hehe Bronny remaining in the draft

Not like lebron is any better
I don't understand what that is supposed to mean? Are you saying LeBron is any better than Bronny? LeBron may be an idiot and flopper. And be may not be the killer or goat that MJ was, but he's arguably the most talented all around player to ever touch a basketball. I said "most talented" not '"best".
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I’m not advocating for Bronny because he has no business being in the draft this year, but….in the moving 3 pt shooting drill, I watched videos of both Bronny and Reed. Bronny was far more accurate than Reed. Bronny only missed 1 shot in the whole drill. Reed was pretty good but missed at least a half dozen shots.
It ain't what you do in some drill but how you perform in real games. Reed is way better than Bronny
I’m not advocating for Bronny because he has no business being in the draft this year, but….in the moving 3 pt shooting drill, I watched videos of both Bronny and Reed. Bronny was far more accurate than Reed. Bronny only missed 1 shot in the whole drill. Reed was pretty good but missed at least a half dozen shots.
Is that the drill they showed on jack Pilgram show that had Reed miss 2 total? Do not know so I am asking.
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The NBA is currently turning into reality TV, a made up show, theatre. There’s no debating it either, the NBA in 20 years will be as fake as a Duke fan. I already question its authenticity right now, and if you don’t, you’re blind. It’s a totally made up script and the Bronny (cringest name of all time) is just more evidence. It’s sad because it was once a great sports league but that’s over.

It’s closer to professional wrestling today than a real league like it once was. How anyone encourages it, or enjoys it, is beyond me. Lebron James ruined the NBA from the top down. Hopefully some of the euro players get it back.

I also think it’s fascinating that the league is getting away from American players because of the fan experience. It’s not talked about much, but the players have gotten so rotten and arrogant, the NBA is bringing in a new wave because they’re only going to get worse. But American players did it to themselves - at some point you have to allow fans to be fans it keeps them involved and keeps things interesting. The “pamper me” and “respect me” angle American players now demand is coming back to bite them.

Nobody wants to take their kids to watch a bunch of feminized complainers that wear dresses. lol. This was once a man’s league.

The 80’s and 90’s players handled it much better, the current players think they can treat the sport with disrespect (no faces of franchises) and the fans with disrespect (sit down and watch) and it’s somehow going to work out. It’s not. The NBA knows it’s on a bad path too that’s why they’re swapping out American players for foreign players.
The NBA died when Kobe retired in 2016. Old NBA guys from the early 2010s and 2000s diss the new age guys. Paul George has went on record saying a lot of these new guys take the NBA as a joke. And they’ll kill everything the older players worked so hard to achieve.

Durant going to the warriors in 2016 was the beginning of the end for the NBA.
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The NBA died when Kobe retired in 2016. Old NBA guys from the early 2010s and 2000s diss the new age guys. Paul George has went on record saying a lot of these new guys take the NBA as a joke. And they’ll kill everything the older players worked so hard to achieve.

Durant going to the warriors in 2016 was the beginning of the end for the NBA.

When it’s all said and done Lebron and Durant will be seen as 2 guys that ruined the league, some already say it. The Euro players are becoming preferred in part because of their style of play, but also several other factors. There are already several current and former American players who have spoke to this issue. I think it’s extremely obvious.

Westbrook is another who I think hurt the league badly. He’s the most disrespectful athlete I’ve ever seen when it comes to fan media and interactions. I think the NBA realizes that at some point you’ve got to look out for the customers, organizations, and the institution. It’s simply bad business to claim otherwise and could lead to negative consequences.

I think even the NBA to a large degree realize the game desperately needs Lebron and Durant to retire they just won’t admit it for obvious reasons.
When it’s all said and done Lebron and Durant will be seen as 2 guys that ruined the league, some already say it. The Euro players are becoming preferred in part because of their style of play, but also several other factors. There are already several current and former American players who have spoke to this issue. I think it’s extremely obvious.

