Mass shooting at Old National Bank in Downtown Louisville

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Just fyi that’s every weekend in major cities. The “mass shooter” thing came out in the last 20 years. They count gang violence as mass shootings too which was never a thing beforehand.

It’s awful either way. Most people didn’t give a shit about them in Chicago or any other major city that didn’t affect them until recently.
Just fyi that’s every weekend in major cities. The “mass shooter” thing came out in the last 20 years. They count gang violence as mass shootings too which was never a thing beforehand.

It’s awful either way. Most people didn’t give a shit about them in Chicago or any other major city that didn’t affect them until recently.

It was changed to fit the liberal narrative on gun control...not to address the situation or improve their quality of life/safety.
Everyone wants things better but they aren’t going to sacrifice money or safety for it.

Show me one person in this thread that will take in immigrants or want them in their neighborhood.
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The topic of this thread concerned a mass shooting at a bank in Louisville that occurred a few days after a mass shooting at a school in Nashville. I'd venture to say that both of those hit home for the demographics on this board. You can picture yourself or your family members involved in that type of shooting, unlike a gang shooting in Chicago. For some reasons, "Chicago" is always brought up when talking about these mass shootings in suburbia. Now people are bringing up "immigrants" as if that has anything to do with the topic. So the idiotic conversations go round and round.
The topic of this thread concerned a mass shooting at a bank in Louisville that occurred a few days after a mass shooting at a school in Nashville. I'd venture to say that both of those hit home for the demographics on this board. You can picture yourself or your family members involved in that type of shooting, unlike a gang shooting in Chicago. For some reasons, "Chicago" is always brought up when talking about these mass shootings in suburbia. Now people are bringing up "immigrants" as if that has anything to do with the topic. So the idiotic conversations go round and round.

Chicago is brought up because people always cite statistics without acknowledging gang violence, along with other things, make those statistics meaningless for purposes of the argument people are generally trying to make.

Illegal immigration was brought up this time, because people immediately jump to gun control and additional gun laws, but if we just enforced the laws that were already on the books the Texas shooting would have never happened. It absolutely has something to do with the topic.
The topic of this thread concerned a mass shooting at a bank in Louisville that occurred a few days after a mass shooting at a school in Nashville. I'd venture to say that both of those hit home for the demographics on this board. You can picture yourself or your family members involved in that type of shooting, unlike a gang shooting in Chicago. For some reasons, "Chicago" is always brought up when talking about these mass shootings in suburbia. Now people are bringing up "immigrants" as if that has anything to do with the topic. So the idiotic conversations go round and round.
An illegal immigrant that has been arrested multiple times for crossing the border just killed 5 people.

I’m SURE he followed all the rules to legally buy it and if he couldn’t I’m SURE he wouldn’t have just brought it with him.
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I'd guess Chicago was brought up after someone mentioned 130 something mass shootings have happend so far this year so something has to be done like taking/banning something. The chicago rebuttal fits since you use the 130 mass shooting statistic since Chicago was the top city for "mass shootings".
Everyone wants things better but they aren’t going to sacrifice money or safety for it.

Show me one person in this thread that will take in immigrants or want them in their neighborhood.
Illegal immigrants or documented immigrants here lawfully?
The topic of this thread concerned a mass shooting at a bank in Louisville that occurred a few days after a mass shooting at a school in Nashville. I'd venture to say that both of those hit home for the demographics on this board. You can picture yourself or your family members involved in that type of shooting, unlike a gang shooting in Chicago. For some reasons, "Chicago" is always brought up when talking about these mass shootings in suburbia. Now people are bringing up "immigrants" as if that has anything to do with the topic. So the idiotic conversations go round and round.
The subject shootings led immediately, as usual, to discussions about gun restrictions. That discussion involves more than the Louisville shootings, including the fact that illegal immigrants can get guns. It’s not idiotic if you try. But, calling others’ comments idiotic seems to serve some people who cannot come to grips that others might disagree with them. As a lawyer, it might be good to avoid the ad hominem arguments.
Chicago is brought up because people always cite statistics without acknowledging gang violence, along with other things, make those statistics meaningless for purposes of the argument people are generally trying to make.

