I've been negative recently.

Do not agree with your comments about Welch. He is a great addition and we have seasoned assistants a great head coach.
I think a lot of Cal fans dislike my comments about Welch but Cal isn't a great coach. He's great motivator and mentor but he definitely lacks the on the court ability to say he's a great coach. Hall of Famer nonetheless.

Reporting on the team is that Welch is a significant reason for the change in the quality and kinds of shots we were taking. If you want to interject feel free to do so but I feel like we can trust the word of reporters who spend each day around the team and know whats going on.
I’m still in the wait and see mode before getting excited. Lets see how this team looks in the ooc, if we can win those big games I’ll get excited for league play.

Still a lot of variables for this upcoming season, but these summer league games showed some big promise. Ball movement was great and this group seems to enjoy playing with one another.

I think the pieces are there for a solid season, but time will tell.
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I’ve tried to do better with my posts lately. When I became the biggest target for the guy that makes a 1000 accounts on the site, I decided not to let that get to me and ignore the bs. I’m not on this site to argue. I’m here to discuss my favorite team. I’ve made mistakes and I’ve even privately messaged some people and apologized for being hateful.

Anyone that’s a real UK fan, if I’ve been hateful or a smart aleck to you I’m sorry. I’m human and make mistakes daily. I’m trying my best to be a good person on this site like I always have, I’ve just made mistakes along the way. I am not a moderator like many of you know, and if anyone else says otherwise they are lying.
I’ve tried to do better with my posts lately. When I became the biggest target for the guy that makes a 1000 accounts on the site, I decided not to let that get to me and ignore the bs. I’m not on this site to argue. I’m here to discuss my favorite team. I’ve made mistakes and I’ve even privately messaged some people and apologized for being hateful.

Anyone that’s a real UK fan, if I’ve been hateful or a smart aleck to you I’m sorry. I’m human and make mistakes daily. I’m trying my best to be a good person on this site like I always have, I’ve just made mistakes along the way. I am not a moderator like many of you know, and if anyone else says otherwise they are lying.
It was hard not to be completely negative or defensive on here for awhile. There was a whole lot of arguing going on and I think now we might have a team that brings the fanbase together. Whether people are willing to be decent to each other again and allow themselves to see this team for what it is.......that's a different story.

I think this year will be fun. Hopefully if it goes the way I think it will go we won't have to worry about hiring a coach for a little while longer.
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This was fun but we’ve seen the team be killers in summer games and not even close to the same look when the season comes up…. I will say though if cal square pegs a round hole this year the whole fan base will revolt.
Eh maybe the team looked good and hit some shots but the basketball was always still ugly. The 24 second shot clock may have changed that but they were running and taking their open shots and we had very few long 2s.

It should be nearly impossible to screw up this team. They should be able to wake up, piss, brush their teeth, and make an elite 8.
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There was still a lot of one-on-one offense. We just have guys this year who can score that way. A bunch of them.

The crisp passing was encouraging.
Especially in the Canada gold metal game, there was a lot of one-on-one offense. Canada played very good defense, and we just had enough talent to win going one on one. I’ll take the win but wound live to see a more structured offense. However, it is still just July.
Well we're running a 5 out motion offense, and we ran some inbounds plays. There's reason to be excited about that. I'm still waiting to pass judgement until I see what we run when the season starts. We averaged around 60ppg in the tournament last year. That crap has to stop.
Yup. No more every night rock fights. Sure, occasionally you find yourself in one. Part of the game. But these volunteer rock fights are getting very old.
I’m still in the wait and see mode before getting excited. Lets see how this team looks in the ooc, if we can win those big games I’ll get excited for league play.

Still a lot of variables for this upcoming season, but these summer league games showed some big promise. Ball movement was great and this group seems to enjoy playing with one another.

