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Not even mad about Bengals loss. Playing without top 2 LT's and AJ.

They played hard. Not gonna let it ruin the trip.
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I’ve done everything in a restaurant, and tried to buy one but the previous owner was in too bad of shape to save.

I baked them first to give the dry rub a shot to set in because, well I’m a f’ing idiot I guess. I really think that made them chewy to the point they couldn’t be saved.

Also the bag suggested baking, even if frozen, and I decided to do this last minute with no real thoughts into it other than I knew I wanted them grilled too.
Krazy I'm ready for that hundred for the Reds playoff bet. Let me know what works best for you.
I offered weeks ago. I got PP and Cash app or if you are in Louisville I’m around everywhere all the time.
Biggest takeaway from this weekend that we should all take notice of is that the folks on Floyd Street are flying high again. HUGE victory over powerful in-state rival, EKU and of course, LAMAR!!!

Now . . . if they can take care of business against the other side of the state, and the Ravens play another NFL team starting scabs in week 2, the mantel will not have any tarnish on it. Weekend winners!
I think they showed a graphic that only 25% of the team was there from last year, 14% of the team came on this week and something absurd elsewhere. They also gave up the most rushing yards to rushing qbs as well.

Proud of Jackson, good for that kid. But I highly doubt that stuff works in the playoffs.
* I think Sawyer Brown Smith will do just fine. This is an offense that's built on the run game, and we may even have a better backfield this year than last. In fact, I think Mark Stoops would be happy going all year without throwing the ball. As much as I love Terry Wilson for leading us to a 10-win season last year, it was really our defense and Benny Snell that got us there. We'll be fine. And if by some miracle Smith has the arm we hope he does.....:scream:

* Why would an NFL player actually conduct himself professionally? Seems like a huge waste of time. Just hope the Patriots win the Super Bowl again this year. Antonio Brown just really deserves it.

* Absolutely shocked my beloved Cincinnati Reds won't be making the playoffs this season. Shocked.

* Lass set Alexa for 5am to get in a 5 mile run this morning. We woke up to that bitch telling us it's 87 degrees with 82% humidity.

Alexa, turn off. --> back to sleep.

Hot > cold. This has been well established. But damn, I'm over this insane heat wave.

* It's been all Dave Matthews Band on Pandora this week, with a lot of O.A.R. mixed in. I had forgotten just how incredibly frattastic O.A.R. was. What a great band.

* Has drxman had a chance to peep the Wilson MRI yet?

* Pass the Kavosiey.
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-So sounds like this could be it for Terry in college? At least in the capacity we're used to. Reading that most don't recover to 100% and 1 year recovery. Seems he'd need to be back to full strength in 9-10 months to be ready for QB1 next year. :cry: Dude was balling Saturday.

-I think Smith will be a really good replacement, I'm just concerned about what's behind him, because 11 games is a long way in the SEC. WRs, TEs, OL and RBs are all solid units so he'll have that going for him. He looked confident and not deer in the headlights. NMU. Need to get Gilmore some snaps along the way.

-Mid-September heat wave setting in. 96 in Lex tomorrow. :thumbsdown: Agree with PTI, I love heat but not this time of year. Gimme low 80s.

-Sonos is great but I have to get a handle on everyone being able to access the system. Annoying that songs get cut 1/2 way through.

-:rolleyes: @ being too cool to drink a seltzer. Grow up.

-UT. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fire another coach.

-Tuned in for about 5 minutes of NFL after the USOpen finished. Meh.
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I don't remember giving Tommy grief about drinking seltzer. Historically, I think I've been a consistent member of the "whatever gets you drunk" club. It's possible I was on my period that day, though.
I think they showed a graphic that only 25% of the team was there from last year, 14% of the team came on this week and something absurd elsewhere. They also gave up the most rushing yards to rushing qbs as well.

Proud of Jackson, good for that kid. But I highly doubt that stuff works in the playoffs.

Miami is awful, but Jackson did everything with his arm yesterday. Only 3 carries for 6 yards.
-It pissed me off to no end that anth was drinking seltzers Saturday. Almost ruined my weekend.

-Sawyer looks more than capable, but I'm more intrigued by his intangibles. A heady veteran QB that plays with emotion might be a good fit for this offense/huddle. Still sick for TW, though. Great kid.

-Need 1-2 for Saturday. Will pay 75% of market.

-Early SAECATFAN prediction: Cats by 4.
I think Terry will come back ok and probably be the starter in 2020 and 2021, assuming he doesn't get injured again.

