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The tattoo wasn't great, but those shoes were.

Those shoes actually sucked!

At Jtown back when things were organized we got our whole wardrobe in a set and those shoes were apart of it, only maroon. The whole team wore everything the same, from FR to varsity.

Unless you could wear 3 pair of socks with them you’d have to have an ice bath just to numb the pain.
Mercer's tat was/is fantastic.
Ron Mercer tells the story of his tattoo, a mural on his left shoulder of a basketball as big as a baby's fist and a rim and net slightly too small for the ball.

"It was just me and some guys one day before my senior year of high school," the Kentucky star and NBA-lottery-pick-to-be said Sunday, before his team's national championship game with Arizona. "We just made up our minds to do it, no big thing. It's probably the last one I'm ever going to get, for sure.
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I'll preface this by saying I don't know much about Will Levis, but the guy ran more than he threw in 2 seasons at Penn State, and he completed < 60% of his passes. That just doesn't seem to translate into a bigtime downfield passer in the SEC.

Maybe I'm just more upset that Joey Gatewood couldn't improve enough to take the job. That's rather disappointing, imho.
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-i prefer sj over tw as well, irrelevant.

-QBs develop over time. The injury screwed the kid. Managed his business, represented the commonwealth well...and won a helluva lot of games.

-I've seen uk offenses with more talent get their shit pushed in by being careless with the ball. I prefer winning over statistical glory, that's just me.
The staff said before spring practice they weren't going to name a starting QB until fall camp. Gatewood was noted many times as looking much improved from last season. Like I said, if he gets beat out then I'm fine with that. I would expect the best QB to start.
-played a little dubs tonight: won 5-7, 6-3 and 6-1. Early in the first set I hit myself in the right "twin" on an overhead follow through. Took a minute to get my "mojo" back. The shot was a winner...that didn't numb the pain.
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Will Levis as our starting QB is becoming more likely with each passing day, and I'm not sure what to think about that. If that's the case, we're running the ball, controlling the clock, and only throwing when we absolutely have to. This may sound familiar.

Mfer can throw the ball to China through the center of the earth. Him and Wan’Dale are a guaranteed problem.
Having a kid who is a Shitty sleeper is literally the worst thing ever. She was up from 8-11pm (8 is her bedtime) and then up every 30-40 min since. She has been like this since birth. One time our Dr asked us to track total sleep time when she was about 8-9 mo old. We tracked for 6 wks and her average nap time was less than 2 hrs a day with about 10-12 zeros in there (literally NO NAPS at all). Our Dr thought I was lying until I fired back at him a “what the hell would I lie about this for?”
I have zero expectations when it comes to QB. Hoping for competence.

I believe Eddie Gran had developed some kind of magic in the running game and we'll miss it at times. Rodriguez was the primary beneficiary of this and I expect him to take a small step back this season. I mean, he was statistically the best RB in the SEC. He’s good but does anyone really believe he’s that good? Hopefully the upgrade to a competent passer will more than offset any reduced production in running.

The biggest change to our offense will come via WanDale. Kid is going to be FUN.

Defense will be solid, as will be the case as long as Stoops and Co. are here. Pretty excited to see what Trevin Wallace will do here, although I’m not expecting much during his freshman season. My biggest question is at nose guard. Can Bully handle all the snaps? Is Rogers ready to contribute? Not as worried about LB as some. Land Jones and we should have plenty of capable guys.

The next big step for Stoops to take is consistency with the week-to-week effort on the field, IMO. Seems like every season there are a couple of dud games. See Missouri and Vanderbilt in 2020. Even 2018 had the UT game. The 2019 duds were pre-Bowden experiment and basically sans QB, so they get a pass (no pun). Play consistent, solid football in 2021 and we should win 9 regular season games, more if we can pull off an upset or 2 against Fla, LSU, and/or UGA.
Well considering that the border was a major issue during the election, the Chad’s of the world advocating for open borders and screaming about kids in cages. The Biden/Harris experiment now completely changing course yesterday, talking about illegal immigration and telling the people of Guatemala not to come to the border is rather significant…maybe because they have created an even bigger mess and now sound like maybe orange man bad’s policy?
“Chads of the world” not “Chad’s” you stupid MFer.

How did you get through elementary school let alone medical school?

Take a cue from Anth and just STFU for once.

No offense.
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