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Loving the political talk, keep it comin boys! 🤮

coffee is incredibly helpful pre-workout

Trying to get the guts to schedule a vasectomy. I’m a huge puss that is afraid of needles and generally any procedure but I’m not going to have 4 kids no sir. I’m planning after baby is born I guess.

fruit in Ohio sucks even in the summer, SAD
-Last week of work has ben crazy for me. One hand relieved a lot of stress while (hopefully temporarily) adding a bunch to my plate. Makes the day fly by but still trying to even it all out.

-Sunday was the first day I've just said, "f*ck it, I'm not working out" in like a year. Felt pretty good, tbh. Back at it though.

-Someone mentioned it about Euro Soccer, but having a European sport to follow is really nice for morning coffee viewing. Wish we had some more early American viewing options.

-Rich, took a page out of the Doc's book and ordered those Swims, figured we'd not be pooling together anytime soon so I was safe. They're sharp af.

-Doc needs to learn how to do this where it's not annoying to everyone, just the intended targets.

-Might be red but I'm just a trucker hat guy. The cooling alone for this thick dark hair is enough. Can't get down with full cover.

-Think I'm done forever with the actual beard. Really only have it out of pure laziness.

-I need to go fishing in the worst way.

-Hard to imagine anyone falling for those robo calls but it obviously happens all the time. Apparently once you're on the hook they actually show up in person a lot of the time. Read some stories of how it all works and they're sad af. A lot of times the old folks that fall for it are too embarrassed to even admit it much less call the authorities.
My daughter’s softball team I coach ended our losing streak last night thanks to some great defense, timely hitting and, most importantly, questionable calls by the purple-haired ump. Watching the other team’s coach melt down was the highlight of the game for sure.

  • “Okay, I guess the rules just change every game”, after several unhittable pitches were called pitches instead of no pitch
  • “You don’t even know that rule, do you? Just admit it”, after one of our girls hit a ball which then hit her in fair territory yet it was called foul.
  • And my favorite: “It’s just the Pink Sox against the world!”, after a girl was incorrectly called out on a play at the plate.

And this morning an email comes out from the coach complaining about the rules. Signed "Pink Sox Nation" of course.
Had to make the call to vet yesterday after a couple tough days with our dog. After 14 years, tomorrow is our last day together. Just got to the point where additional medicine and procedures werent having any impact, and things got worse pretty fast. First time going through it- it sucks pretty bad.
Had to make the call to vet yesterday after a couple tough days with our dog. After 14 years, tomorrow is our last day together. Just got to the point where additional medicine and procedures werent having any impact, and things got worse pretty fast. First time going through it- it sucks pretty bad.
Sorry to hear that. Go get a 6-week old puppy two days later. That was my old man’s move the two times out family dog passed away. He seriously did it to get over the pain. My mom wanted to kill him.
- Sorry to hear that, Clark.

- Early morning sports viewing was one of the best things, sports-wise, about living on the West Coast. Morning NFL games, and late afternoon Kentucky basketball games.

- Looking forward to seeing Tatis Jr. in person next Monday. Machado too, to a lesser extent. And whatever lineup of tomato cans (sans Trevor Story) that Colorado rolls out.

- Policy aside, it really is astounding how bad politicians on both sides of the aisle are at simply not coming across like a complete lunatic/weirdo when either answering questions, or trying to dodge them. The stumbling over words, the cackling, the long diatribes that go'd think they would be better-coached at this stuff.

- Are people still getting pummeled at Kings Island by unruly teens? Thought that might be a fun late-summer day with the kids, but maybe Holiday World would be a (literally) safer bet.

- So what's your go-to on a long flight....sleep? Book? Magazines? Movie?
Pretty sure it was white supremacists paid to act like ANTIFA, or, it was ANTIFA paid to act like white supremacists. I guess it could've been a few southerners supporting their heritage, or it could've been some LGBTQDINCDEX's standing up for their rights. Or possibly some Flat Earther's going berserk when they rode the Beast and figured out the Earth was round. Or it might've been some illegals that just got out of their cage, or could've been some people protesting putting them in cages. There's a chance it was Trump, or Hillary, or maybe even some gun toating conservatives, but also it could've been the anti-gun crew showing people you could use force without shooting people. Then again it could've been some cops using excessive force, or reasonable force, or maybe some people just weren't listening to what the cops said and they deserved it. Could've been Black Lives Matter, could've been All Lives Matter, could've been No Lives Matter, could be the Asian haters, or the Covid hoaxers, could've even been Q, or that asshole 4Chan or r/incel. May have been a rapist Priest, or Bob Baffert, or even Coack K.

