LD can't be true! Bawl fans seems to know more about our recruits than us


Gold Member
Sep 12, 2002
Really? How much truth is in this?

*OrangeRev Yesterday, 7:57 PM Post #13

Tree hug'n, bleed'n heart, lazy luv'n, global warm'n token liberal

May 21, 2009
Rumors over on Volnation that Dawson is 100% Vol ... this coming from "Miramarvol" who is writing as if he is in and among the recruits this weekend:

(click to close) Quote + Quote:

"Lamar is a Vol. He'll sign with us on NSD. I just got the word. Jernigan is being worked on hard by the staff, but he's not showing any emotions. They throwing all they got at him. Carmichael is there too and Sage Harold with his cousin Eli Harold(JR). The Harold's are UV. Sage is at Prep School. Heard he's a beast at DE. But, Lamar is a Vol!!!!!!"


"I can't tell you who, but they know LD "VERY WELL." Matter of fact they known him all his life. Nuff said."


"This is a Kiffen vs Dooley Battle. How ironic. Dooley wins out. Moms and Granny likes UT so far. How's that for some Saturday afternoon news!!!!"


"That's cool, I'd hate to lose him to Kiffen too. That's who it's down to. DISTANCE is the factor. Plus, he's having a great time. Palardy, Brewer, Stone, James, Miller were the ones on the board this time. The parents got the question and answer session while the recruits spent time with the players. TJ likes the future weight room. Hell, all the recruits are having a good time. They're hanging with CDD right now. CCS is working TJ."
Edited by OrangeRev, Yesterday, 7:59 PM.
They wouldn't know unless they're criminal lawyers or car dealers, that's the only people UT allows to talk to recruits.
This would be devastating blow to UK. Of any highschool connection I would think Boyle county would be our strongest with their ex head coach on staff and pro UK area. If Dawson goes to UT it would be a huge slap in the face. In the end I guess the kid has to do what he feels best for him I just beleive coming to UK is his best choice he will be the face of the Defense and be a UK hero and be a big part of helping us win the SEC east.
CJN, best you can do? Player in question was, what 6-7 years old? Doesn't effect him. Besides, since '02 there's been a roster full of Vol arrests. Of course they win, right? That's all that matters.
or from a glass house do U quote or tag...

... Actually, we've been on probation twice.... within the forum Tennessee Vols Football. ... among area high school football ... Knoxville, has been placed on ... - Cached
actions ... - Cached


YouTube - Three Tennessee Football Players ArrestedKNOXVILLE ? Three University of Tennessee football players and a female compa... ... She was held this morning in jail in lieu of $119,000 bond. The suspects were ... - Cached.Play Video

Orange is Orange....The colors match...I'm sorry, I couldn't help it
Originally posted by mrschwump:
CJN, best you can do? Player in question was, what 6-7 years old? Doesn't effect him. Besides, since '02 there's been a roster full of Vol arrests. Of course they win, right? That's all that matters.
That was in response to the comment of meeting with car dealers and attorneys. Sorry, nothing to do with Dawson there. I should have been clearer.
This post was edited on 1/30 3:23 PM by CJNVol
Originally posted by mrschwump:
CJN, all foolishness aside...what are you hearing about Dawson??
I'm being serious in all my other posts when I say I don't have a very good feel for him one way or the other. I'll give Brent Hubbs and the guys that run Volquest a ton of credit in that they are very objective in their reporting. If a kid isn't interested in UT, they'll tell us. If you want a very good example of the complete opposite, check out Jeffrey Lee of I can't believe people actually pay for info from that clown. For a while now, Hubbs has told us that he "feels very good about where UT is with Dawson." In the past, whenever he's said something like that, I'd say at least 75% of the kids end up signing with UT. That said, his tune has changed with Dawson lately it seems. I have seen him mention UK on several occasions so I don't think that same level of confidence exists. I don't know what the other Vol sites are saying and to be honest, I don't care. Hubbs and his crew are easily the best in the business and I take their word over the rest anytime on these matters. Just my gut feeling right now but I think come Wednesday, he signs with UK. I hope I am wrong.
This post was edited on 1/30 4:01 PM by CJNVol
CJ, you're right, Hubbs is good. Actually I think your take on Dawson is good. I too think he'll sign with UK, the howetown stuff will win out in the end. I know we need him a hell of a lot more than y'all do!
Originally posted by mrschwump:
CJ, you're right, Hubbs is good. Actually I think your take on Dawson is good. I too think he'll sign with UK, the howetown stuff will win out in the end. I know we need him a hell of a lot more than y'all do!
Either way, if LD ends up being as good as the Rivals "experts" think he is, someone is going to get a great player. You're right, it is tough to go against the hometown stuff. Some guys do it but it's certainly not the majority. Regardless of where he goes, I wish him well. I wish I were more confident in UT's chances right now but I'm just not. Again, I hope I'm wrong.
To the OP, didn't you know they know everything, perhaps you never asked them.

