers for the things we want are moving in one direction and it's the opposite of "Well shucks, evil and such. Nothing we can do." It's the jobs of politicians to do what a majority want done. Same with any issue. Sports gambling in KY didn't move for years until one politician finally caved and said the people who voted him in want this and I don't so I stopped it but now I've decided to listen to them. Gee, thanks. Only took like 900 days for an elected official to listen to his voting block.

Thanks again for being unwilling to address Abbott focusing on mental health care every time a mass shooting occurs in his state while he slashed funding for mental health care in his state. My advice? Stop pretending you're tied to the hip of every Republican who holds office. A mayor can be criticized and questioned. So can a governor, so can a president. But you seem unwilling to even mention Abbott's name and talk about why he cut funding for mental health. Do you not see the problem there? A man wants our focus to be on mental health. Okay. So why did he slash funding for it in TX in 2022? Do you not believe that should be asked?

You and I disagree on plenty and that's perfectly fine, but your continued unwillingness to say one word against an elected Republican is a little bizarre. They work for us, not the other way around. I've rolled my eyes at libs and taken lots of shots at their goofiness and have said Biden shouldn't run again, would lose to DeSantis with ease, etc. You're not related to all these Republicans around the country. It's alright to question their decisions.
About 75% of your posts amount to just whining about others’ posts. If you want to have discussions, stop whining and stop with the silly strawman arguments. If you think Gov Abbott is the problem, have at him. I don’t live in Texas and, therefore, don’t study Abbott.
Just to note before anyone gets triggered, radicalization can happen to anyone and life isn't a simplistic black or white. You can have white supremacist beliefs without looking as white as Tom Hanks. People are more complicated than their skin color. I've already seen some online in disbelief saying it's not possible a hispanic would be a neo-Nazi. The shooter also had a patch reading RWDS on his chest, which police claim means "right-wing death squad." I've never heard of that before but if I saw someone wearing "death squad" patches (who wasn't armed for personal war against society) I'd laugh at the childishness of that stupidly. I've also seen a photo and video of the gunman dead. Dipshit looked like The Punisher in his cosplay tactical gear and weapons laying around him. Good riddance to another radicalized idiot. Unfortunately, he took many innocents with him.

Just to note before anyone gets triggered, radicalization can happen to anyone and life isn't a simplistic black or white. You can have white supremacist beliefs without looking as white as Tom Hanks. People are more complicated than their skin color. I've already seen some online in disbelief saying it's not possible a hispanic would be a neo-Nazi. The shooter also had a patch reading RWDS on his chest, which police claim means "right-wing death squad." I've never heard of that before but if I saw someone wearing "death squad" patches (who wasn't armed for personal war against society) I'd laugh at the childishness of that stupidly. I've also seen a photo and video of the gunman dead. Dipshit looked like The Punisher in his cosplay tactical gear and weapons laying around him. Good riddance to another radicalized idiot. Unfortunately, he took many innocents with him.

Hey bubbers you’re on the brink just fyi of being radicalized. Not saying you would do anything but so far left that it’s like you had a cup of tea with antifa or BLM.
Did he violate an order or violate a gun purchase law by making a strawman purchase? Link an article that says he is being held because he did not act when presented with his son’s mental illness.

Hell, I posted a nut job threatening others and encouraging harm to others and people here could not even say his tweet was a red flag, because of their stupid politics. No effing way we are going to hold parents responsible for their adult children’s mental illness. That is whack.
Not when you know your kid is bonkers.

This is one part of the story...

Another is that it should take a little more time to get a gun. I think registering and proving that you are competitent to handle a weapon is important. That dude in Texas jumped out of his car and started killing. There was nothing that anybody with a gun could have done to stop him from killing the first set of victims.
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I'm with you on the need for increased residential psychiatric treatment. Red flag laws just take guns. Involuntary commitments (in theory) provide help. That's a key distinction. It is also a hedge against tyranny because involuntary commitments would put a resource drain on the government to provide (or, preferably, just fund) quality care, thus limiting the risk of overreach.

On credentialing as a requirement for purchasing a firearm, this is not the case to make that point.

According to the Texas Online Private Security database, Garcia was approved to work as a commissioned security guard in the state from April 2016 to April 2020, and had three previous employers before his license expired.

Records show he received firearms proficiency training in 2015, as well as further firearms training 2018. DPS, which maintains the database, automatically disqualifies applicants who have committed certain violent crimes.

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Blatant LIE.
Except that it isn't. Texas has relaxed gun laws which Abbott seems to be proud of. Do those relaxed gun laws make it easier to commit mass shootings? It is certainly possible and might even be probable. You can disagree with the connection but its hardly as black and white as you make it seem with the statement "blatant lie". It is far from that whether you choose to admit it or not.

They don’t care. They use COVID as an example of government overreach to try to justify not having red flag laws. Even though all the government did was ask you to wear a mask and stay inside for a few days to try to stop the spread as if that was so awful. Looking back, yes schools shouldn’t have been shut down for that long but hopefully that was a lesson learned for if that ever happens again.

This is one part of the story...

Checks out.
Going to try and save all of you some time here. If you are looking for the government to solve this problem or just about any problem than you won't see a problem solved. It's amazing to me after seeing countless examples of our government being way out-of-bounds on so many things and people still want to just blindly support that and hand over more power.

Talk to your friends, you family and make sure you're all good.
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