If we bring this effort for the remainder of the season

Doubtful, it takes a lot of energy to play defense like last night and you still have to score. You don’t win many games scoring 17 points per.
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As long as we have a coach who kicks a fg on 3rd down on the opponents 15 yard line with 9 seconds on the clock we ain’t winning anything that matters. Most unbelievably soft, afraid, weak minded coaching I’ve ever witnessed last night.
I think it's more of a product the HC has. zero faith in the offense and OC.
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As long as we have a coach who kicks a fg on 3rd down on the opponents 15 yard line with 9 seconds on the clock we ain’t winning anything that matters. Most unbelievably soft, afraid, weak minded coaching I’ve ever witnessed last night.
Just my personal opinion, but that is one of the biggest pussy coaching moves I’ve ever seen in my 50 years of life.
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Just my personal opinion, but that is one of the biggest pussy coaching moves I’ve ever seen in my 50 years of life.

It was obvious to everyone that if we punted we were never getting the ball back. Not just UK fans but neutral national analysts and friends of mine that are UT fans or AU fans or bama fans texted me the same thing. It was a dumb decision.
We probably got Georgias C game . They most likely had one eye on Alabama next week . Saying that will probably piss some people off but it’s the truth.
They played as vanilla as they possibly could. Don’t think they wanted to show Bama anything. It almost cost them. As to the OP’s post, the defense played out of their minds. But we play some better offenses than UGA down the road. Our offense isn’t gonna get it done. I’d like to see if there’s something better at the QB position on the bench. Vandagriff is tough, but that’s about all i see going for him. I do think we can get 6 wins but that’s about it. Let’s hope Ferentz steps down after the season at Iowa.
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As long as we have a coach who kicks a fg on 3rd down on the opponents 15 yard line with 9 seconds on the clock we ain’t winning anything that matters. Most unbelievably soft, afraid, weak minded coaching I’ve ever witnessed last night.
We needed a play that would stop the clock. Kinda risky but possible to do with 9 seconds left. A quick shot to the end zone or something to the sideline where they could step out if there was no lane to the end zone. We didn’t have any more TO’s. It was the uber conservative call in a game where every point mattered, but I agree they should have tried something with 9 seconds left.
Effort was good to great.
In game coaching is bad. At home against #1 on your side of the 50 with a 4th and 8. You have to 1 try to draw them off sides, 2 have that play and confidence to run a play to get 9 yards to keep drive alive. Or 3 you have a guy that openly you have said has hit for 65 yards in practice and can probably hit from 70. Punting (and most that know football would not be an option there with 3 minutes on the clock). Just at that time gave Kirby the game, Kirby was over there thinking this guys is an idiot. Took 100% of the pressure off the dogs. Their punter easily hitting over 50 yards a punt and you have the playbook in front of you. Stoops thought for sure that Kirby was going to run the ball on that 4th and 5 or 6 (whatever it was deep on his side of the ball). Play action, easy first down. Lol

Everyone knew it was coming, not White or Stoops evidently. Same old prevent defense, make sure they do not get past you. All Kirby did was a clear out and easy pitch and catch. Wait till Kiffen or Sark gets ahold of Stoops this year not to mention the Orange idiot in Knoxville. That will be 3 more losses like SC loss.

I have no confidence in Stoops ever trying to win a game in 2024. Even Saban changed what he was doing to continue to win games, he went and go offense. Said you cannot win with just defense in 2020. Stoops will stay till he retires or he will if we are lucky get a chance (soon) to coach Iowa.
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After this weekend's performance, I see 4-8 instead of 2-10 or 3-9. Coaching ineptitude on the offensive side, as well as the baffling decision not to use the better punter (thus losing field position battles), will cause us to regress from prior years.

Really hope I'm wrong