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Well yeah, I got that. It just seems like that would be a bigger part of the story. If you don’t mind me asking, what happened?
He never really talked specifically about that part or any part of the fighting. I know he returned to battle. He mainly talked to me about his selling cigs, goofing around in the Riviera, and how they wouldn't give him permission to go visit family in Sicily after the war. Apparently too many communist sympathizers down there.

Dad helped him get his medals back after they were misplaced(stolen). That's how I found out about the purple heart and bronz star. I'm not sure if those happened at the same time.
He never really talked specifically about that part or any part of the fighting. I know he returned to battle. He mainly talked to me about his selling cigs, goofing around in the Riviera, and how they wouldn't give him permission to go visit family in Sicily after the war. Apparently too many communist sympathizers down there.

Dad helped him get his medals back after they were misplaced(stolen). That's how I found out about the purple heart and bronze star. I'm not sure if those happened at the same time.
That's funny (the Sicily part). And props to him on the medals. Anybody who took a bullet... wow.
How has the USMNT advanced since 2018 when they couldn’t qualify for the World Cup?

Do they have a legit shot for 2022 to at least make the Cup?
- Locally the crusade for children was on and totally removed the NBA playoffs from my ABC viewing.

That was irritating AF for a chill Sunday.

- Titans adding Julio Jones was fantastic. Already got my siding reps working on getting me back into the LP suite for at least one game this year, but now I think I’ll make a few and just pay the price.

- Stoops is unbelievable. I see a name that is probably someone we “should” have no business getting and I just assume that SOB is going to get him anyway.

Just to show the world he can!

- Yellowstone season 4 coming soon. Perfect.
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~Mended an old friendship yesterday...stupid stuff can really get in the way sometimes between friends and family. Don't let it stew, as you have no idea what the next moment will bring...literally. Take the family that lost 4 kids and the mother in the head on collision Saturday on I75 here in Lex....gone in seconds. Truly devastating.

Have a good week, everyone.
I'm not familiar with older USMNT players but I would be surprised if there was better than Pulisic and Reyna on attack.

Pulisic was the first American to play in the UEFA Champions League final (he damn near scored in that game). Dude is a stud. The Euros call him Captain America.

I like my USMNT team.
My father was a navigator on a B17 bomber that was shot down over Germany on his 10th mission. He spent 27 months in Stalag Luft III before being liberated.

That generation was tough as nails because they were used to doing without and when it came time they responded.
Same story for my great Uncle. Navigator on a B17. They were shot down twice, 2nd time they were captured.

I used to go to the Air Force Museum up at Wright-Patt with him every year. Some of my most treasured memories.
I'm not familiar with older USMNT players but I would be surprised if there was better than Pulisic and Reyna on attack.

Pulisic was the first American to play in the UEFA Champions League final (he damn near scored in that game). Dude is a stud. The Euros call him Captain America.

I like my USMNT team.
Reyna is 18 years old. Dempsey, Donovan, and others too have accomplished more than he has at every level, so let's give him some time.

Pulisic is in a different class than any American has ever been in.

Pulisic played poorly down the stretch for Chelsea and did not look great last night (double teamed throughout and had little service). It will be interesting where he fits in next year for Chelsea.
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-call me a xenophobe...but i hate seeing our guys getting harangued by another country's fans on our soil. Pro immigration...and I generally love our southern neighbors "in real life"...but assimilate or GTFO, imo.

^shit wouldn't happen in Europe. "**** you, I'm Millwall.", atkot.

-billie eilish Tix secured for Louisville show. Segunda is very happy. Hoping for a riot free experience.
-grandpa was a member of the Fighting Hellfish

-WW1: they knew what they were doing, they had used modern weapons during imperialism. They just turned those weapons on each other and made Europe a meat grinder.

-Would the US field the same kind of army as in WW2? No. Our military is pretty damn strong but I doubt the US would ever draft the public again. We love sending our all volunteer military into skirmishes and shrugging it off as “that’s what they signed up for”
WWII gets all the pub, but reals know that WWI was where some truly crazy, brutal, inhumane shit went down. Modern warfare by people who had no clue what they were doing.
I can't find it now, but just last week I read an account of the first soldiers in the trenches who experienced nerve gas attacks. I can't fathom how any of them survived, and more than either side could continue using it as a weapon after seeing it at work. I know war is hell, but gas that melts your lung lining is just demonic.

- I had two great uncles who both lived into their 90s who lied about their age to get into the Army for WWII. One was at Pearl Harbor, and then both were in the Bataan Death March and spent something like 3.5 years in Japanese prison camps. One of them regained forty pounds in his first month after being liberated.

- I've been on a jag of reading about 9/11. I remember the day vividly, but I was young enough that I didn't know some of the 9/11 Commission findings and I didn't quite get the import of some of the events of the day. My family went to church with Dave and Peggy Beamer, and I'll never forget being at a vigil the night of the attack and hearing that Todd was on Flight 93. I couldn't bear to watch United 93 for years, but finally did on Friday and gotdamn that was well done. RIP.