I think the pieces are there for a solid season, but time will tell.
This is where I am at. These summer games are always fools gold if you will. Not saying this team won’t make a deep run (there was a lot of positives to take away) but I’m also not removing my reservations I have about Cal and his program.
We have elite (or very close) guard play again. Last time was Maxey and Quickly and we were on our way to making a big run before covid.
I started to hate Cal. I can admit when I'm wrong. It's obvious the Welch hire is igniting whatever flame Cal had left. We may look back at that hire and realize that its the thing that turned Kentucky basketball around. I was so tired of watching that slow plodding offense and this weekend I saw all of the things that I've been asking we do for years. This is the most excited for a team I've been since Monk/Fox/Bam. Again I was wrong....and I can't wait for this season to start.
I enjoyed it also but, and I hate to put a but in, but we do have to remember there was a 24 second shot clock Cal had neither of his centers available and I just don't feel like it should take hiring another guy to bbring Cal out of this funk that has been the nightmare of the last 3 years.
However I'm trying to be positive and I'm looking forward to the season. Cal just has me gun shy.🙃
I absolutely loved Cal up until 2017 and have disliked him more each year from there. I was at a point where I wanted him gone ASAP. I still would lean toward him leaving if I was asked the question today.

The recruiting did pick back up and he actually made some good hires with Welch and Coach O. Also bringing Ulis on will help more than most know.

He’s not going anywhere regardless of how I feel but I’m willing to give him this year to get me back on board completely. This summer was an excellent start with an exciting brand of basketball. We ran a ZONE, an OUT OF BOUNDS plays and full court pressed!

Unfortunately for him tho, he needs a final four to get most of us back on board. I will say I’m more excited for UK basketball than I have in a long time!!
I started to hate Cal. I can admit when I'm wrong. It's obvious the Welch hire is igniting whatever flame Cal had left. We may look back at that hire and realize that its the thing that turned Kentucky basketball around. I was so tired of watching that slow plodding offense and this weekend I saw all of the things that I've been asking we do for years. This is the most excited for a team I've been since Monk/Fox/Bam. Again I was wrong....and I can't wait for this season to start.
You should probably not draw conclusions from these games. The very people that had high expectations going into the season last year - based on meaningless games - later acknowledged that they should’ve known better. And now they’re doing it again.

Cal will not change. He is who he is.

I’ll give you a prophetic glimpse of what’s to come:

This team will have double digit losses. Cal will live and die with Reeves taking a ton of shots. Reeves will give up a ton of points on the other end, while having good shooting nights and bad ones. This team will bow out of the tourney early again when Reeves has another cold night.

People will again defend Reeves, and point to his shooting percentages on the year while ignoring the fact that he performed poorly against top tier teams much more often than he performed well.

Welcome to modern UK basketball. Nothing is fixed until Cal goes.
i never started hating Cal
i really hated that the recruits he was getting were going to Duke and a couple to other schools
as with everything in life there will be ebbs and flows, recruiting is the same way

many fans got spoiled when Cal was landing every major recruit
then when Cal starting missing on those recruits and adversity hit some fans could not deal with it (some still can't)

I would argue Cal was the one who couldn’t deal with adversity (I.e., not getting the top talent anymore). The fans were patiently waiting for Cal to do something with the lesser talent he was landing. When it became apparent after several years running he could not, both Cal and the fans realized his only hope was getting the cream of the crop again. Nothing wrong with that. But let’s not act like the fans didn’t trust Cal and support him for a number of years after his most recent successes.
It was nice to see us blowout some cupcakes if we do the same to Kansas i will start to feel better about Cal
I would argue Cal was the one who couldn’t deal with adversity (I.e., not getting the top talent anymore). The fans were patiently waiting for Cal to do something with the lesser talent he was landing. When it became apparent after several years running he could not, both Cal and the fans realized his only hope was getting the cream of the crop again. Nothing wrong with that. But let’s not act like the fans didn’t trust Cal and support him for a number of years after his most recent successes.
the fans have not dealt very well with adversity
between the 9-16 season and Sharpe situation some fans have went off the rails and are having a very hard time regaining their sanity
The fans who are wanting or expecting a structured offense are going to be disappointed. Not happening.
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I started to hate Cal. I can admit when I'm wrong. It's obvious the Welch hire is igniting whatever flame Cal had left. We may look back at that hire and realize that it’s the thing that turned Kentucky basketball around. I was so tired of watching that slow plodding offense and this weekend I saw all of the things that I've been asking we do for years. This is the most excited for a team I've been since Monk/Fox/Bam. Again I was wrong....and I can't wait for this season to start.
You weren’t wrong about anything, the last several years have been completely unacceptable on all fronts. The jury is still out on how well the team will perform against a regular KY schedule but this is a very likeable group of players and there is a good amount of talent to coach. Easily will be the funnest team to watch since the 17 squad. Will be interesting to see how cal coaches them as the year goes along.
1. The difference is what seems to be a big jump in talent from the last few years.