There's a lot of suspects out there.
Sorry, clark. On the opposite end of that spectrum, my girlfriend just paid $950 for a puppy Schnauzer. She already has one that's like 5 but she wanted to give her a sibling. She wants to name it Buttons while I'm firm on Travis. She bought it so Buttons is most likely.
-Going to be awesome to see all these extra taxes the Biden administration is setting up for a 2022 start. Higher capital gains taxes, income tax increases, small business tax increases, higher corporate taxes, I love being taxed! It's awesome!

I really just wish they would go ahead and raise minimum wage to $25 an hour too.

-Vasectomies are totally scary to think about having, but as a dude has has been snipped, it was an easy 10 minutes with little pain, and more than worth the expense of having another kid if you've already procreated once or twice.

Was on Twitter the entire time while the doc and his hot nurse did what they did between my legs. Ron, not sure where you're at, but if you're in Lex, Dr. Slabaugh is a buddy of ours (Also a huge UK fan, so you'll have something to talk about) and is considered one of the best urologists in the area.

-Scramble season begins. Seem to be playing once a week as the D Player "Hacker" on somebody's scramble team pretty much now through August.

-Got a call from the dealership I bought Ram truck from on December 30th, 2020. They will give me $15,000 more for my truck than I paid for it less than 6 months ago. I mean, it does have 6,000 miles, hasn't even had the first oil change, and is basically worn out.

-Scored a couple bottles of Weller Antique and a handle of Special Reserve for $10 over retail yesterday. #winning
Pretty sure it was white supremacists paid to act like ANTIFA, or, it was ANTIFA paid to act like white supremacists. I guess it could've been a few southerners supporting their heritage, or it could've been some LGBTQDINCDEX's standing up for their rights. Or possibly some Flat Earther's going berserk when they rode the Beast and figured out the Earth was round. Or it might've been some illegals that just got out of their cage, or could've been some people protesting putting them in cages. There's a chance it was Trump, or Hillary, or maybe even some gun toating conservatives, but also it could've been the anti-gun crew showing people you could use force without shooting people. Then again it could've been some cops using excessive force, or reasonable force, or maybe some people just weren't listening to what the cops said and they deserved it. Could've been Black Lives Matter, could've been All Lives Matter, could've been No Lives Matter, could be the Asian haters, or the Covid hoaxers, could've even been Q, or that asshole 4Chan or r/incel. May have been a rapist Priest, or Bob Baffert, or even Coack K.

There's a lot of suspects out there.

-no conspiracy. Here is the video:

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-Going to be awesome to see all these extra taxes the Biden administration is setting up for a 2022 start. Higher capital gains taxes, income tax increases, small business tax increases, higher corporate taxes, I love being taxed! It's awesome!

I really just wish they would go ahead and raise minimum wage to $25 an hour too.
He looked into the camera on more than one occasion and said taxes would be raised.

and people (the exact amount is questionable) still voted for him.
-Going to be awesome to see all these extra taxes the Biden administration is setting up for a 2022 start. Higher capital gains taxes, income tax increases, small business tax increases, higher corporate taxes, I love being taxed! It's awesome!

How much did your employer get in PPP money? 500-1million?

Has to get paid back somehow. No such thing as a free lunch is the saying I believe
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Just saw Cal and coach O in Crestwood taking pictures and hanging out with the Pillar community. Cal catches a lot of shit, some deserved, but not a lot of people would take the time to do things like this.
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*If it wasn't clear, I was joking Rudd.

*That's preposterous Huber. I've never heard of a dealership offering you more for your vehicle than you paid for it (at least not like that). Strange times we are living in.

*After a buddy had serious complications from being snipped, I never even considered doing it. Not a chance in hell after seeing what he went through.

*Golf trip to The Hermitage this Fri-Sun. Can not effing wait.

*August is shaping up as a hell of a month for local golf tournaments. Eli, Gold Rush, Central City, Member/Guest. My wife might murder me, but she signed up for this.

*Mare of Easttown was pretty damn good, but GD their pronunciation of hOme drove me nuts.

*BIL is getting to go on the golf trip this weekend, as his chemo port won't be put in until after we get back. In other good news, he's been told he likely can continue to play golf while the port is in. Big news for his mindset. On a related note, in a complete bullshit shot in the dark, I found Fred Ridley's email address on LinkedIn and sent him an email telling him my BIL's situation and seeing if there was any way for him to get in a round at Augusta. Obviously, this was never going to work, but I do now have a letter on Augusta National letterhead addressed to me politely telling me a definitive "no".

