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Didn’t watch a down of the Bengals. I hate them so much. Losers.
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- Eat shit, Tony. It’s been 90 degrees damn near every day since Memorial Day. Miserable GD fall after a miserable GD spring and summer.

It's been autumn for barely more than a week and you are already pissed. You really should move to Fargo.
Chad desperately wanted to go to Hard Rock Cafe post-Sully's every time we hit 4th St back in the day, but I always shut that down, obviously.

What did you care? Always left me alone by myself in a strange city late at night so you could go grab a super combination and buy some t-shirts.
- I feel like Trump is completely comfortable with the crazy circus swirling around him right now. Totally in his wheelhouse.

- This season in UK Football shows just how important having a competent QB is. And how far UK still has to go. Losing talents like Allen and Snell is easy at a school like Alabama but UK doesn't have that kind of depth yet. Without a QB it's almost impossible. Stoops has the program heading in the right direction though...its just going to take time to achieve consistency.

- Really looking forward to see "The Irishman". This could be one of the last go rounds with Scorcese, De Niro and crew.

- October!
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- I too think having a good QB is important in football.

- This impeachment shit can only help Trump. How my idiotic team can’t see this is beyond me. And frankly, I’m not sure jesusfreak gay-healer Pence is a much better option.

- Apologies for my foul mood. Blame my wet brow.
- I feel like Trump is completely comfortable with the crazy circus swirling around him right now. Totally in his wheelhouse.


He's melting down right in front of us. It's pitiful, embarrassing, frightening, and hilarious all at the same time.

I'll give him this--At least this episode of America has been entertaining.
Khalil Whitney the most overlooked Top 10 kid we’ve had coming into a season?

Also- what do you fine college basketballs think Sestina will contribute this year?
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I feel like Trump is completely comfortable with the crazy circus swirling around him right now. Totally in his wheelhouse.

Calipari and him are very similar in that regard.

* The impeachment stuff is just going to take out Biden. If the Democrats lose to Trump twice in a row, that's their own fault. All they have to do is not be utterly insane and not feed into the hysterical horseshit.

If Mitt Romney ran as an independent, he might win in a landslide over Trump and either Warren or Sanders.

* I really like our squad next year. Has sort of a 2010-2011 vibe. Great point guard play and a ton of versatile wings. If EJ Montgomery can match a freshman Terrence Jones (who was awesome as a freshman) and Richards / Sestina can match Harrellson, we could have something.

I kind of like coming under the radar just a bit.
Louisville peeps, friend staying at Hyatt Regency in town for event at UL, right at top of 4th street, not a fan of crowds, looking to post up at a smaller quieter bar in area, recommendations?
I guess I'm the only one wary of this new CA bill & pay players discussion? I hate the NCAA like anyone else, but just feel like this has disaster written all over it the way it's being proposed.

...not to mention Kentucky will be the last state to act, as it is with damn near everything.

Dunno, maybe b/c I'm 40 & a man, but college sports have been my favorite 'thing' for my entire life, and it's seeming like it's going to no longer exist as I've always known and loved it; and that makes me very nervous.

-Did you all read Tucker's piece with player analysis from Maxey & Hagans? Biggest surprise to me was the talk of Brooks being the monster that posterizes everyone...figured that would be Whitney.

-^ If you're a cocktail guy, check out Meta, Hell or High Water, and the Cellar @ Decca. Seelbach Bar is also a classic. Omni has a cool speakeasy in it's basement. Those all fit the bill.
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FFS, STFU, chief.

I think Bucknell transfer gives us 13-17 mpg and something along 7/5. Glad his body is transformed or whatever but I have no idea what Cal is going to do with this team so it's really tough to gauge averages on this squad.

This team is really tough to handicap. I have no idea.

I do like a Hagans/Maxey backcourt, howeva.
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I guess I'm the only one wary of this new bill & pay players discussion? I hate the NCAA like anyone else, but just feel like this has disaster written all over it the way it's being proposed.

...not to mention Kentucky will be the last state to act, as it is with damn near everything.

Dunno, maybe b/c I'm 40 & a man, but college sports have been my favorite 'thing' for my entire life, and it's seeming like it's going to no longer exist as I've always known and loved it.
Kentucky’s elected officials can drag their feet on gambling, marijuana, etc. because there’s a loyal base opposed to those things that will vote for people who are against it, however....

If there’s a chance that KY not having a similar law in place by 2023 will cost UK (or UL) recruits then I think the “base” will rise up in unified outrage.
* 4 more years of Trump or Biden, Sanders, Warren? Touch us all. They are all assholes.

Now is the time for a moderate indy candidate to run away with the next prez election. Where are they? I'd vote Maxx/Rudd in 2020. Give me something decent, America. Anything.

* Mike Brown/Bengals is what will happen to Bryant Heating and Air if Big Anth retires and MCF doesn't want the head gig.

* My Night Howlers futbol team wilts in the heat worse than wcc. C'mon girls, you're 6 and 7 years old. Toughen up. You can drink water after practice.

* All I know about Sestina is if he isn't absolutely crushing the coeds, I don't trust him on the the court. Steady gf? You're on the bench.

* Where is our vaunted OL? Time to man up, Stenberg. Our QB sitch is awful right now. We need to go ONJ and get physical.

* Speaking of ONJ... those black leather pants in Grease. Wowza.

* Leftover grilled chicken, edamame and mashed cauliflower all mixed up. You're welcome.

* Today's soundtrack? XM Radio app: Tom Petty's Buried Treasure. Helluva station.

* Back to work.
Politics are becoming absurd. Trump is running on the Republican side and Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are currently the two front runners in the polls on the Democratic side. For f@ck sake people, I could find better candidates off gyero.

They say great minds think alike. Unfortunately, I'm stuck agreeing with you. I don't know if that is worse for you or me?
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Willy, do you hate your retirement accounts flourishing? I assume all GYERO has multiple accounts that are doing well.

If you look strictly at policy, I don't understand the hate for Don.
Oh man

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