The H-L article that KSR said was bad news pointed out 4 pro athletes in their late 20's-early 30's who had the same injury and they all came back to play in the NFL/NBA. He may be more prone to injury in the future and it may hurt his NFL chances if he had any but I don't think his UK career is over.
I would imagine his future at UK may end up being related to who we do or dont get in the transfer portal this off-season

Would be a great use of funds if UT had to fire and pay Pruitt while still paying Butch Jones for the foreseeable future.
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Krazy - spray your wings down with some vegetable cooking spray prior to the seasoning. It’ll help it adhere to the wing. I cook mine on a Weber kettle with a vortex accessory. About 20m each side on indirect heat, 375-400 degrees.
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Mike Scott, a 76er, showed up to the Skins/Eagles game in a Redskins jersey and apparently was warned that wasn’t safe to do. He did it anyway, and ended up whipping a few eagle fans.

Quick trip back to Louisville over the weekend. Nashville traffic now seems to expand from south of Franklin to north of White House. And from roughly 5am to midnight, the google map paints this stretch of I65 completely red.

Krazy hit the bourbon review lottery it seems.

Wedding at the UL's ALI CENTER Saturday night. I believe it was the last of my cousins to finally tie the knot. Weddings have definitely taken a very toned down approach from a decade ago. Used to be chalk full with a dozen sorority sister bridesmaids, people hit-and-running other cars to get there on time, shedding clothes on the dance floor, people getting escorted out, inappropriate dancing, etc... this last one was basically a group of children requesting Old Town Road and the Git Up while the rest of us watched football games/scores on our phones.

Nothing wrong with agreeing that Lamar Jackson is a good NFL QB. Also fine to not like him because of his UL ties. You can do both.

The Bonz pulling the round trip uber to Lexington and back for the game is a very committed fan move. Add in it came less than a day from having major surgery and he may get the fan of the week nod.

The Offense will miss the threat of Wilson taking off with the ball, though he didnt really keep it himself often. He was getting better at making the right read and i'm afraid we will never see him reach his full potential. My fear with Smith being a better passer is that they may get a bit throw-happy. Stick with the RB's carrying the offense, try to keep the defense off the field for long stretches- give ourselves a chance at the end.
The Bonz pulling the round trip uber to Lexington and back for the game is a very committed fan move. Add in it came less than a day from having major surgery and he may get the fan of the week nod.
He watched about 7 minutes of the game before pulling the plug. So I don't think he was there for the game but for the party. He also could've easily grabbed rides both ways. I'm glad he didn't drink and drive though, that part is respectable.
I appreciate Bonz driving to and fro Lex on Sunday morning to return my keys that he somehow took back to Louisville with him.

And hearing that Brooks hates seltzer makes me even happier that I accidentally included him on a group text with a link to seltzer size coozies.
Never been a, “well it’s my (birthday, Christmas, NYE, Presidents’ Day) so let’s grab the good stuff” type person. Mostly because I only drink good stuff, but happy some of you are. I don’t even drink bourbon anymore except a couple weeks a year when it drops into the 50s/low 60s.

Also not the type person that gives a flying Fffffffuuuuuhhhhh...what you’re drinking. I don’t get that. It’s like when two people order the same thing and someone feels they should back out. Why? Just get what YOU want.
I appreciate Bonz driving to and fro Lex on Sunday morning to return my keys that he somehow took back to Louisville with him.

And hearing that Brooks hates seltzer makes me even happier that I accidentally included him on a group text with a link to seltzer size coozies.
Mrs. Powerrr uses this guy:


PROTIP: slap a YETI sticker on it to keep your #smugcred
Not a Chef, but this is a very good tip to NOT do. Do NOT cook chicken wings (or any chicken for that matter) for a period of time, then take said chicken away from heat and leave setting out for a while if it has not reached proper temperature. Letting raw, under cooked meat sit on a counter can and often does cause meat to develop bacteria. Which could be harmful for human consumption and can cause meat to taste like shit.
- Great time watching the game with Bernie and Lurker. Was trying to convince them to come out after, but to no avail.

- Prospect Drake's waitresses have some talent. Definitely need a return trip there for a game.

- Will be at the game on Saturday. Riding down with Bernie.

- Thought Krazy was taking time off. Happy for the dude and his success, but it's about 100 posts a day about his shit.

- DoorDash went down last night...but a nice make up with comping my food when it got back up and a $35 credit.
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