Illegal immigration was brought up this time, because people immediately jump to gun control and additional gun laws, but if we just enforced the laws that were already on the books the Texas shooting would have never happened. It absolutely has something to do with the topic.
The bolded part is where we have a problem. Since mass shootings are a weekly occurrence, that would mean the laws "on the books" aren't being enforced a lot of the time. So as a society what do we do about that?
The bolded part is where we have a problem. Since mass shootings are a weekly occurrence, that would mean the laws "on the books" aren't being enforced a lot of the time. So as a society what do we do about that?

Hold our elected leaders and law enforcement responsible.
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Everyone wants things better but they aren’t going to sacrifice money or safety for it.

Show me one person in this thread that will take in immigrants or want them in their neighborhood.
I love immigrants. I don’t want any other adult other than my wife living with me though.
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The topic of this thread concerned a mass shooting at a bank in Louisville that occurred a few days after a mass shooting at a school in Nashville. I'd venture to say that both of those hit home for the demographics on this board. You can picture yourself or your family members involved in that type of shooting, unlike a gang shooting in Chicago. For some reasons, "Chicago" is always brought up when talking about these mass shootings in suburbia. Now people are bringing up "immigrants" as if that has anything to do with the topic. So the idiotic conversations go round and round.

Because as Rogue said, gang shootings are for some reason included in "mass shootings". When you remove gang related/inner-city shootings (which generally don't involve innocent bystanders, but can), you start to see the numbers plummet.

When the left stops fluffing the mass-shooting numbers, I'll stop bringing up gang shootings.

And that doesn't mean there aren't some underlying issues with gun availability, mental health, etc. We'd all love to see actual mass shootings be non-existent. But it's not quite the "epidemic" that some people try and make it out to be. For example, Wikipedia has the 2023 mass shooting count at I think 185 right now. But I know, maybe only 30 of those are incidents that I could feasibly be a target in. The other 155 don't pose a threat to me.
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People readily see common threads of guns and mental health and soft targets, but there is not much discussion about the common threads of hate and disrespect for life. That is why the murder count in big cities is relevant. We have a heart issue in this country, and beyond. People who use words like “compassion” on a regular basis act with hate towards those who do not conform. People who talk of justice act in ways is injustice. We see video of people hitting old people and wailing on unsuspecting victims. We see the verbiage of hate on social media.

Gang members killing people is not much different than someone walking into a bank and murdering innocent people. Hate is on the rise. And, hate mixed with a lack of respect for the dignity of life is on display daily. The Louisville shooter reportedly was, in part, making a political statement with his suicide murders. That statement, the hate in Nashville, the hate in anger in Texas, the daily storm in our inner cities and elsewhere have a common thread.

People want to see their common threads. But, we have a heart problem in this country. Selfish disregard for others is on the rise. Loving your neighbors as yourself is in decline. Loving your enemies is exceptionally rare.
Hold our elected leaders and law enforcement responsible.


Texas showing out once again with another mass shooting. I mentioned before just making this an ongoing mass shooting thread but I said it in frustration and in jest, not expecting this to keep happening every few days. Don't care if we're a country of 330 mil or 530 mil. It isn't normal to just keep experiencing this news every few days. At this point I'm just thankful nothing has happened at a huge event like Thunder Over Louisville, the Derby, a Super Bowl, etc. but these localized tragedies are just devastating to communities around the country. That in itself can mess with you mentally if this is your community.

