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80, that’s what we did for the pigs but the better option would be the way we did the bulls. Just band them and they’ll just fall off in a week or so.
It would be the way to go if she was getting a c section as they could do it then but she has the first two naturally and we’re expecting the same with this last one. Otherwise it’s significantly more invasive and risky.
Total anecdata but I've heard way more horror stories about tubal ligation versus an IUD (there are non-hormonal options) or dude getting snipped.
For you getting snipped fellas out there: what happens if you leave your wife for a smoking hot 25-year old who wants to have kids? I just don't know how you can be so selfish not to think of how that will make her feel.
Castrating bulls was one of the worst things I participated in as a child. Cut the sack, pull out the balls, give them a shot and slap hot tar on their sack area to seal it up.

Huber did you really just type a 20 paragraph rebuttal to Bucket? He knows nothing about business except what the teachers union told him.
80, that’s what we did for the pigs but the better option would be the way we did the bulls. Just band them and they’ll just fall off in a week or so.
Bands work okay on really small bulls, but a nut can pop out and stag the animal. Then it's not good for food or breeding and you have to sell it for half price to McDonald's.

When cutting, sometimes you can hear the cords pop/snap from within the bull when you yank the balls out.
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My vasectomy wasn’t a bad experience. Mine was performed on the Thursday morning going into Labor Day Weekend 2019. I was laid up that day and night. Worked out well as that night was the opening night of college football.

The next night we went to the pool for dinner and I took a swim. Then next day I went to the UK home opener and tailgated at the Extrav.

A little annoying swelling but nothing painful.
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The kids thinking business owners are the boogeyman yet they worship at the foot of big business like Apple, Google, Amazon and can;t live without them. Each regulation puts a small business owner, like Huber, one step closer to failure to the benefit of Lowe's and Home Depot. Any regulation submitted for a vote look for who benefits and you'll probably see big business. Minimum wage, big business. Immigration, big business. But, you knew that..
Huber, is there a GoFundMe set up so we can send money your way? Are your kids getting enough to eat? I'm worried.
  • Haha
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My vasectomy wasn’t a bad experience. Mine was performed on the Thursday morning going into Labor Day Weekend 2019. I was laid up that day and night. Worked out well as that night was the opening night of college football.

The next night we went to the pool for dinner and I took a swim. Then next day I went to the UK home opener and tailgated at the Extrav.

A little annoying swelling but nothing painful.
How long does the swelling last? 😳
* I made celebratory split pea soup when I was done icing Hercules & the Testicles Brothers with frozen peas after my procedure. (I actually used a bag that wasn't used in the healing process, so it was purely ceremonial)

* In 1972, my father rode his motorcycle home from his vasectomy.

* Are some of you actually complaining because the candidate you didn't vote for is doing something that you wanted them to do?

I guess that's better than complaining about a fake story about only being allowed to eat 4 lbs. of meat a year. Right, Pope?

* I hope all the politicians lose.

* Shit, that's all I've got. Too busy. Wouldn't want to take any space from White Wayne's 4 posts a page, anyway.
Loving the political talk, keep it comin boys! 🤮

coffee is incredibly helpful pre-workout

Trying to get the guts to schedule a vasectomy. I’m a huge puss that is afraid of needles and generally any procedure but I’m not going to have 4 kids no sir. I’m planning after baby is born I guess.

fruit in Ohio sucks even in the summer, SAD

Post Vasectomy sex-------------->Pre Vasectomy sex
- Time to turn off the sprinklers mother nature, we're good. You've cut into our domesto patio season a bit too much.

- Paul's is hitting their stride on the summer produce selection. Best spot in town for those items by a mile.

- Kudos for still giving back the past year, Huber. Commendable.

- Harps was one hell of a companion. Keep that in mind these next few days Clark 😢

- A playoff hockey game is on my bucket list. Atmosphere is unreal on tv, can't imagine it in the arena.

