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I’m not on any social media of any kind other than this MB, and I don’t partake in the political thread either, and I have no clue WTF any of you are talking about 80% of the time. Everyone is generally very nice and pleasant, the economy seems to be doing well, most people are polite and I don’t get in any arguments with strangers about politics or social issues. My general opinion of the population is actually very positive, and I interact with about 50 people a day. I would highly suggest a lot of you get off Twitter or Facebook or whatever the hell as it seems to turn everyone into a cynical weirdo.
I’m not on any social media of any kind other than this MB, and I don’t partake in the political thread either, and I have no clue WTF any of you are talking about 80% of the time. Everyone is generally very nice and pleasant, the economy seems to be doing well, most people are polite and I don’t get in any arguments with strangers about politics or social issues. My general opinion of the population is actually very positive, and I interact with about 50 people a day. I would highly suggest a lot of you get off Twitter or Facebook or whatever the hell as it seems to turn everyone into a cynical weirdo.

Generally agree. However, I’m not on any social media, but I still encounter a lot of assholes, unfortunately.
!!!Workout Update!!!

-I don’t really max out but did put up a 315#X2 squat twice relatively smoothly today as well as a 425#X1deadlift. Was pretty happy about that.

-Time to get back to 2/day circuits though and eat healthier with Fantasy Fest coming up and I basically am naked behind the bar or in public for a week. Little extra skin around the waist right now.

-Tempted to cut out all supplements besides creatine and protein and just see what happens. Can I get the same results without spending all that money on supps?

I’d take Onnit Total every day if I wanted to spend $100/month on it but $1200/year on workout supps seems a little silly. I’m not competing in well, anything.

These guys blowing $300/month on gear/roids/etc to be the biggest guy in the block crack me up. What’re you trying to prove, boss? Plus, you’re going to ruin your adrenals, libido, liver and kidneys so you look big for a few years.
Yeah I'm not sure what age you start becoming a conspiracy theorist, but apparently it's our parents age. And when my wife or I tells my mother how ridiculous something she is spouting. She normally doubles down with " NO HONEY IM SERIOUS, I SAW IT ON FACEBOOK"
If you interact with anyone over the age of 60, you are dealing with someone knee deep in crackpot social media bullshit. 90% of my conversations with my dad consist of me attempting to change the subject.

All conversations I have with my father come back around to how much he hates Mitch McConnell. They went to law school together and I think that gives him the idea he has the right to be “disappointed” with him.
Dr. X got the inside information on the secret concert at Kroger Field getting announced?

So Luke Combs is definitely playing at the Opera House the night before the Kroger Field announcement. I'm going to guess it's him.
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Texting with drxman sure does come with some gems, too.

reds game?
gonna miss marty.
the best.
love that guy.
game this weekend?
nervous but i like the cats.
kentucky by 3.
good call.
you going?
how about vandy?
you should.
love nashvegas.
kindly. eek.
pelosi and the dumbocrats have lost their shit. the whistleblower is a fake, the info was planted by 45, and he’s just sitting back waiting for this to blow up in their face. aoc and the squad come to the rescue only to learn it was a hoax and a witch hunt from the beginning. the ultimate Trojan horse. trump outsmarts them again, and rides in 2020 giving the double middle finger and stronger than ever for an easy re-election. rock hard over here just watching it unfold. f yeah balls deep in maga. winning.
aquino with 18 today.
came up too late.
should be huge next season.
heard this new sturgill?
love it.
dudes legit.
Facebook is the new National Enquirer.

Yeah I'm not sure what age you start becoming a conspiracy theorist, but apparently it's our parents age. And when my wife or I tells my mother how ridiculous something she is spouting. She normally doubles down with " NO HONEY IM SERIOUS, I SAW IT ON FACEBOOK"
My theory is it hits the same time you’re good with strutting around the locker room nice and using the hair dryer to body parts other than hair.
Dr. X got the inside information on the secret concert at Kroger Field getting announced?

So Luke Combs is definitely playing at the Opera House the night before the Kroger Field announcement. I'm going to guess it's him.

They cutting the stadium into tenths in hopes it sells out? Hopefully Conway Twitty is headlining this.

Luke Combs...good grief.
Incels, a portmanteau of "involuntary celibates", are members of an online subculture who define themselves as unable to find a romantic or sexual partner despite desiring one, a state they describe as inceldom.

Discussions in incel forums are often characterized by resentment, misanthropy, self-pity, self-loathing, misogyny, racism, a sense of entitlement to sex, and the endorsement of violence against sexually active people.The American nonprofit Southern Poverty Law Center described the subculture as "part of the online male supremacist ecosystem" that is included in their list of hate groups.

Estimates of the overall size of the community vary greatly. They are considered mostly male and heterosexual, but sources disagree on the subject of ethnic makeup.

At least four mass murders, resulting in 45 deaths, have been committed in North America by men who have either self-identified as incels or who had mentioned incel-related names and writings in their private writings or Internet postings. Incel communities have been criticized by the media and researchers for being misogynistic, encouraging violence, spreading extremist views, and radicalizing their members.

Pretty harsh, Cricket, but Chief can draw his own conclusions on whether or not it was accurate. I only know him from Cat Paw.
I believe absolutely ZERO of those “favorite___ in each state”. They are all 100% made up bullshit to get clicks. Believe I read that on Facebook

I fell hard off the diet wagon once baseball season started and am now back to basically where I started. Last night I saw some ads (also on Facebook) for sour patch kids flavored pre-workout and a protein flavor called “cereal milk” so please be advised, B Rax is back on his bullshit again.
Postseason ban and widespread penalties for Georgia Tech. The NCAA certainly hopes Kansas has learned their lesson. Let's not let it happen again, mmmkay?
Postseason ban and widespread penalties for Georgia Tech. The NCAA certainly hopes Kansas has learned their lesson. Let's not let it happen again, mmmkay?

Sucks their 14-18 team won’t have a shot at the Big Dance this season. Must be devastating.
All conversations I have with my father come back around to how much he hates Mitch McConnell. They went to law school together and I think that gives him the idea he has the right to be “disappointed” with him.

I mean, if you actually know a political figure and he was a dick when you knew him, I don't think that's unreasonable.

But you absolutely should get your father a Cocaine Mitch tshirt for Christmas.
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