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So the CBS Sports app says watch every shot of Tiger’s second round, and they haven’t shown a single shot. As Chumps has said for years, f*ck Masters coverage.
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So much to wonder about here - is it his mom, is he the boyfriend of her daughter, friend of her son, acquaintance from the club, etc.????

Terrible job by the person filming in not getting the full context/picture.

It's a different era and unless CBB allows them to start earning money in some fashion I don't see it changing. Been saying it for years but these guys are all chasing a dream and have a really small window to make it.

"Allows" them to start earning money? How much do they need now on top of what they are getting? These guys aren't destitute by any means, and you make it sound that if they don't get paid and/or get their chance in the league, they will be in the soup line.

A whole slew of people in college are chasing a dream. Maybe some in med school who get 2 hrs of sleep a night living on coke and coffee are chasing their dream as well. What does the 3rd string WR get while he is chasing his dream of making 1st team? And on and on....

The problem is the BS these kids are fed in regards to college being nothing but a 6 month all expenses paid resort. Very few have a back up plan and the what's in it for me entitlement mindset is rampant.
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Jesus Christ, UKO, stfu with your bullsh*t, terrible opinions, who TF returns over and over again to a place they're universally not wanted?

Your response to whether or not they should be allowed to make money is to ask "how much do they need?" It doesn't f*cking matter how much they need, it matters how much they're worth in the market. If Nike wants to pay Tyrese Maxey 8 million/per, why does anyone except Maxey give a damn about it? Why the hell should the NCAA care? Aren't you into the whole free market thing? Invisible hand? Throw your laptop in a wood chipper and go grab an economics book, jerk off.
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"Allows" them to start earning money? How much do they need now on top of what they are getting? These guys aren't destitute by any means, and you make it sound that if they don't get paid and/or get their chance in the league, they will be in the soup line.

A whole slew of people in college are chasing a dream. Maybe some in med school who get 2 hrs of sleep a night living on coke and coffee are chasing their dream as well. What does the 3rd string WR get while he is chasing his dream of making 1st team? And on and on....

The problem is the BS these kids are fed in regards to college being nothing but a 6 month all expenses paid resort. Very few have a back up plan and the what's in it for me entitlement mindset is rampant.

I hate responding to you, but do you think it would help UK if we created some bullshit program for our athletes to major in?

Kind of feeds into the “resort” feel.
So Adam Scott is going to be “that guy” that leaves the pin in on all of his putts. I guess since he can’t belly-putt anymore he has to do something weird.

Good looking dude though.
Love him, hate him, have a bet riding on him, whatever the case may be, but when Tiger is in contention it just makes it that more exciting & must see. This coming from a guy who has played maybe 6 holes his entire life.
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I stood fast for years in not joining in on the UKO pile on.

We have some mutual aquaintences, are roughly the same age, and I just didn’t want to go with the herd, in a stubborn sort of way.

Fvck that.

The gloves are off and I’ve decided to make that smug yet dim witted ass-wipe a special project of mine from now on.

Get bent; you confused, contrarian, misanthropic, board trolling pin head.

I don’t give a sh1t if you consider this a notch in your pathetic “Got another one riled up” belt.

You suck. You’re a miserable, petty, booger eating dork.

You apparently live for getting a reaction out of people, like a typical middle-aged internet moron.

Well, if that’s your goal, no matter how pathetic it is, I guess you win.

(In a slack-jawed, shitting your own GD pants sort of way)

Here’s your gold star... (hoping you moronically try to eat it because it LOOKS LIKE CANDY!” and asphyxiate.
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Of all the posts he’s written to get worked up about, I kind of love how that one was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
-Walked over to the Spring Game last night:
*They did an awful job promoting the game. Pretty sparse crowd.
*I was mainly watching Masters
*That Smoke run, :fire:. The backs look the part for a shared load back field.
*Hopefully Bowden, Riggs and Oliver are enough to keep Ds honest.
*Walker Wood is tiny. Those hoping for him to ever play a meaningful minute are sadly mistaken.

-Moving Day!!

-Probably hyperbole but that was 2 of the most fun days of a Major that I can recall. Everyone, but Rose(who we bet on), in reaching distance.

-This weather just make me yearn for November and January.
New “GO BIG BLUE” drum will be beat before games this year by a former Wildcat.


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