- That sport in general delivers the best professional live viewing experience. Limited stoppage. Even less replay. Great hair metal tunes during the breaks. In & out in under 3 hours. Check it out if you've never dabbled.

- A Caddy Day 1:00 - 1:15 exclusive access to the Signature Club would be a fitting way to celebrate the 10 year Olympics anniversary. And with those boards we could get one hell of a Jumpball game going.

- Drum stick was the go-to from the ice cream truck.
Castrating bulls was one of the worst things I participated in as a child. Cut the sack, pull out the balls, give them a shot and slap hot tar on their sack area to seal it up.

Huber did you really just type a 20 paragraph rebuttal to Bucket? He knows nothing about business except what the teachers union told him.
He's waiting for the talking points email to get sent out before he responds again.
No vasectomy for this guy. I'd just jack off until I die I if my wife cut me off.

I mean really, sex with the wife is like eating a good steak. Sure, it's awesome while I'm eating it, afterwards, I may as well ate a salad because I'm full.

Yes. I've had a few at the local Mexican place tonight so, whatever.
My vasectomy wasn’t a bad experience. Mine was performed on the Thursday morning going into Labor Day Weekend 2019. I was laid up that day and night. Worked out well as that night was the opening night of college football.

The next night we went to the pool for dinner and I took a swim. Then next day I went to the UK home opener and tailgated at the Extrav.

A little annoying swelling but nothing painful.
Worst part for me was taking the samples back. Had my gallbladder removed by a Dr at the same building. Took my sample to the wrong office...put the paper sack containing the sample on the desk to drop it off. Receptionist/Nurse FREAKED out.
Comparing sex with the wife to eating steak and being “full”. Which makes me realize how lucky I am at this point.

My wife, shew wee, god bless her, just convinced me to buy her a new home since the construction loan was such a debacle.

Threw in a half ass low ball offer just to appease her, and I’ll be damned if they didn’t accept.

Talk about getting F’d!!
Sorry for having to let your dog go, Clark. We lost one ourselves today. Always, always sucks.

UK wins O/U this season at 6.5? That is easy money, boys and girls. We'll win our first 3 and our last 3. Florida, Tennessee, and LSU at home, South Carolina, Mississippi State, and Georgia on the road. We'll get 1 win out of that, maybe 3-4 if we get some breaks.

Was looking at that 2014 NBA Draft class with Jokic becoming the lowest drafted player in history to win the MVP. Cleanthony Early was such a good college player. Still think Wichita State would've run the table had we not put them out.
Anyone follow Marc Weinberg? Talk about thin skin.


Marc, if you are reading this, stay cool, dude. It's the internet.
No.Normal people don’t follow Random’s they don’t know. You’re welcome.
Sorry for having to let your dog go, Clark. We lost one ourselves today. Always, always sucks.

UK wins O/U this season at 6.5? That is easy money, boys and girls. We'll win our first 3 and our last 3. Florida, Tennessee, and LSU at home, South Carolina, Mississippi State, and Georgia on the road. We'll get 1 win out of that, maybe 3-4 if we get some breaks.

Was looking at that 2014 NBA Draft class with Jokic becoming the lowest drafted player in history to win the MVP. Cleanthony Early was such a good college player. Still think Wichita State would've run the table had we not put them out.
I’m seeing 8-4 worst case, 9-3 is easily possible. I bet it today myself.
In the last three years I have paid several million to the IRS. Anybody who thinks that’s fair/reasonable is a f’n idiot. I built it out of thin air. No SBA loan or help from our government.

I did get one PPP loan of 30k(which was forgiven). Thanks for the 3% rebate.

It wouldn’t bother me if they spent the money somewhat responsibly. We can do more for the community with that money I EARNED than they will.
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-Term limits (2 term max) and no pension or “for life” retirement benefits
-Balanced budget with 100% visibility
-At least 50% of fed income tax must be reinvested into infrastructure, elderly and children in need, and small business

Start there and we can tackle the rest later.
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