Westbrook is another who I think hurt the league badly. He’s the most disrespectful athlete I’ve ever seen when it comes to fan media and interactions. I think the NBA realizes that at some point you’ve got to look out for the customers, organizations, and the institution. It’s simply bad business to claim otherwise and could lead to negative consequences.

I think even the NBA to a large degree realize the game desperately needs Lebron and Durant to retire they just won’t admit it for obvious reasons.
The NBA needs Silver gone. More than they do a Lebron and Durant exit. Guy has spit on Stern’s grave.
The NBA needs Silver gone. More than they do a Lebron and Durant exit. Guy has spit on Stern’s grave.

Huh! You don’t like your basketball coming with a side of shut the hell up and listen to the professional elitist victim billionaires tell you how awful you are!!

I agree, Silver is the worst commissioner of any sport and that’s saying something. I mean baseball has had some trash. I’d Take Roger all day over Silver and that’s saying even more.
Silver has been a bad commish in my view because he wants to be liked by the players too much. Under his watch we had that long super team era that was making the whole season boring but at least now we're getting a degree of parity with some new teams emerging/breaking through.

But the style of play has become broken under him from a fan viewing perspective and his idea of an in-season tournament was ridiculous. But hey, NASCAR is copying it so it had to be good, right?
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Silver has been a bad commish in my view because he wants to be liked by the players too much. Under his watch we had that long super team era that was making the whole season boring but at least now we're getting a degree of parity with some new teams emerging/breaking through.

But the style of play has become broken under him from a fan viewing perspective and his idea of an in-season tournament was ridiculous. But hey, NASCAR is copying it so it had to be good, right?
The lax uniform rules are awful too. Ads all over the jerseys suck ass too.
There is a movement pushing Atlanta to draft Bronnie #1 IF Lebron comes with him.....
If by “a movement”, you mean a few dumbassed rumor-mongering fans pushing baseless inane internet gossip …well, maybe so.

But NO WAY is anyone in the Atlanta front office actually considering this. Not a chance in hell.
If by “a movement”, you mean a few dumbassed rumor-mongering fans pushing baseless inane internet gossip …well, maybe so.

But NO WAY is anyone in the Atlanta front office actually considering this. Not a chance in hell.
Lol. Whatever you say. I read it in an article from an Atlanta Sports journalist.

Do you know "people" in the Atlanta front office??

The Atlanta fans think LeBron has 2-3 more championships left in him if they could get him to Atlanta. How else could they EVER hope to get LeBron to Atlanta, unless they can cut a deal with LeBron with that #1 draft pick and Bronnie being on the same team as LeBron?

Never say never.
Never say never.
Oh, I'm definitely saying "never" least to your utterly RIDICULOUS suggestion that they might take Bronny with No. 1 overall pick. Never never never. Wherever you read that, I can assure you the source wasn't credible.

No basketball front office person would EVER spend the No. 1 overall pick on the 7th man on a crappy 18-loss college team who was only 26% outside shooter ...even if his daddy is Lebron James. It would make that GM a laughingstock and ruin his professional credibility.

I do think someone may take an undeserved flyer on Bronny with a lower pick because of who his daddy is. But not a chance in hell anyone would even consider him for the No. 1 pick.
Oh, I'm definitely saying "never" least to your utterly RIDICULOUS suggestion that they might take Bronny with No. 1 overall pick. Never never never. Wherever you read that, I can assure you the source wasn't credible.

No basketball front office person would EVER spend the No. 1 overall pick on the 7th man on a crappy 18-loss college team who was only 26% outside shooter ...even if his daddy is Lebron James. It would make that GM a laughingstock and ruin his professional credibility.

I do think someone may take an undeserved flyer on Bronny with a lower pick because of who his daddy is. But not a chance in hell anyone would even consider him for the No. 1 pick.
I have no ties to Atlanta or the person who posted….but theoretically, what if you did broker a deal with LeBron? If you had absolutely no chance to get him wouldn’t it make sense to do it? Basically LeBron would be your first pick and Bronny is your throw in.