But then perhaps this one is a little slow. He certainly doesn't understand go away.
Originally posted by jauk11:
To the OP, didn't you know they know everything, perhaps you never asked them.

But then perhaps this one is a little slow. He certainly doesn't understand go away.
OP, didn't you know this guy knows nothing? Just ask him and he'll rattle off some incoherent string of sentences that do nothing to support his case.
Originally posted by CJNVol:
Originally posted by jauk11:
To the OP, didn't you know they know everything, perhaps you never asked them.

But then perhaps this one is a little slow. He certainly doesn't understand go away.
OP, didn't you know this guy knows nothing? Just ask him and he'll rattle off some incoherent string of sentences that do nothing to support his case.

Yes, like you did citing UT only finishing in the top six in the SEC the past three years AND in the top ten IN THE NATION twice during that time as justification for UT not under utilizing their talent.

That was a classic. I'm still laughing.

Its a good thing that Vandy is still in the conference and a lot or recruits can't qualify there or UK would have looked ridiculous in the SEC recruiting.
Go away Synonyms, Go away Antonyms |

verb: leave hastily. Synonyms: go away , hurry away, leave , scram, shoo, skedaddle ... verb: leave, retreat. Synonyms: abandon , abdicate , absent , beat it, blast off, cut ... · Cached page

There, I looked it up for you.
Originally posted by jauk11:
Yes, like you did citing UT only finishing in the top six in the SEC the past three years AND in the top ten IN THE NATION twice during that time as justification for UT not under utilizing their talent.

That was a classic. I'm still laughing.

Its a good thing that Vandy is still in the conference and a lot or recruits can't qualify there or UK would have looked ridiculous in the SEC recruiting.
Please refer to the other thread for a detailed explanation. I'm sorry I had to type it and couldn't write it out in crayon for you but it'll have to do. Try to keep up with it to the best of your ability.
I would expect you to have a full box of crayons handy. If you do it n crayons be sure to use the blue and not the horrid orange.

Look, it is obvious there is no use arguing with you, two recruiting classes in the top ten in the nation and three in the top six in the SEC the past three years and you are the one that brought it up?

I'm still laughing, but I am tired of your stupid arguments.

Go away.
Originally posted by jauk11:
I would expect you to have a full box of crayons handy. If you do it n crayons be sure to use the blue and not the horrid orange.

Look, it is obvious there is no use arguing with you, two recruiting classes in the top ten in the nation and three in the top six in the SEC the past three years and you are the one that brought it up?

I'm still laughing, but I am tired of your stupid arguments.