2. Kudos to Cal for a nice recruiting class.

3. But….he was forced to play fast and small in Canada. Jury is still out there on whether things are going to be different.

4. He lucked into Mitchell and Reeves.

5. He’s still a turd.
If Welch comes in here and saves Kentucky basketball. We just have his replacement. This is how it happens. Someone comes along at the right time. Then POW. You have another home grown coach. Would be perfect.
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My only fear is Cal resorts back to that double post offense with Bradshaw And Onyenso. Cal has GOTTA give the FULL reigns to Welch for the offense. He could be our next Robic. Welch cold be the biggest hire we've ever had.
All it takes for some people to come back into the fold is to run a couple of inbounds plays in some meaningless exhibition games. Sheesh.
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Cal has a very talented squad, 1-10. We all know the 1-7 or who are the best. Just hope Cal doesn't do what he is known to do, that is play 6-7 players to where they are beat up at the end of conference play and let rest sit on the bench under developed.
My only fear is Cal resorts back to that double post offense with Bradshaw And Onyenso. Cal has GOTTA give the FULL reigns to Welch for the offense. He could be our next Robic. Welch cold be the biggest hire we've ever had.
I think he has given that up. Last year and now this year. Yea we have 2 of them but Bradshaw is kinda perimeter so we'll see. You have to spread the floor now. The NBA does it and are smashing every record ever set. 130 points on alot of nights some ate 150 in one game.
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I get it. I’m sick of Cow and it will take more than this Canada trip for me to think he’s changed. That being said I like the players on this team and think there’s a lot of talent and potential.
But I have little confidence in their coach. Hopefully he will defer to his staff this year.
With your stupid "Cow" remark, I can't take anything you say serious. I refuse to debate with children or adults who have a child level intellect. It's not funny, not even for a kiddy audience. A grown ass man thinking it's cute is kind of revealing. I myself would be too embarrassed to read my own comments, but I am sure you can't see the issue.
Cal basically put the failures of the last few years on those players suggesting they were either plodding, out of control, or lacking basketball skills. He was complimenting the new players yes but, make no mistake, he was also deflecting blame for the last few years as well.

That's is unacceptable and just wrong but that is who this man is. He just can't help it. He could start walking on water and it would not change how I feel about him.
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Cal was always a jerk to fans. We didn't care when he was winning. Like most things if you are winning nothing else matters.

Fans used Cal being a smarmy asshole as an excuse to call for his head over some terrible seasons. They had every right to call for his job. They just used the wrong excuse.

As far as length being an issue.....UConn won a national title playing a small ball lineup and running some 5 out. Kansas and Baylor with a similar formula as well. This isn't 1998 and some of you need to give up on that. Your dream for what basketball is supposed to be is one of the many reasons we watched the kind of basketball we did the last few years.
U Conn didn’t run 5 out or small ball. They were tall and long. 7 2 several 6 9 starters. Rebounding was their key.
I started to hate Cal. I can admit when I'm wrong. It's obvious the Welch hire is igniting whatever flame Cal had left. We may look back at that hire and realize that its the thing that turned Kentucky basketball around. I was so tired of watching that slow plodding offense and this weekend I saw all of the things that I've been asking we do for years. This is the most excited for a team I've been since Monk/Fox/Bam. Again I was wrong....and I can't wait for this season to start.
Disclaimer: I haven't read this entire thread, just your initial post.

I don't think there is any reason to be upset with yourself. Perhaps HATE is a bit extreme but there have been valid reasons to be upset. Everyone knows I don't hate Calipari. Most have thought I must love the man. Some have accused me, along with many others, of loving him more than the UK program because I actually have thought he was the best bet, especially in any short term scenario, to get the program back to competing for Final Fours again. But I have been angry with him and very disappointed in his job performance over the last several seasons and I am upset with the current state of the program. And that's all on him, no way around it.

