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Okay to be specific we lost him to A&M.

No, I’m not gay but my best bud is if you’re interested in a 260# white male.

I understand my roots but apparently you think being an “older” UK fan is better than being younger. Cool, old person. I’ll be there one day. You didn’t build shit. Kentucky built Kentucky, but since you’re older I guess that means you know more...when you die, I’ll watch another 20 years of UK sports, does that mean those years were more important than yours?

God, I’d probably love you if I met you, but you’re a stupid touch
-Oh well, last year was something special. Seems like the red head is probably tied to the program for awhile at this point so we'll see more of that. To ignore what we lost last year and expect to win on the road was probably silly. Wasn't expecting this level of step back. Seeing us embarrassed in both games, after the heart breaker to UF, really sucks. But losing probably our most(2nd most) important player in week 2 is going to be tough to recover from. Scratch to 6 or 7 wins and continue to develop. Josh Allen really was a cheat code.

-Spent last week at Beaumont Inn for a work outing. Really neat place with a hell of a bourbon bar. Had a private tasting and old boy rolls out personal barrel picks of Weller Antique, Russel Reserve, Four Roses OESK, and George T Stagg. Person next to me wasn't drinking so I basically doubled down. o_O Promptly miscalculated the tip after dinner for 13 people so that was an awkward conversation followed by lots of apologies the next day. Thankfully was asleep by like 9:15p.

-Rolleyes at our Buffalo Trace tasting. BT, Eagle Rare, Bourbon Cream, White Dog and their new $16 vodka. :rolleyes: Gee thanks.

-Checked in at my lowest weight in a couple years. Official weigh in tomorrow morning. Keep grinding. First time this area without a crash diet and only change is skipping breakfast. Not breaking my collarbone in the middle of the summer also helps.

-Looks like fall is checking in this weekend. Hopefully we get some mild temps before it goes right to grey and 45.

-3rd yeti/bigfoot movie in the last year but we both really enjoyed Abominable.

-What are the series I need to catch up on? The Boys is one, right?
- Not that I’m surprised, but it’s pretty absurd that some of our fans are ready to give up on Stoops already. Not only was last year the best season by far of my lifetime, but it was also the ONLY season I’ve witnessed us actually ranked at season’s end. But yeah- our offense is ugly. My gawd.

- Had some Stagg Saturday myself and wow- right there with WLW. Delicious. I’m no connoisseur but I can certainly tell the difference between good, great and elite bourbon. That shit’s another level.

- Been a pretty meh college football season thus far but with the state of the Big 12 (Oklahoma-Texas), SEC (stacked) and Big 10 (interesting), things are about to get good.

- Whaddup, Thomas? We getting together this week or nah?
-Beaumont Inn is awesome. Lass and I enjoyed a visit there a few anniversaries ago. Was a bit of a strange place to get something done but overall we enjoyed.

-Banged up QB or not, I mean WTF has happened to our offensive line? Our tight ends? I felt like we could rely on the run and our defense would do enough to get us a hard fought W. Mix in some short passes over the middle. Instead, we looked like a spastic and poorly coached 7th & 8th grade team.

-Not mad at our defense at all. Did more than enough to win. In fact, I thought they really stepped up more often than not.

-Still a good trip. Day and a half spent on the beach with my daughter. Ate some fresh shrimp. Enjoyed time with our friends in Columbia. Decent tailgate. The game was just really, really awful. Depressing.

-Scored a bottle of Weller Antique in Columbia, which was nice.

-A civil war would be great for GYERO content. We could legitimately meet someone in a parking lot and kill them, I guess.
I think reasonable UK fan understands we were going to take a step back especially when QB1 went down and that it is the in game coaching decisions that are mind bottling and absolutely infuriating.
Honestly, the line play on both ends is the most WTF thing about the last two games. The DL has been serviceable but against Florida they were really good and we haven’t seen that return, the OL has zero fact, that’s the unit that should be putting this team on its shoulders and carrying it.

Smith sucks but I think it’s a little unfair to judge him too harshly, looks to me like he got his shoulder hurt against Florida and hasn’t been right since. He probably should have never played after that game.