Go away.
I am really trying to choose my words carefully as I don't want to find myself banned from the site however, you're making that quite the task for me. I'm beginning to think you are pulling off one hell of a message board troll act on me because I just don't see how anyone can have this hard of a time wrapping their head around these simple concepts. For the third time, I'll rehash this for you but I'd like to hear your explanation in return. Here is what I put in the other thread:
Originally posted by CJNVol:
2008 - signed zero 5*s and four 4*s. Of those four 4*s, Abrams-Ward left the program, Douglas transferred, Walls didn't qualify, and Williams just graduated

2009 - two 5*s and nine 4*s. Of those 5*s, Brown transferred and Jackson is still with the program. Of the 4*s, four are still in the program, two were kicked out of the program, one transferred, one didn't qualify, and one has been a non-contributor

2010 - one 5* and twelve 4*s. The 5* is going to be a starting WR for UT in 2011. Of the 4*s, three never qualified, one had his position switched from WR to DB right before the season started, six were contributors, and two were non-factors this season. (Not real sure why I have to explain freshmen anyway.)

In sum, over the course of the last three years and going by the average star ranking (puts everyone on an even playing feild regardless of number of commitments) UT has signed the #6 class in the SEC in 2008 (Bama, UF, LSU, UGA, USC), the #5 class in the SEC in 2009 (UF, UGA, Bama, LSU), and the #5 class in the SEC in 2010 (UF, Bama, AU, LSU - UGA was #6). Nationally, those same three classes ranked #35 in 2008, #10 in 2009, and #9 in 2010.
OK, just look at 2008 and nothing else for just one second. So UT signed no 5* players and four 4* players. This, along with the rest of the class, landed UT the #6 spot in the SEC according to Rivals. This is #6 as the actual first Wednesday in February of 2008. Now, of those four 4* players, one left the program because he didn't want to work hard enough, one transferred, and one didn't qualify. That left Williams. So of four 4* players, one made it through the program. Now, in retrospect, do you think that the loss of three 4* players would affect the ranking that Rivals gave that class? If so, how do you believe it would affect it? Would they rank UT higher or lower in the SEC rankings? Same thing with 2009 and 2010. See, it's a very simple concept, rankings on paper don't win games for you. When players never see the field for you, it doesn't matter what some Rivals "expert" in Brentwood, Tennessee thought about a kid coming out of high school. Is this starting to make sense at all now?

Let's look at it from a different perspective. So you apparently think that achieving a #10 national ranking in recruiting is a great feat. I too would agree with you if 5 of the 9 teams ranked ahead of you weren't in your own conference. The #6 ranking in the SEC also seems to be impressive to you. However, let's think about it in a way that translates to bowl games. The 6th best team in the SEC goes to the Chick-fil-a Bowl at best. So essentially, you are that impressed with a Chick-fil-A Bowl bid is what you're telling me. Forget about a National Championship, a BCS Bowl, hell, even the Capital One Bowl. The Chick-fil-A Bowl is just fine with you. You see, jauk11, only two teams can play in the SEC Championship game. For giggles, let's just say the top six recruiting classes in the SEC are distributed evenly between the East and West. That means that UT would be #3 in line in the East. So while a #10 national ranking may sound impressive, do you see why it's really not? Who am I kidding, I know you don't see it or even if you do, you won't admit it because that would just prove the point I have been making all along. If UT was #10, nationally, with no other SEC programs ranked 1-9, it may mean a lot more since UT would have the top SEC class. Unfortunately, there are five teams ahead of them. Makes it tough, wouldn't you say? Think of it this way, UK has ended up with the #11 class in the SEC for how many years in a row now? If y'all land Dawson and some other guys and it ends up bumping you to, say, #8 in the SEC, that three team jump sounds pretty good, right? However, when you realize that also means there are seven teams ahead of you and a minimum of four of those seven are in the top-10 nationally, it sort of puts a dampening on things.