- Has anyone had a shittier first day at work than Ben Sliney? Start as ops manager for the FAA...on 9/11/2001. Shew.

- For years I thought I must have imagined seeing fighters flying over my neighborhood that morning. Turns out I did see them--it was the misdirected fighters from Langley returning to base after being scrambled out to sea, when they couldn't figure out if American 11 went into the North Tower or was headed to Washington. What a tragic mistake.

- And then before my dad could get back from his business trip across the country (and got stopped at the gate and had to have a coworker vouch for his identity because something was wrong with his boarding pass), we had friggin anthrax in the mailbox, and then just when it was safe to go outside again, the DC snipers shut our world down. What a weird time to grow up in metro DC.

- Details aren't worked out but I may get to take my first trip to NYC for the 20th Anniversary. Really hoping I can swing it.

- Naturally, now I'm doing a little light reading with Perfect Soldiers by Terry McDermott (profiling the hijackers). Next up, The Looming Tower.

- I'm probably on a list for googling some of the things I have in the last week. Also pretty sure dad ended up on a list for yelling at an airline employee that they terrorists weren't blonde, since he got pulled by TSA every flight he took for the next 8 years or so.

- Meanwhile, same time as I'm reading all this, some nutbar tried to break into a Delta cockpit?! Was Wett on this flight?
Same story for my great Uncle. Navigator on a B17. They were shot down twice, 2nd time they were captured.

I used to go to the Air Force Museum up at Wright-Patt with him every year. Some of my most treasured memories.
He was shot down over Wilhelmshaven Jan 27, 1943 bombing submarine pins, the first daylight missions over Germany. A few years ago, I saw where there are places you can get on a B17 and maybe even go up on a short flight. I really want to do that someday.
-Not a bad weekend at all. Summer weekends just hit different. Much needed after a stressful last week.

-We're definitely softer, not that it's a bad thing, but it's not because people pushed back on executively mandated masks. Weird take after last week and in general considering they started as being mostly BS and still are. For the "we believe in science" yard sign group you all certainly don't look at the science much because it doesn't nor has it ever really supported mask mandates having any effect. And absolutely not for children as young as 2 years old. Should've started as a recommendation for symptomatic people or those that were forced to gather in small spaces indoors. Instead we have idiots canceling people outside and numbskulls running or exercising in them. Lol.

-How is John Rahm not vaccinated? Good call dumbf*ck. Cost yourself 1.7 million dollars. 🤣

-Just tell me when I can dress up in USA gear and fake some soccer interest. K?

-Had JTB down for some pool action. Lol. Dude cracks me up. Prancing around, flossing the super tanned abs, taking shots at the bar. He's made for pool life. Watching the old boy go to work is something else.

-Team absolutely waxed their first round opponent. Only gave up 2 runs. Walked it off run rule style in the bottom of the 2nd, under 30 minutes. Tough next game then shit gets real.

-Hell of a nice fish, Bobber. Lunker.

-Brought it up during the season, but I felt covid had a huge mental impact on Cal. Dude was always jet setting, running all over, hitting marque events, then he's locked down for a year. Seeing him out at NBA games and moving around has me really optimistic. Add in Brooks' maturity and I'm ready to go.
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- Arkansas columnist saying that the Hogs should bolt the SEC for the Big 12. I definitely see his point from the Arkansas POV, with closer geographic ties and old rivalries w/Texas, etc., but what a shakeup that would be. I kinda like having Arkansas in the SEC. Can't believe they've been a member for 30 years now. Riding with my dad to that game at Rupp with the Cats vs. Day/Mayberry/Miller was about as excited as I've ever been for a regular season game.

HAVING SAID THAT...if Arkansas were to bolt, who gets added? If Mizzou left too (please, God, let this happen), I'd take a swing at UNC/Duke, but you're not gonna only get one of those. So....Georgia Tech? Clem(p)son? It's a tough call if you're only taking one.

- For those of you who have had someone housesit/dogsit while you've been gone on vacation, how much have you paid them?

- Nailed that Emmy Burger sauce that Wodie posted in here the other day. Gojuchang is the real deal. Using it with some thighs in the slow cooker today.

- MLB (outside my mediocre Indians Cleveland baseball team) doesn't draw me in until around mid-September, but these college baseball regionals have been absolutely electric. At least six, and potentially seven Game Sevens tonight. Those crowds are gonna be raucous. PING.

- He'd obviously never do it, because there's no reason to give up that lifestyle for the college grind, but Erik Spoelstra would KILL it as a college coach.

- Jalen Duren looks like Chris Webber 2.0. What a specimen.
Exciting soccer last night- the highlight probably being when a Mexican fan breached access to the CBS set and then apparently lept over the railing to his likely demise. Bunch of pros on set just kept it moving. This also after one of the American commentators threatened to choke the Mexican lady in the booth with them.