*I don't know why people keep such close tabs on national politics. I get being informed of what's going on, but if you watch it constantly, how do you avoid it making you miserable?
*After a buddy had serious complications from being snipped, I never even considered doing it. Not a chance in hell after seeing what he went through.
😕 I mean I’m not wearing a touching condom or pulling out for the next decade so I’m not really sure what the hell the other option is other than forcing my wife to take hormone altering birth control.

One thing I’ve noticed, that’s probably pretty obvious, is that it’s much easier to criticize things without really offering anything. Sports reporters being the most obvious example. However it’s clearly like this in politics. For every president all we hear is about how awful everything is and how bad things are from the other side, while the current side either doesn’t mention things or is more upbeat and reports on less serious things. To try and act like the liberal guys on here weren’t making doomsday posts a couple years ago is just selective memory. Now it’s the guys who are conservatives turn to be dramatic and negative for the next 4 years. The John Oliver show on HBO used to be regular viewing for me when Obama was president as I found it funny and not overly political one way - but once Trump became president it became depressing and unwatchable. It’s like basically you stop caring once your candidate wins and then once your opponent wins your entire goal in life is to get them out of office. Either way I’ll continue to not care and have my life altered very minimally no matter who is in office.
Yep, I’m just trying to give a dose of their own medicine. It’s annoying as hell. Where is your outrage now?
Vasectomy is a breeze, compression shorts, jock strap, and frozen peas.

It's surgery so yeah I'm sure some people have a bad experience but it's unlikely.
Process itself wasn't a breeze. Hot nurse walks into my junk splayed through a hole in a sheet. Freezing cold room so... not my best effort for sure. Then lathers you up with iodine. You can basically feel everything and the burning smell is awful. 15 people in there with a doc making small talk and rooting around you sack.

Then fat ass nurse in post opp wants to lecture me about high BP at my age. "Ok, toots. Drop the 5 diet Mt Dews a day and leave me alone. It's elevated bc I just had my balls sliced open."

Post surgery wasn't too bad though.

I know, Moms, it's not childbirth. We're fully aware.
😕 I mean I’m not wearing a touching condom or pulling out for the next decade so I’m not really sure what the hell the other option is other than forcing my wife to take hormone altering birth control.
Your wife could get her tubes tied (or whatever the f*ck they call it now). That's one other option.
Your wife could get her tubes tied (or whatever the f*ck they call it now). That's one other option.

It would be the way to go if she was getting a c section as they could do it then but she had the first two naturally and we’re expecting the same with this last one. Otherwise it’s significantly more invasive and risky.
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How much did your employer get in PPP money? 500-1million?

Has to get paid back somehow. No such thing as a free lunch is the saying I believe
I am the employer.

How much would the government had paid if I had to lay everyone off when the pandemic had started?

What about the increased expense of running a business during a pandemic with the tens of thousands of dollars spent on increased costs of web design for added ecommerce development, tens of thousands spent on additional door help to reduce people coming inside the business in droves like a normal spring and summer, the same amount of money spent on additional phone help to take care of increased call volume, the thousands and thousands of dollars spent just on face masks, the thousands and thousands of dollars spent on hand sanitizer and other cleaning agents, the tens of thousands of dollars spent on overtime pay spent for employees staying late and coming in early to thoroughly clean the business for employee and customer safety reasons? How many thousands of dollars was spent at locally owned restaurants to feed our employees lunch and also help out other locally owned small businesses because that was the right thing to do during the pandemic? How many tens of thousands of dollars did we continue to donate to area non profits when their overall donations were at record lows yet they provide so much assistance to our community? How much has my business continued to spend, more and more every year to provide employee healthcare? And lastly, how much taxes does my small business pay and has paid for 50 years? Free lunch my ass.

Sure the PPP loan was nice, but don't ever say anything is a free lunch to a business owner. We get f**ked at every turn unlike the Amazons of the world. And at the federal, state, and local levels.

I believe in taxing my business appropriately, but allow me to be profitable, grow my business, grow my taxable sales, grow my employee base which means more income tax, which will turn into new buildings and properties purchased (more property taxes), wash rinse, repeat. Benefit growing small businesses who employ so many and do the right things. Not increasing taxes tremendously and make small business owners question their desire to continue to grow their business, cut benefits costs to its employees, reduce staff size, and question taking on more and more risk and debt for less profit which will kill any of the before mentioned tax increases a growing small business would provide. Higher taxes will hurt the economy and job creation more than some understand.
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Considering what my wife went through (and the permanent changes it made to her body), I think me getting a small shot in the sack, 10-20 seconds of feeling like I got hit in the balls, and a weekend relaxing on the couch is a trade off I was OK with.
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