Stoops is what he is, really good recruiter and a conservative old school coach who wants to grind out wins. Still making on the job mistakes of a first time HC. 10 wins at UK regardless of schedule buys you a lot of equity here so I guess chill, grab a coke and hope the Lynn Bowden experience is at least entertaining.
I don't think there's even really a choice now about whether or not Bowden takes the snaps at QB. At least until Smith gets back much closer to 100%. Tailor the playbook and let Lynn run around like a mad man. If he can complete some short to intermediate passes, that might be enough to get us to 6 wins with the remaining schedule.
Healthy Sawyer Smith seemed to be ok. Injured Sawyer Smith is turrrrrrible. After 2 possessions where it was obvious he couldn't throw the ball, why didn't we make a switch?

The OL has been disappointing, but why do we switch our identity to a passing team when we put in the backup QB? They gave up on the running game way too soon against MSU.

Why are Wood and Gilmore on scholarship is you can't even put them in to hand the ball off?

On the other side of the ball, we might have the worst tackling secondary in the country. The DL needs to be a lot more consistent. Kash is a twit. The LBs are constantly running past the play.

I actually had us losing these 3 games in a row at the beginning of the season and finishing 8-4, but that is when I thought MSU and SC (and us) were going to be decent. Now, only the FCS game is a sure win.

Piglet's gonna have to earn his money this season. 7-5 is still possible if they played like they did in the Florida game, but that is a big IF.

Arkansas, Mizzou, Tennessee, Vandy, Louisville - Can we find a way to go 4-1? Hell, anything from 0-5 to 5-0 is possible with this group.

I hate that touching rooster and Sand Storm and all of those Cock fan assholes. I'm sorry that SAE had to endure that. I'm sorry I had to endure that on TV.

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At this point, I’m all in on Bowden. I want him running around in circles, wearing allllll the QB accessories on his wrists, want him talking shit non stop, want him telling Stoops and Eddie to stfu, and want him live tweeting it all. We deserve something this year, damnit. F em all, Lynn. Do it for Youngstown.
Basically- putting Bowden at QB may limit your passing game HOWEVER it gets the ball in your best players hands and well just have to live with that for now. Don’t try to be more than that.

It also takes away your best open field threat, and eliminates Wagner as a threat in any capacity (he wasn't targeted nearly enough to begin with but that's another story) Unless Bowden can turn into Lamar, then that idea needs to be scrapped /w the well as using him in the wildcat on first and second, and then putting Smith in on 3rd and long and asking him to be Peyton.
  • Not a fan of Bowden at QB, as that means we'll have a mediocre QB and no Bowden elsewhere on the field. Fine to work him in, but I don't want him taking all the steps.
  • Can't get too angry at Stoops. We lost our entire defensive secondary, the greatest pass rusher in the history of the school and perhaps even the SEC, the all-time leading rusher, our best TE in 10+ years, and most importantly at this point, our QB. We're not really better at anything YoY due to these losses, yet we still would have beat Florida if some loser named Chance Poore could make a chippy.
  • Glad to get a bye week this week; needed it badly
  • NFL season has been interesting; as a Panthers fan, I am glad to see that they may have diagnosed Cam with "turning into a vagina due to not eating meat" (h/t to South Park). Turns out he went full vegan over the winter and they think it's 1) reducing his strength and 2) slowing his recovery.
- Nice to see some coming around to Bowden as the QB, like I mentioned just before the MSU game ended.

Also agree with wcc, giving up on Stoops is absurd. You don’t have to like his conservative football, but waiting for other teams to make a mistake while maintaining ball control and having a solid defense is a recipe for success. That doesn’t even touch on his ability to recruit.

Line play is always based on production so I get it, but when you can’t stay on the field, and are not having success plus you don’t believe in the guy with the ball making decisions, well.......

That defensive line is going to wear down quick.

- We finally had our 4th boy. He is awesome, but momma is struggling something awful. Between the bad IV sticks(6 bruises on 2 arms) and an accidental nick to the bladder opening the scar tissue for C-section she is down. Add in the fact she got fixed too and lord have mercy please!