I can't believe this is that hard for you. If you're trolling me, congrats! You've gotten me hook, line, and sinker. If not, I'm concerned with why this is so hard for you to get your head around.
The talent difference is overwhelming, no matter how many you lost. UK lost half of the 8 four star "commits" they had the past four years, the legendary DT never qualified, Goode ran as soon as he got an offer from an SEC power (to sit on the bench four years), Moss never threw a pass, (major injury and Hartline had a great year plus Newton), and Boyd seems to have just been overrated, although he could still contribute even if he is only a two or three star talent.

I think UK's main problem with four stars is having to take high risks of qualifying and losing them if any other SEC team wants them, and the normal injuries and misses. I think UT's main misses is because they recruit anyone that can run fast and jump high, regardless of their character. LOL You did have bad luck with your five stars in 07, but how does three premium years from Berry, some play by Martin, Jackson starting, and the redshirt starting next year compared to ZERO from UK's ZERO five stars?

Then if you do assume UT lost half their four star commits the past four years (way too high, IMO, but OK) you still should have had 17 to 18 on the team that just beat our team with TWO four stars contributing, both JCs now gone. Next year our four stars on the team will consist of a freshman that needed a redshirt and a true freshman. But IF UT beats us again Dooley will have done a great coaching job. LOL

With that gap in talent UK took UT to overtime last year (Most of our fans think we should have won) and ended up with the same losing record as us this year in a game we could have easily won.

GREAT coaching by Dooley, right. Great recruiting with a lot of advantages, OK, great coaching, LOL.

Now why don't you go read the article on Bleacher Report about the Orange Pride that did nothing wrong and leave us alone. And hope the Vol booster paid the victims enough so they won't sue UT for bringing in players that are a menace to society.
Originally posted by jauk11:
Next year our four stars on the team will consist of a freshman that needed a redshirt and a true freshman.
So it's OK for you to talk about how your 4* players are true freshmen and redshirt freshmen but when I make the same point about UT's, it's not an acceptable point? Got it.
Originally posted by jauk11:
Most of our fans think we should have won
Since when is what UK fans think a valid argument? I think I should have $10M in my bank account too. I think we should have beaten LSU this year. I think we should have beaten UNC this year. So? You think my bank, LSU, or UNC care what I think?
Originally posted by jauk11:
in a game we could have easily won.
Then why didn't you? If it's so "easy" to win, why didn't you? You think Joker just decided he didn't want to do so that particular day? How about if I say, "we could have easily beaten you by 100 points." You think that's true? If we could do that, why didn't we?
Originally posted by jauk11:
Next year our four stars on the team will consist of a freshman that needed a redshirt and a true freshman. But IF UT beats us again Dooley will have done a great coaching job. LOL
So you're telling me if UT beats a UK team that is playing with 4* freshmen, it's not a good coaching job by Dooley? OK. Then what was it this year when the roles were reversed and Dooley had all these 4* and 5* freshmen starting for UT? Regardless, you're "LOL'ing" at a guy that beat you by 10 points in a season where he couldn't even field an entire travel squad, couldn't include dime packages in his defense because he didn't have enough bodies to throw into the secondary, was starting DEs as DTs because he didn't have any DTs, and had an OL with three freshmen and a sophomore on it. I wish I could "LOL" at things like that.

I'm not sure how you hijacked this thread and turned it into another "UT/UK recruiting battles over the years" thread but you managed to.
Your arguments get dumber by the minute. Not only did UT have top ten in the nation classes three of the past four years they had top six classes in the SEC all four years. Would you care to look up UK's ranking the past four years? And UT had several five stars play over the past two years with one that is good enough to start next year redshirting because you already had better talent on the field. While UK's last five star was last century.

And in UT lost half their four star recruits the past four years (high, but quite possible considering the character of their recruits) they still would have had about 17 on this years team compared to the TWO JCs that played for UK.

Man, why would you want to make yourself look even more stupid by arguing that UT didn't underachieve based on talent level after ending up with losing record just like UK?

And yes, the fumble that SHOULD have been a TD that would have put you behind 14 zip, the missed fga, and several more gaffes turned a very winnable game into a loss.

