I think most of us realize it's rigged

You know I do...

The past few years, I've been lucky and gotten to help old Memphis guys with various projects. (I help on Austin Idols new podcast)

I talked to Lance's daughter to get him on twitter. He was nursing a back injury and told him the story about how he's one of my idols.

I went to my first card at the Louisville gardens on Aug 3, 1982. I didn't know how the loop worked, so I thought Lance and Dave would be there. My uncle told me Lance rarely came; that he stays in Memphis. I was only 9, but it bummed me out because I loved Lance, even that young

I told him and he said those kinds of stories mean everything to him; that it means the world for fans to think highly of him

I know it's a corny story, but Lance was like your best uncle that you loved seeing every week

(Now, to get him on Idol's podcast (wink) )
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I about fainted when Nance actually brought up how the shadow of the academic scandal had influenced recruits. Of course Rafferty then came I behind him as the apologist for Rot, I meant Roy. No wait a minute, I meant Rot.

He also mentioned that dragging it out made everyone look bad (or said no one looked good).
So, he was also chiding the NCAA for its indecisiveness.
So when did it start being rigged? Are our championships rigged or we were just better than the riggers?
Hope you're not serious. You're one of the greatest posters ever. Common sense has been your portion since you started on here.
What I actually want is full time referees that are graded each game by an independent body.

College basketball isn't fixed, but certain referees are badly biased and others are complete incompetents.

A product that generates billions of dollars shouldn't still be using part-time officials who are accountable to no one of consequence.
Ok. It's rigged. I guess Kentucky isn't the best program ever. The NCAA just rigged all those games we win. Man, I hope someone pulls the ring of Anthony Davis's finger since he didn't earn it. Why are we spending money on rupp renovation for this fake play acting.
Explain this one. UNC didn't win ATS tonight or against us.
What about halftime spreads of the games? Also, I'm not saying the exact score is dictated. All that can happen is a game pushed a certain way. Can't control free throw makes and misses. Can't control shots. But you can influence the direction a game is pushed. Do you think the Vegas guys are just "That" good? Serious question.
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It's not rigged, human beings are just highly flawed animals known to make mistakes, so if you put three of them in black and white zebra outfits its going to be a trainreck most every time.

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