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Yup, Ruth, Ali, Tiger, etc. He's one of the biggest superstar athletes in history. If you're cheering against him IMO it's way more petty and creepy. Who cheers against greatness and history?

Again, you miss my point. I don't cheer for him, I don't cheer against him. That's not what I said.

I just don't fanboy like I am dying to suck him off. Or drink Kool-Aid if he said the word. Sorry you object to that reasonable point of view.
WynnDuffy in here changing my opinion on everything. If you can't accept that Tiger makes golf more interesting, and the fact that the Masters is arguably .00000000001 of our population duking it out, then you just don't get sports.

I get it, he bagged a huer I could probably saddle. Is he a shitty human being? Probably. Does it make it any less interesting come tomorrow? Ask ESPN, NBC, CBS and ABC.
To put him in the same sentence as Ruth and Ali is asinine. Might as well add the greatest bowler and professional bass fisherman to the list.

Neither of which changed their respective sports anywhere close to what Tiger has for golf.

Did boxing make it tougher for dominate boxers like Ali to box? Did baseball add 40 feet to the fences because of Ruth?

Separate your hatred and recognize Tiger makes golf better by way of course design, attendence, competition, earnings and entertainment.
So....Tiger has Ambien sex with huers and that’s worse than....
Babe Ruth being a drunk that had sex with huers and Ali dodging the draft and leaving the country???
Yeah....I can see your logic
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[laughing] OK. Fair enough - didn't know I actually did that. Symptom of being older, I guess. Although I object to the Zoolander reference.

I just don't get the worship aspect. Seems like those who rail on religion the most - justifiably so - treat Tiger like a freaking diety - hence my Jim Jones reference. Do you really want to attach your identity to how Tiger Woods plays golf on a certain day?

(Personally, I reserve that for the Cats, but at least they are a collection of players, and/or laundry, not a single human being).

Among those who worship Tiger - if he recommended you drink a cup of Kool-Aid, would you? If not, then let it go because I'm not talking about you. But think hard about it, because there are plenty who would.
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I don’t really give a damn what Tiger does in his personal time. That’s his prerogative. Was merely pointing out that he is in fact a piece of shit (irrespective of his abilities on the golf course).

But please continue your circle jerk.

And to put our sacred national pastime on the same footing as an activity like golf belies any claim one might have to being a “sports” fan.
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You don't give a shit what he does, but you judge him on what he does? Is that right? If you are judging him on bagging huers, congrats, you passed civics 101. If you are judging him on his ability to hit a golf ball, FOH, we ain't got time to bullshit.
No circle jerk or biscuit eating u fag!!
He’s no worse than the other 2 he’s being compared with.
It seems he plowed someone on ambien you couldn’t and that chaps your ass
Molinari is going to ruin today just like he did last July across the pond. Tiger will finish 2nd, PTI and BBdK will roast each other a bit and we’ll all go on with our miserable existences tomorrow.

Friggin’ Italians. . . can’t have nothin’.
Mickey Mantle, Reggie Jackson, Michael Jordan, Isaiah Thomas, Barry Bonds, Ty Cobb, Mike Tyson, Lance Armstrong, OJ Simpson, and the list can go on for 100s more. If you need your sports stars to be great people, I’d suggest quitting sports.
I also think Tom Cruise is a good actor and the last mission impossible movie was the shit. The reality is, is that Tiger winning is an amazing redemption story that basically the entire country is rallying around. Despite what the 2 contrarians in this thread feel.
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Mickey Mantle, Reggie Jackson, Michael Jordan, Isaiah Thomas, Barry Bonds, Ty Cobb, Mike Tyson, Lance Armstrong, OJ Simpson, and the list can go on for 100s more. If you need your sports stars to be great people, I’d suggest quitting sports.

But it’s ok to still tell my kids to idolize these people right?
Krazy if you cant get your kids to idolize a lumber salesman turned weed stock savant/bourbon tycoon all while managing to show dominance in the household I don’t know what to tell you
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Whatever happened to “limited commercial interruptions” at the masters. This is bullshit.
Mickey Mantle, Reggie Jackson, Michael Jordan, Isaiah Thomas, Barry Bonds, Ty Cobb, Mike Tyson, Lance Armstrong, OJ Simpson, and the list can go on for 100s more. If you need your sports stars to be great people, I’d suggest quitting sports.

I dislike all of those people.
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Chase is low key taking over Chumps’ spot on the Masters Coverage Hate heirarchy. He could play Molinari to Chumps’ Tiger this afternoon. Looking forward to this battle!
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