If we bring this effort for the remainder of the season

Doubtful, it takes a lot of energy to play defense like last night and you still have to score. You don’t win many games scoring 17 points per.
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As long as we have a coach who kicks a fg on 3rd down on the opponents 15 yard line with 9 seconds on the clock we ain’t winning anything that matters. Most unbelievably soft, afraid, weak minded coaching I’ve ever witnessed last night.
I think it's more of a product the HC has. zero faith in the offense and OC.
As long as we have a coach who kicks a fg on 3rd down on the opponents 15 yard line with 9 seconds on the clock we ain’t winning anything that matters. Most unbelievably soft, afraid, weak minded coaching I’ve ever witnessed last night.
Just my personal opinion, but that is one of the biggest pussy coaching moves I’ve ever seen in my 50 years of life.
Just my personal opinion, but that is one of the biggest pussy coaching moves I’ve ever seen in my 50 years of life.

It was obvious to everyone that if we punted we were never getting the ball back. Not just UK fans but neutral national analysts and friends of mine that are UT fans or AU fans or bama fans texted me the same thing. It was a dumb decision.

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