Maybe it’s a 3 yr deal. You now build around that and have excitement for those years. Yeah it’s crappy, but for an owner that may be chasing a championship, they see it as an opportunity?

Just saying!
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Oh, I'm definitely saying "never" least to your utterly RIDICULOUS suggestion that they might take Bronny with No. 1 overall pick. Never never never. Wherever you read that, I can assure you the source wasn't credible.

No basketball front office person would EVER spend the No. 1 overall pick on the 7th man on a crappy 18-loss college team who was only 26% outside shooter ...even if his daddy is Lebron James. It would make that GM a laughingstock and ruin his professional credibility.

I do think someone may take an undeserved flyer on Bronny with a lower pick because of who his daddy is. But not a chance in hell anyone would even consider him for the No. 1 pick.
Calm down.
This is personal to you for some reason.

Nowhere did I say the Atlanta Front Office was considering this.

A "movement among the fans" is not "Atlanta is drafting him #1.

Nice try at gaslighting my post, though.
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I mean, I know this draft class is weak but if that happened it would be peak stupidity in the NBA. Maybe even pro sports in general. But its the Hawks so....anything is possible!
Hawks fans view it as using that #1 draft pick to get LeBron.

If Lebron wants it to happen, it will happen.
The NBA is currently turning into reality TV, a made up show, theatre. There’s no debating it either, the NBA in 20 years will be as fake as a Duke fan. I already question its authenticity right now, and if you don’t, you’re blind. It’s a totally made up script and the Bronny (cringest name of all time) is just more evidence. It’s sad because it was once a great sports league but that’s over.

It’s closer to professional wrestling today than a real league like it once was. How anyone encourages it, or enjoys it, is beyond me. Lebron James ruined the NBA from the top down. Hopefully some of the euro players get it back.

I also think it’s fascinating that the league is getting away from American players because of the fan experience. It’s not talked about much, but the players have gotten so rotten and arrogant, the NBA is bringing in a new wave because they’re only going to get worse. But American players did it to themselves - at some point you have to allow fans to be fans it keeps them involved and keeps things interesting. The “pamper me” and “respect me” angle American players now demand is coming back to bite them.

Nobody wants to take their kids to watch a bunch of feminized complainers that wear dresses. lol. This was once a man’s league.

The 80’s and 90’s players handled it much better, the current players think they can treat the sport with disrespect (no faces of franchises) and the fans with disrespect (sit down and watch) and it’s somehow going to work out. It’s not. The NBA knows it’s on a bad path too that’s why they’re swapping out American players for foreign players.
I've been saying the NBA is turning into the old And1 series. People really just watch highlights more than games now. I guess you could argue it's always been like that but there were series back in the day that you just had to watch because you knew they would go at it. Seems like about the time Curry started lighting up 3s that the nba decided to just nuke the defense from bball.
The NBA is a marketing machine. They're in the business to make money.

LeBron has been the face of the NBA for over 20 years. If some NBA team thinks they can capitalize on the image of a father-son duo teaming up for 2 to 5 minutes a game, why would anyone think that's strange?

If the NBA was truly about merit and not marketing, they would never allow the fans to vote in the starting five for the All-Star game.

It is what it is. Those of you wanting the NBA to suddenly turn into a meritocracy are delusional. SGA would have won MVP this year if it was truly about merit and not name recognition.
The NBA is a marketing machine. They're in the business to make money.

LeBron has been the face of the NBA for over 20 years. If some NBA team thinks they can capitalize on the image of a father-son duo teaming up for 2 to 5 minutes a game, why would anyone think that's strange?

If the NBA was truly about merit and not marketing, they would never allow the fans to vote in the starting five for the All-Star game.