I'm not sure if the Welch hire has made as big a difference as you think, though making the hire could be a sign that Cal is ready to make some changes. Either way, there is no denying that what we saw from the team in Canada, whether due to our 2 centers being out or not, was a breath of fresh air. This team is built to run that kind of offense.

And on that note, the personnel makes a huge difference. When is the last Edwards type we've had? A 6-7 wing forward who can handle, pass, shoot, slash, guard pretty much anyone on the floor, finish, block shots, get steals, and on and on. And beyond Edwards, having guards like Wagner, Sheppard, Reeves, Dillingham, and even forwards like Theiro and Mitchell, this personnel was made for that 5-out offense.

So, bottom line: we've all had reason to be upset, perhaps not hate Cal, but it's understandable. I quit arguing with angry fellow fans this past season. But I agree with you- there is much reason for optimism for this coming season. I don't want to get my hopes too high. We'll know pretty quickly if it could be a truly special season.
With your stupid "Cow" remark, I can't take anything you say serious. I refuse to debate with children or adults who have a child level intellect. It's not funny, not even for a kiddy audience. A grown ass man thinking it's cute is kind of revealing. I myself would be too embarrassed to read my own comments, but I am sure you can't see the issue.
As much as the “cow” reference seems to upset you, one would think you would feel the same way when the idiot coach acts childish towards fans and reporters who question his decline. But I guess he gets a bye from you because of who he is?
Hopefully this years squad has enough talent to overcome his coaching or lack of. I’m just hoping he is happy to have recruited them and lets the staff develop them and implement some structure. Then he can run his mouth and try to get them all drafted.
I love the Cats but I’m sick of him, his excuses, and his defenders that blindly believe every word that comes from his mouth.
As much as the “cow” reference seems to upset you, one would think you would feel the same way when the idiot coach acts childish towards fans and reporters who question his decline. But I guess he gets a bye from you because of who he is?
Hopefully this years squad has enough talent to overcome his coaching or lack of. I’m just hoping he is happy to have recruited them and lets the staff develop them and implement some structure. Then he can run his mouth and try to get them all drafted.
I love the Cats but I’m sick of him, his excuses, and his defenders that blindly believe every word that comes from his mouth.

Good point there on the hypocrisy.
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I started to hate Cal. I can admit when I'm wrong. It's obvious the Welch hire is igniting whatever flame Cal had left. We may look back at that hire and realize that its the thing that turned Kentucky basketball around. I was so tired of watching that slow plodding offense and this weekend I saw all of the things that I've been asking we do for years. This is the most excited for a team I've been since Monk/Fox/Bam. Again I was wrong....and I can't wait for this season to start.
Still way to early to tell anything about his hire. I like where it’s heading so far. Lots of ball to be played with him here though.
Did I hate Cal the person? No.
Was I beginning to hate Cal the coach? Yep. I mean the man sat there and said, "Go home and pet my dogs" after a gut wrenching inexcusable performance. Not cool.

He cuts the cutesy comments out after loses and it will go a long way towards regaining some trust.
If he would just act like the coach it would go a long way. Prepare a full roster, address injuries, address the issue we face, and talk about solutions then he’s good. The last 4-5 years he just spouts nonsense at every turn.
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I have been a UK fan since I started college back in 1964. Yes, I am 79. I say this to point out how drastic my next statement may sound. During the 1st gt of the last game,I believe I saw some of the prettiest basketball I have ever seen Uk play. Will it continue this season? Will it win against better teams? I don't know. But it was pleasing to watch.
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As much as the “cow” reference seems to upset you, one would think you would feel the same way when the idiot coach acts childish towards fans and reporters who question his decline. But I guess he gets a bye from you because of who he is?
Hopefully this years squad has enough talent to overcome his coaching or lack of. I’m just hoping he is happy to have recruited them and lets the staff develop them and implement some structure. Then he can run his mouth and try to get them all drafted.
I love the Cats but I’m sick of him, his excuses, and his defenders that blindly believe every word that comes from his mouth.
I wasn't talking about CAL I was talking about YOU. When Cal starts making up stupid childish names for fans, I will gladly call his ass out. But it's obvious you do not see a issue with grown folks using Cow for Cal and other dumb names yall come up with ? Truth be known, you are probably more out of shape than he is. But the internet gives you that shield to hide behind and pretend you are more than you really are.