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Most people didn’t give a shit about them in Chicago
This isn't exactly the gotcha people on the right think it is. If you stay out of gang activity you won't be killed in a gang shooting. Anyone can be a victim of a mass shooting at a grocery store, or a mall, or a movie theater, or a bank, or a school. One is 100% avoidable. The other, while chances are still incredibly low, isn't. And the threat of that seeps into every day life in a very tangible way. We go to a movie or a concert and pay extra attention to where the exits are, or worry about the person acting weird at the grocery store. I've never once been afraid of being shot in a gang shooting.
these localized tragedies are just devastating to communities around the country. That in itself can mess with you mentally if this is your community.
I often think the only way anything changes is until every community in the country has been victim to this. But realistically even then nothing will change.
This isn't exactly the gotcha people on the right think it is. If you stay out of gang activity you won't be killed in a gang shooting. Anyone can be a victim of a mass shooting at a grocery store, or a mall, or a movie theater, or a bank, or a school. One is 100% avoidable. The other, while chances are still incredibly low, isn't. And the threat of that seeps into every day life in a very tangible way. We go to a movie or a concert and pay extra attention to where the exits are, or worry about the person acting weird at the grocery store. I've never once been afraid of being shot in a gang shooting.
Most people killed by gangs are in gangs. Not all.
Because as Rogue said, gang shootings are for some reason included in "mass shootings". When you remove gang related/inner-city shootings (which generally don't involve innocent bystanders, but can), you start to see the numbers plummet.
I've said this before in another mass shooting thread (or maybe it's this one, who knows at this point), but does it really matter? If we remove gang shootings from the statistic does that make the murder of school children more acceptable because there are technically only 50 mass shootings per year and not 400? I think the answer is pretty clearly no. It doesn't matter if people have different definitions of what a mass shooting is, we clearly have a gigantic issue that no other first world country has.
I've said this before in another mass shooting thread (or maybe it's this one, who knows at this point), but does it really matter? If we remove gang shootings from the statistic does that make the murder of school children more acceptable because there are technically only 50 mass shootings per year and not 400? I think the answer is pretty clearly no. It doesn't matter if people have different definitions of what a mass shooting is, we clearly have a gigantic issue that no other first world country has.
So again, you tell me what you would do? I really want to know the right moves that would stop it. I’d be all for it.

I have ideas too.
Just to update, nine dead including the gunman IN TEXAS. Capitalized that incase anyone wants to blame Chicago again because the color blue and libs. I broke a toe last year and didn't curse Chicago as the cause but maybe I should have. For as much shit gets slung at the Windy City, why isn't anyone here crushing Greg Abbott for slashing mental health care funding in TX while pleading on Twitter for Texans to buy more guns so his state can be number one in gun sales? Like I said in the past, it might not be the best idea to tell literally everyone in your state that they need guns. Half the country doesn't have common sense and people on both sides are dumbasses, many with anger and emotional issues. Stop begging your audience on social media to buy buy buy guns when you have no idea who your audience even is.

Anyway, I'm seeing the same bs online. Politicians not wanting to find solutions, instead telling us to pray more. When you shift blame to those who don't pray, you're not a serious person. And that's not an "attack" on faith. Pray as much as you want, but again, that's not changing what's happening.

"To do justice"

I don't even know what that means. The gunman was killed, as are many others. It's done; over. What justice is there now? Also, this isn't a horror movie. Calling the gunman a "monster" and talking about evil as if this person is Michael Myers won't solve anything. We can't pretend these killers are horror movie villains that will do "evil" by any means necessary. That's a defeatist attitude.

Hopefully next week I won't need to post about another mass shooting here, but I'm skeptical.
So again, you tell me what you would do? I really want to know the right moves that would stop it. I’d be all for it.

I have ideas too.
I'm not a policy genius, but I posted some ideas earlier in this thread. Or maybe it was the previous mass shooting thread. Sad that there's so many I can't remember.
why isn't anyone here crushing Greg Abbott for slashing mental health care funding in TX while pleading on Twitter for Texans to buy more guns so his state can be number one in gun sales?
This is spot on. 9 of the top 15 deadliest shootings in Texas history have now come under Abbott.
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"To do justice"
Presumably Cruz didn't know the shooter was dead when he made that tweet.

I would like to see some states experiment with criminal liability for the family of shooters in situations where it is clear the individual was disturbed and the family never got the shooter help or otherwise intervened. This asshole apparently lived with his parents in his 30s. I hope the police have some very pointed questions for them.

There's been a lot of talk about red flag laws in this thread. I'm not intellectually opposed to such laws but I am inclined to think the implementation is likely to lead to massive government overreach without accomplishing much. (We did just live through the bullshit that was the inept COVID response after all.)

I'm not sure that the answer may not be to bring back involuntary commitments to mental hospitals. It is practically impossible to do that in most states at current unless it is part of criminal sentence. At least involuntary commitment does more than take guns away from someone. It segregates them from society and gets them mental health treatment.

A lot of these nutcases clearly had no business mingling in civil society prior to the shooting. Nikolas Cruz, for instance, had the police called on him at least 23 times before the school shooting and was telling people he wanted to be a professional school shooter. He should have been put in a padded cell well before he ever had access to an AR.

