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77 years ago some bad asses showed up on the beaches of Normandy and saved the damn world. It's still incomprehensible to me what those men did.
My grandfather joked he slept through it- he flew in the pre-first wave and flew back over the invasion force on the way back in. There’s a picture of them right before taking off on my FB. Most of the guys in that picture probably didn’t make it home. Really a miracle the Powerrr line made it to 2021.
My grandpa was a marine who fought in the Pacific theatre. The story he always told me was that he would have been one of the first to invade mainland Japan, if we hadn’t dropped the bombs first. At the time of Hiroshima, he was stationed on a cruiser right off Tokyo. Needless to say, I likely wouldn’t be here if Truman didn’t decide to utilize nuclear warfare. That’s kind of a complex thing to think about. A lot of trade offs there.

His job on the cruiser was manning an anti-aircraft machine gun. Twin fifty calibers. The nightmares he had until the day he died were absurd. Would scream out and “spot” the planes in his sleep. And those nightmares happened all night. I’m not sure he ever really slept in his entire adult life.

He never talked about those stories. But my grandma later told me that by the end of the war, he was primarily shooting down kamikazes. So, shoot straight, or that plane crashes into your ship and maybe kills a thousand men. I can’t imagine the heaviness of that.

Not sure the term “Greatest” Generation even does them justice - it was something much more than mere greatness.
All this heroism on the shores of France so that one day, sensitive tennis players can blow off the tortures of answering media questions...

Finally, mission accomplished.
Don't forget that the little twat you are referring to plays for Japan even though she grew up here and hardly speaks a lick of Japanese. F her.
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Grandfather (best man I’ve ever known) flew a P-38 in WWII. He made it through 150 sorties and they sent him home by rule. Have a ton of memorabilia including his bomber jacket and white scarf. He was a bad dude but you would never know it just hanging out. Caught an AA shell through the windshield and lodged behind his seat, dud. Lucky as you get.

His wife, my gma that passed away in December, her brother Genair was infantry and fought at the Bulge. Again, you’d never know it hanging out with him.

Those men were a different breed. And as far as our military goes these days, those guys are all bad added too for sure, just don’t know if anyone will ever live up to that generation. Those people lived through the Great Depression and being poor, just trying to survive. They absolutely mashed everyone in WWII because they didn’t give a touch. Some real MEN there.

I hope we never need that many of those dudes again.
Today was my last game for Grade 1&2 dad-pitch little league. 100° At 1:30.

I was pitching to these little uninterested guys as quickly as I could, to relieve us all from the heat. We were playing our other in-town team, so the kids were more familiar, social, and handsy than normal out of town games.

Third inning, I’m pitching to a kid and he finally hits the goddamn ball and he plows over the first basemen trying to reach base. The same thing happens two batters later.

The opposing coach steps to me and starts yelling, “Hey coach, you gonna tell your guys to stop running through first base?!?!”

I said, “No. You’re supposed to run through first base.“ Thanks though.

“Did you see what happened?!?”
“Yes. A first basemen isn’t supposed to stand with two feet on the bag.”

Little Puerto Rican guy wanted to punch me.
I calmly stated, “Dude, this town is too small. Let’s get this game over with and set a good example.”

Here I sit now at town swim club, and I feel the gaze of this same dude across the pool. I waved.

Bring it if you want it, cocksucker.
Saddam Hussein once said, “God only made three mistakes, Persians, Jews and flies.” Must not be mosquitos in Iraq.

Alright I’m out for the night.
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I don’t really enjoy flying on ultra-modern, high-tech jets with redundant systems, predictive system failure warnings, GPS, top-notch weather radar and the like. Take all that stuff away and add in the fact people are shooting at you from the air and the ground. The guts it would take to be a bomber squad is something else.
WWII stories are way cooler to read than what someone cooked on the grill last night IMO.

As much as people say kids are pussies these days, I have full faith in America that we’d field the same type of team again if need be.
We’ve had a year of people losing their shit over the inconvenience of wearing masks, so I’m not sure we’re there. We are an incredibly soft and decadent country these days.
My grandfather was a Chief Petty Officer in the Navy aboard a destroyer class ship. He served in both the European and Pacific Theaters. My grandmother married him then sent him off in Norfolk. She welcomed him back home in SanDiego.

He took the skills he learned in the Navy as a welder and electrician to Union Carbide where he worked on fabrication of rockets and satellites, and picked up cancer from being exposed to Uranium.

Dude was built like a tank, stronger than an ox, could outwork any man alive. But he was one of the kindest people I've ever known.
Uncle was a paratrooper in WW2. He dropped in before the landings and was at Bastogne during the Bulge. I’m the only one he told his stories to when we’d go fishing. Said they were in France and ran into a soldier with paratroopers boots. Asked him where he got them he said off a dead man. They took him to the roof and told him he had to earn those boots before pushing him off it. He also said they took towns on horses, roller skates and bicycles with no tires. Said the German’s ran off thinking they were being attacked by tanks because the rims without tires made the same sound. Looking at him you’d never know he was such a badass.
I can’t begin to imagine the French ass some of those European theatre dudes got.
Grandpa use to reference the best dollar he ever spent was while on leave to the Riviera. He mostly peddled cigarettes he was able to get b/c he was security for a train for a bit. He was a reinforcement at the very end of the Battle of the Bulge and the skirmishes there after. Bronze Star for carrying a few injured out of harms way and purple heart for a bullet in the back.

Dad has a book that recounts his groups actions, I need to read that.
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They sure did respond with reckless abandon. Those mfers were just a different level. I still think we’d come out harder than anyone else if it came down to it. Americans might have gotten a little soft but our soft is greater than their hard.

Worked as an RN in the VAER for a while in Lexington. Those WWII guys were the best.
So one of our own players is hit in the head with an object on our own soil and they didn’t stop the game but did stop the game when the Mexican fans were chanting a homophobic slur? Have I got this right?
My father was a navigator on a B17 bomber that was shot down over Germany on his 10th mission. He spent 27 months in Stalag Luft III before being liberated.

That generation was tough as nails because they were used to doing without and when it came time they responded.
No kidding? My wife’s grandfather was a bombardier on a B-17 who spent about the same time in that camp. He was shot down over Kiel, Germany.
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