Isn't there some rule(maybe unwritten) that would prevent Clemson/GT because of USC and UGA? Maybe Tech would be able to re-join since they were one of the original schools.
Re: gassing in battle. I just don't understand a world where getting torn up by machine gun fire, getting bombs and rockets dropped on my head and possibly stepping on land mines is okay, but getting gassed is too much and a war crime. Call me old fashioned, but if getting gassed is too much for the soldiers and will lead to them deserting, that's probably a great weapon and should be used. And what I mean by that is it acts as a deterrent, and fewer deaths and war.

And as an aside, I am in by no means advocating for its use or lack sympathy for soldiers and civilians that have had it happen to, I just struggle with how people can argue that one set of completely terrible things is okay, while another is somehow beyond the pale. In the case of gassing, it's like both sides got together and said, "hey fella, our guys won't continue to fight if this is what we do, so let's agree not to do this to keep our boys willing to kill each other".
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Here's my ideal SEC conference:

- UK
- UT
- Florida
- Georgia
- Ole Miss
- Miss St
- Bama
- Auburn

Kick Vandy out and let A&M, Mizzou and Arky go to the Big 12 where they should be.
* I get why people think our military wouldn't be as tough or whatever as the WWII generation, but I disagree. When America has a common enemy, with a name and a face, and we feel a legit threat to our freedom, I fully expect we'd rally together and drop our collective American nuts on the opposition. If the enemy is "faceless" or it's just a nebulous "fight for democracy" then it's not the same and leaves a lot of room for internal arguments. If you put us full steam ahead against other nation(s), then we'll demolish quickly.

Due to tech, it doesn't seem like the soldiers on the ground will ever have to endure what they did in the past, but I'm supremely confident that our troops would absolutely lay it all on the line to destroy another country if need be.
our new common enemy is each other
That's true, and it sucks. Given the political landscape in America, and the ease in which people can be manipulated by social media and entertainment news networks like CNN and Fox, I don't see that changing anytime soon. I really don't know how we solve that problem.

The impossible, but best option, might be eliminating entertainment news networks. But there's a 0% chance that ever happens.
* I get why people think our military wouldn't be as tough or whatever as the WWII generation, but I disagree. When America has a common enemy, with a name and a face, and we feel a legit threat to our freedom, I fully expect we'd rally together and drop our collective American nuts on the opposition. If the enemy is "faceless" or it's just a nebulous "fight for democracy" then it's not the same and leaves a lot of room for internal arguments. If you put us full steam ahead against other nation(s), then we'll demolish quickly.

Due to tech, it doesn't seem like the soldiers on the ground will ever have to endure what they did in the past, but I'm supremely confident that our troops would absolutely lay it all on the line to destroy another country if need be.
I don’t question the ability/skill/work of our modern professional military. But if we had to resort to drafting folks again? Shew. Wee.
That's true, and it sucks. Given the political landscape in America, and the ease in which people can be manipulated by social media and entertainment news networks like CNN and Fox, I don't see that changing anytime soon. I really don't know how we solve that problem.

The impossible, but best option, might be eliminating entertainment news networks. But there's a 0% chance that ever happens.
I agree there are definitely those within our armed forces now that are as committed to the country as any of those that served before them. Probably the biggest difference now is I don't think there will ever be a scenario such as D-Day where there will be such mass casualties. God forbid that anything ever comes to that again. There is also the difference between the choice to serve and being drafted and sent to take front-line bullets and shrapnel.

Anyone that chooses to serve in defense of their country today is more brave/patriotic than I could ever claim to be.
I don’t question the ability/skill/work of our modern professional military. But if we had to resort to drafting folks again? Shew. Wee.
I agree that would be a problem, I just don't ever see it coming in to play again with all the military tech. Drafting flight simulator nerds to fly drones would probably be great, but other than that, I'd say roll with the volunteers.
I don’t question the ability/skill/work of our modern professional military. But if we had to resort to drafting folks again? Shew. Wee.
Depends on the enemy. For the wars we've faced in the last 60 years, sure. We really had no business being in any of them. But if a couple mega powers were trying to take over the world, we'd be fine.

All those limos and bleeding hearts would probably feel a lot different about the southern youth if we were facing a real war.
That would definitely help some, although Facebook isn't really anonymous and people don't mind being dumb as f*ck publicly.

Correct, but at least FB is somewhat limited by your social circle. So if I post some really obnoxious stuff only my "friends" can see it. Twitter has a bigger reach.
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- Said it before but Anth will be a full blown Q follower/promoter by next year. Likely already there in private.

- Cal doesn’t appear fat at all in person so would appreciate an end to the mean-spirited slander on our march to #9.

- Why would we need to replace Mizzou/Arkansas with anyone. Just cut the fat and tighten things up.

- My grandfather was covered in tattoos and scars, got some in prison and others in bars. The rest he got working on old junk cars in the daytime.
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