The root cause is young male nihilism in American. Sadly, I think mass shootings are only going to increase as we see more young men drop out of the work force, not act as fathers, and not be involved in their communities. We have a serious problem of dissatisfaction with life in this country and no amount of politicians bloviating against their favorite boogeyman is going to fix it.
So you’re skeptical of red flag laws because of the potential for government overreach but you’re in favor of permitting the government to involuntarily hospitalize people? That makes no sense. Let’s put him in the mental hospital but don’t you dare take away his right to own a gun!
So you’re skeptical of red flag laws because of the potential for government overreach but you’re in favor of permitting the government to involuntarily hospitalize people? That makes no sense. Let’s put him in the mental hospital but don’t you dare take away his right to own a gun!
You missed my point.
Just to update, nine dead including the gunman IN TEXAS. Capitalized that incase anyone wants to blame Chicago again because the color blue and libs. I broke a toe last year and didn't curse Chicago as the cause but maybe I should have. For as much shit gets slung at the Windy City, why isn't anyone here crushing Greg Abbott for slashing mental health care funding in TX while pleading on Twitter for Texans to buy more guns so his state can be number one in gun sales? Like I said in the past, it might not be the best idea to tell literally everyone in your state that they need guns. Half the country doesn't have common sense and people on both sides are dumbasses, many with anger and emotional issues. Stop begging your audience on social media to buy buy buy guns when you have no idea who your audience even is.

Anyway, I'm seeing the same bs online. Politicians not wanting to find solutions, instead telling us to pray more. When you shift blame to those who don't pray, you're not a serious person. And that's not an "attack" on faith. Pray as much as you want, but again, that's not changing what's happening.

"To do justice"

I don't even know what that means. The gunman was killed, as are many others. It's done; over. What justice is there now? Also, this isn't a horror movie. Calling the gunman a "monster" and talking about evil as if this person is Michael Myers won't solve anything. We can't pretend these killers are horror movie villains that will do "evil" by any means necessary. That's a defeatist attitude.

Hopefully next week I won't need to post about another mass shooting here, but I'm skeptical.
Hard to read past your snark about Chicago (as in I did not). You take a superior tone with a strawman argument of your own creation in a thread that you pretend is of utmost importance. Seems this is becoming more about you than a discussion.
Presumably Cruz didn't know the shooter was dead when he made that tweet.

I would like to see some states experiment with criminal liability for the family of shooters in situations where it is clear the individual was disturbed and the family never got the shooter help or otherwise intervened.

Wow. No.
Life in America and I'm not being dramatic. It would be dramatic to say that if this happened a couple times a year but to get anywhere close to that reality, we'd have to take advice from other civilized countries, accept a few changes (whatever they may be), and have our leaders want to fix this. And I doubt that's going to happen. People in public, trying to enjoy their lives, then gunfire, running, screaming, kids crying and scared. A large police presence but often too late. What are we supposed to do? Sorry, I'm not carrying a weapon everywhere and making tactical plans if I want to go to gd Walmart. We're not in Cambodia. And even if I were to carry a weapon, you think I'm running towards this shit? I've got my own family and friends. I didn't sign up to be Harry Callahan and run to gunfire, dead bodies, and puddles of blood when I just wanted to buy a cherry coke and a bag of chips. Maybe one reason people stay home and order online is to avoid getting shot in public in broad daylight. Sure, I'm offering no solutions. Why? Because I already have a job and it doesn't include trying to solve this awful mess our society created. Do better, America. I'm sure countless countries are watching and shaking their heads at this constant death and violence, but screw 'em, right?

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There's been a lot of talk about red flag laws in this thread. I'm not intellectually opposed to such laws but I am inclined to think the implementation is likely to lead to massive government overreach without accomplishing much

There is hard evidence that red flag laws have reduced suicide rates, and a lot of anecdotal evidence that the have a positive effect on preventing mass shootings as well. This article tells you everything you need to know about red flag laws.

They cannot result in "massive government overreach". As the article points out this is a tool for law enforcement and each case requires evidence and a court order after a judge has reviewed the case. In states that have these laws there has been no evidence of any sort of overreach or abuse. In the grander scheme of things I think most people would value preventing even one mass school shooting or mass shooting in other public places, much higher than the possibility that someone may be without their AR15 for a while.

And BTW these laws are Constitutional according to Heller V. DC.
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Personally I have a problem holding parents liable unless the shooter is a minor living at home, like the Michigan case. The shooter in Louisville was 25 years old, had 2 college degrees and a job at a bank and was living with a roommate outside of his parents home. What exactly are his parents supposed to do with an adult child?
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