I can't speak for anybody else here, although I think others might agree with me, but I just want the players that have the most impact on winning. And yes, I think Richie Sauders - even as a role player off the bench - may well have (even may probably have) a bigger impact on winning at UK next season than what Karter Knox would have. It matters not to me how much pro potential Knox has, how high he might be drafted by an NBA team after next season (maybe regardless of how he impacts Ark's team), or that in a few years he's a much better pro player than Saunders ever could be. Knox is playing one year in college, and during that one freshman year he will likely be inferior to most every other starting SF upperclassman in the Big 12/SEC (and almost certainly inferior to every such 2G). Relying on freshmen to carry your team is a recipe for failure - and under Calipari that situation was forced upon the team by design.