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I also find it interesting/funny that Scott Cox, who is supposed to be McGee's lawyer, is all busy making comments about what Pitino knew. If McGee is his client, shouldn't he be more concerned about what McGee did/knew? Why make comments on Rick/UL staff and what they knew? Not your job to protect Pitino.

Oh, that's right, because 100% stone cold lock that Pitino/UL/Avare is the one paying you.
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Let's not forget the real losers in all of this. Those poor bastards who were on a recruiting visit to Louisville last weekend when the shit hit the fan.

No alcohol...strippers...definitely no whores. It's a real shame imo.
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In all honesty, I do feel bad for Trey Lewis and Damion Lee. Those guys must be wondering what the hell they just walked into. No doubt if they had it to do over again they would pass on this shit show. And the self-imposed postseason ban is coming.
The Underdogs are basically calling for HOFCRP to resign and admitting things have gotten out of control. Even putting Demling in his place and calling him a Rick homer.

Also Rick is going on with Terry Meiners 840 this afternoon and Vanetti says that Meiners is going to straight up ask Rick if he's going to resign
Lol, now these clowns are on Crawford's new article....that "no sex, and I never saw money exchange"

...b/c strippers always come do outcalls for free. And as long as there is no sex, it's all good. Boom, knew it was all a bunch of BS.


(Rutherford is actually pretty decent as far as that whole genre of UofL fanboys go)
Probably just happened to be in the neighborhood going door to door offering free lap dances. Happens all the time. Nothing to see here.
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- Maybe Pitino skates in 2000 on something like this, but in 2015? At the height of social media and self-righteousness? He just might be gone.

- Louisville Fan, some at least, are starting to come around to reality. Most it seems still are still in denial. Everybody's out to get them!

- In news that would shock 10-year-old wcc, I think I...can't believe I'm saying this...I think I love brussel sprouts.

- Who wins the Mulder/Matthews PT battle?

- Where are all the good shows? Was only a few years ago, I was pumped about October and the Fall TV schedule. No mas. Everything sucks. HBO doesn't have shit either. May have to pull a Baldwin and lease some Showtime.
Hope video evidence comes out of TooTall rolling up Pepe Siva and sticking him where the sun don't shine.
can't imagine Pitino saying anything different to Meiners than he already has

except even more 9/11, Pope, Mashburn, saving UK from sanctions
So if Rick is gone, and Louisville is touched by sanctions, who could they get as their next coach?
Just listened to Ramsey/Rutherford for five minutes, and now I'm listening to Vanetti/Jennings, and it's like they're talking about two different stories. LIke switching from Fox News to MSNBC or vice-versa.

(Chris Cross is CNN).
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While we are at it:

Matt Jones: Coach Pitino, did you order the Whore Red?*

Pitino: You want answers?

Matt Jones: I think I'm entitled to.

Pitino: You want answers?!

Matt Jones: I want the truth!

Pitino: *You can't handle the truth!*

Pitino: Son, we live in a world that has whores, and those whores have to be bought by coaches with Benjamins. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Drew Franklin? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for Rod-Ni, and you curse the McGees. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That Mega's quick trigger, while tragic, probably won games. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, wins games. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that whore, you need me on that whore. We use words like sex, drugs, strippers. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very basketball that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a whore, and have a go. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to.

Matt Jones: Did you order the Whore Red?

Pitino: I did the job I...

Matt Jones: Did you order the Whore Red?!

Pitino: You're Goddamn right I did!
Fargo getting ready to start back up. First season was awesome, and it's an anthology series so you can jump right into this season without needing to catch up.
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I know that Crawford piece is a major attempt at damage control - but if McGee wasn't even actually there - then he couldn't have been the only one arranging these things. Heck, might have been a completely different group of strippers.
Hire someone to eat this shit sandwich, fire him in 4-5 years and then get Billy Donovan for a twilight run of 8-10 years.
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My one fear is that if RP falls and they clean house, UL could be one of the few programs that could draw Gregg Marshall out of Wichita. Power conference, fan base, tons of history, facilities, recent success, and cash. I think there are only a dozen schools that could do it, but UL might be one of them.
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