It is what it is. Those of you wanting the NBA to suddenly turn into a meritocracy are delusional. SGA would have won MVP this year if it was truly about merit and not name recognition.
It was like TIm Hardaway back in the day. He was an absolute nobody until Jordan said he was the hardest player to go against. Then he was on espn and tv all the time.
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James just now up and said he informed all the pro teams he would NOT be accepting a two-way contract no matter what. He demands to be on their 15 man roster at the least.
James just now up and said he informed all the pro teams he would NOT be accepting a two-way contract no matter what. He demands to be on their 15 man roster at the least.
Lol it'll happen because he's being brons boy but IDK where all these entitled ass holes come from. What's he gonna do? Not too to the NBA if he don't get the contract he wants? Dude you was a 7th man who averages 5 points please sit down and shut up.
James just now up and said he informed all the pro teams he would NOT be accepting a two-way contract no matter what. He demands to be on their 15 man roster at the least.

Dude couldn’t even crack the starting lineup of an awful 18 loss college team and had hideous shooting percentages …yet thinks he’s in position to be dictating terms to NBA teams?

Reveals a breathtaking level of self-entitled gall if that report is true. If I’m a GM that alone would tell me he ain’t worth dealing with.
Lol it'll happen because he's being brons boy but IDK where all these entitled ass holes come from. What's he gonna do? Not too to the NBA if he don't get the contract he wants? Dude you was a 7th man who averages 5 points please sit down and shut up.
The boy would have been so much better off in life having a guy like O'Neal being his dad.
I don't understand what that is supposed to mean? Are you saying LeBron is any better than Bronny? LeBron may be an idiot and flopper. And be may not be the killer or goat that MJ was, but he's arguably the most talented all around player to ever touch a basketball. I said "most talented" not '"best".
Not an NBA fan here but, just going by stats , Wilt chamberlain was the most productive player.
Eye test? I would take a 23 year old Lebron over a 23 year old MJ. JMO.
Not an NBA fan here but, just going by stats , Wilt chamberlain was the most productive player.
Eye test? I would take a 23 year old Lebron over a 23 year old MJ. JMO.
Jordan averaged over 37 points a game as a 23 year old.

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Not an NBA fan here but, just going by stats , Wilt chamberlain was the most productive player.
Eye test? I would take a 23 year old Lebron over a 23 year old MJ. JMO.
Again, I said "most talented". Not "best" or "goat" or "best stats". I'm not a LeBron fanboy, by any stretch, but IMO, he's the most talented, across the board, player ever.
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The NBA is currently turning into reality TV, a made up show, theatre.

It’s closer to professional wrestling today than a real league like it once was. How anyone encourages it, or enjoys it, is beyond me. Lebron James ruined the NBA from the top down.

The “pamper me” and “respect me” angle American players now demand is coming back to bite them.

Nobody wants to take their kids to watch a bunch of feminized complainers that wear dresses. lol. This was once a man’s league.

The 80’s and 90’s players handled it much better
Guess you missed Dennis Rodman wearing dresses and acting like a fool on the the 90s. You clearly have some sort of agenda and I have no idea what you're talking about regarding "feminized complainers that wear dresses." And then you immediately mention players in the 90s handling things better and how it used to be a "man's league." Again, I give you Rodman, Dennis. You claim LeBron James has literally ruined the NBA from the top down. Explain that please. How did the best player since Jordan, whose won mult. world titles and MVP awards, ruin an entire league. Buddy, you're ranting just to rant and it makes no sense.
Lol. Whatever you say. I read it in an article from an Atlanta Sports journalist.

Do you know "people" in the Atlanta front office??

The Atlanta fans think LeBron has 2-3 more championships left in him if they could get him to Atlanta. How else could they EVER hope to get LeBron to Atlanta, unless they can cut a deal with LeBron with that #1 draft pick and Bronnie being on the same team as LeBron?

Never say never.
2 to 3 chamipionships? Yeah right. He would be lucky to get one on a stacked team and Atlanta isn’t that team.
Fwiw... I think the next group coming up is more fun to watch than the Curry/Lebron years. Maybe it's just players learning to play with the new rules on D or just more parity... But I've actually watched more nba this year than the last 6 years combined.
Lakers will add him not draftchim . Whoever lebron plays for will add him he wont get drafted.