Please, just go home, and take your Dutch friend with you.

Three out of four top ten recruiting classes and another MUCH better than UK's, and you still want to argue. Did you graduate from UT?
Originally posted by jauk11:
Your arguments get dumber by the minute. Not only did UT have top ten in the nation classes three of the past four years they had top six classes in the SEC all four years. Would you care to look up UK's ranking the past four years? And UT had several five stars play over the past two years with one that is good enough to start next year redshirting because you already had better talent on the field. While UK's last five star was last century.

And in UT lost half their four star recruits the past four years (high, but quite possible considering the character of their recruits) they still would have had about 17 on this years team compared to the TWO JCs that played for UK.

Man, why would you want to make yourself look even more stupid by arguing that UT didn't underachieve based on talent level after ending up with losing record just like UK?

And yes, the fumble that SHOULD have been a TD that would have put you behind 14 zip, the missed fga, and several more gaffes turned a very winnable game into a loss.

Please, just go home, and take your Dutch friend with you.

Three out of four top ten recruiting classes and another MUCH better than UK's, and you still want to argue. Did you graduate from UT?
First, let me say, congratulations for graduating from the lame "rolling on the floor laughing with dirty clothes" comments.

Again, if being in the top 6 of the SEC is that impressive to you, then by all means, be impressed. I like to strive to be #1 in things but if you think #6 is that great, I hope you get there someday. I'm not sure where I said that UT didn't underachieve. I recall saying that I don't think they deserve the title of the most underachieving team in the conference.

And by the way, shoulda, woulda, coulda. UT has plenty of those games as well but guess what. They're all in the record books under the "L" column. Although, look at it this way, if you hadn't of fumbled or missed that FG, you would only have had to overcome "several more gaffes" to remain competitive. Of course, maybe of Bray hadn't thrown a pair of picks the Vols would have driven for two more touchdowns. Think that's fair to say? Pretty assumptive, huh?
With that gap in talent UK took UT to overtime last year (Most of our fans think we should have won) and ended up with the same losing record as us this year in a game we could have easily won.

GREAT coaching by Dooley, right. Great recruiting with a lot of advantages, OK, great coaching, LOL.

With the attrition of back to back coaching changes leading to a depleted roster, and a lack of experienced talent at key positions, including but not limited to OL, DT, LB, DB, and QB, UT was picked to finish 5th behind UK in th East just behind UK at 4th, and UK was expected to break The Streak this season. Instead UT contined The Streak by defeating UK, and tied for 3rd in the East while UK finished 5th in the East. Tell me again which of the 2 1st year coaches underachieved?

Thought I would post this on all the threads on here infested (so if you see this line again you have already read all this) by the UT fans that don't understand "go away".

I asked several times what happened to the incident where the four star DE was charged with assault for hitting a man from behind. Since you seem to be big Vol fans you would think you would have had some knowledge of what happened to him. Here is my post which explains why you didn't respond. By the way, this was on another thread about another Vol facing charges of domestic abuse. The post follows:

"An interesting note at the end of the story. I had asked numerous UT fans posting over here what happened to him, now it seems pretty obvious why none of them replied.

In that case a 6' 4" 265# FOUR STAR DE was charged for assault after hitting a man from behind (naturally) while he was dancing. Really, I guess he had no choice, he didn't have a bunch of his buddies to help him and it wasn't a woman.

So, according to the link, this is what happened to him:

"UT defensive end and former Ooltewah star Jacques Smith was arrested on a misdemeanor charge of simple assault in October following an altercation at a bar and did not miss any games."

Also, I would like some clarification on the suspensions two out of the eight players got from the bar attempted murders (a shoe can be considered a deadly weapon according to a story next to the domestic violence link yesterday) were supposed to have served, did they actually miss the 50-0 Tennessee Martin slaughter?

And Myers was kicked off because of a previous offense AND assault on an officer, NOT the bar kickings."