- Meanwhile your boi! Holy Moly I’ve hit the hottest gambol streak of my life.

- Middle child turns 8 today. After years of Great Wolf lodge birthdays, due to fall break being at the same time, there is no way to not disappoint this year.

- Rogue was so out of line last night, 100cat deleted his own post to not even be associated with it:joy:
So no change needed at all then.

Good stuff, UKO!

Never said that.....but the first change needs to start w/ the dipshit in the glasses on the sideline. At least making a somewhat half assed attempt at establishing a running game early on would go a long way in helping Smith (or whoever)

Rose proved to be a legit threat out of the backfield the first 3 games....then zilch, and then 1 on Saturday but not until it was 17-0.

And so on...Gran is horrible and always has been. His pulling plays out of a hat regardless of the situation is asinine.
My Madisonville Maroons lost a tough one against Logan County Friday night.

UK looked really bad and got manhandled Saturday.

My Dallas Cowboys lost a tough one otr Sunday.

I had to read 15 post by Rogue first thing Monday morning.

When will this string of hell end ? Not sure which is the worst thing posted above, leaning Rogue's post. And you all want me to GTFO ?? LOL.

I think Sawyer Smith is injured more than the staff is letting on. Shoulder AND wrist is a tough 1-2. Bye week, hopefully he can get well, we change some things up. Maybe get Chris Rodriguez some reps. and put in a healthy dose of TE packages over the middle. Seems like we are running plays that take way too long to develop. Run quick hitters and quick crossing routes. Try some RB screens or let the RB slip out of the backfield and sit down between the Dline and LB's. Have to get positive yards on first down, by running the basic, low % of failure plays will do that.

Defensive side, we have to run some stunts and blitz packages. They are not getting to the QB quick enough and the secondary can not cover long enough to rush 4. Have to make the QB make a quick decision and cause mistakes, bend but not break is a recipe for disaster the way this team tackles.
Only thing I am giving up on is winning 8-9 games. Give me 7-5, hang tough, win a bowl, regroup, get Terra back next year with a great class coming in, and some younger guys improving. The sky is not falling, just need to stop the bleeding and get back to being competitive and at least having a chaince at the end to win.
Who TF is giving up on Stoops? Let’s keep the gyero filter in place for football discussions moving forward. Christ.

One dude said it here and his post was “liked” but quite a few others. Saw it on HOB by some regulars. Not erecting a straw man here.
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I couldn't have been more wrong about Bowden playing quarterback. It's a must at this point, regardless of what happens

In my defense, Florida Soiyer was on my mind rather than Sling Blade Soiyer. And as for Walker, who knows if he'll just walk off the field to go hike the Appalachian Trail, or be late to a game because he had to go exchange his dirty needles. There's just no option other than Bowden.

-Sorry, Book/Geese. Was in meetings, meals, or events 9-9 the whole time. Yes, Dixon did the tasting, interesting opinions on the current Bourbon Industry.

-Also, visited Mill Ridge Farm, HIGHLY recommend for Horse Farm Tours. They let you get up close, pet, feed, etc. Very intimate.

-Took a year off from sending too few defenders on the field... so maybe just start there.

-IMO, roll with Lynn at QB until Smith gets healthy.
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-Wood was taking snaps on the sideline but I don't think Gilmore is anywhere near ready. At least that's what I read preseason. Great long term potential but really raw. I think Scalzo was the going to be the "oh shit" option. Didn't realize Wood tore his bicep and had to relearn how to throw.
The average cost of Lynn's 72 tats has to be around a dub, one twenty dollar bill. And I love it. 72 twenty dollar tats >>>> one 1440 dollar tat. Go f up the SEC, Lynn.

I am interested in seeing just how bad Armani Gilmore kid is. KSR was gushing about the young man in spring, turns out he's worse than a 6th string WRQB. That takes a certain level of suck I'm not sure I understand. Hell, Walker Wood has no legs and no arm, he's still considered above Gilmore on the depth chart.

We run 3 plays. You could grab any bozo off the street and learn him our offense in 2 quarters.
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