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I'm looking forward to...

Not junior Nick Richards, ffs. B-Rad also returning to the lineup next year, fyi. Should be great!
I don't think I've ever seen the media team up to attack a fellow scribe the way all these CBB writers are going after Wolken for his "stinkbomb" take on Cal.

It was a terrible take - even by his standards. And then he buckled down and refused to subject Saint K to the same criticism.
Wolken's timeline is also full of "Zion gets Shaq treatment from the refs" takes, so he's obviously disabled in some respect. Please don't be so hard on him
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I don't think I've ever seen the media team up to attack a fellow scribe the way all these CBB writers are going after Wolken for his "stinkbomb" take on Cal.


He's rightfully getting pummeled and tried to pass it off on UK fans being UK fans.

Still pissed off at Cal but he didn't lose to fvkcing Mercer or Lehigh. Nor did he lose the title when UK had AD. It's amazing how far these guys go to look the other way on Coach K but love to square up to Cal.
Seth Davis story an April Fools joke?

*Per Davis UCLA offered Cal 48 million over 6 years. We offered him a lifetime contract.
This tweet from Tucker is infuriating. If you can't handle criticism while raking in $9 million a year feel free to pack your bags.

I would note that this might be a major moment for Kentucky basketball. I believe Calipari wants to feel that the university and fan base truly wants and appreciates what he has done in a decade here. If he feels that, he'll happily retire here. But he wonders.
This tweet from Tucker is infuriating. If you can't handle criticism while raking in $9 million a year feel free to pack your bags.

I would note that this might be a major moment for Kentucky basketball. I believe Calipari wants to feel that the university and fan base truly wants and appreciates what he has done in a decade here. If he feels that, he'll happily retire here. But he wonders.
Just took a look at the lines for some previous UK games in the NCAA Tournament. Cal has been involved in 11 upsets at UK, 7 of them as the favorite. Also, I had completely forgotten -- or never knew -- that we were slight favorites over UNC in 2011 and over Michigan and Wisconsin in 2014.

UK -4 over WVU

OSU -5½ over UK
UK -2½ over UConn

Wichita -4½ over UK
UofL -4½ over UK
UK -2½ over UConn

UK -4½ over Wisconsin

UK -3½ over IU

UCLA -1½ over UK.

UK -5 over KSU

UK -4½ over AU

In 7 out of 8 Tourney losses, we were favored. :cry: (We were +2 against UNC in 2017.)
The NCAA has let the NBA determine the future of college basketball even though most of their money comes from the Tournament. Now Coach K and his Duke alum Silver are throwing out having another Duke alum Bilas come up with a plan on the future of College Basketball.
WTF???? Is Duke running the whole thing??? About time to get rid of the NCAA and let College Basketball go back to doing its own thing without NBA or f*#king Duke influences!!
Yes I would say Duke is running the show. Well we could extend it to much of the ACC is running the show.
Someone is monitoring the Cal situation...

100% lock the calipari daughters are pushing hard for daddy to take the UCLA job. People in LA are far more advanced than us waterheaded mouth breathers and will be so nice to their dad. Also, they seem to be desperate for attention and it’ll make getting their own reality show that much easier. Win/win for them.

And yes Megan I am unhappy with your rotten little attitude
Yeah, if he really does have a gripe that he's not appreciated here, I'm sure he's smart enough to figure out that it's because UK fans are so passionate, whereas UCLA fans are not.

They didn't even sell out Pauley more than 2/3 full when we played out there in 2015. Embarrassing swaths of empty seats in their small upper arena. Despite the presence of several D-list celebrities, who they trotted out during timeouts.

Cal always talked about how good he has it now because back in the UMass days, he had to sell tickets himself and beg fans to come to games.

Cal loves being the center of attention and thrives on the pressure. Wouldn't be that way in LA.

And leave it to Tucker to talk about feelings.
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The scientist daughter is especially in need of constantly combating...something, anything really. P A T R I A R C H Y in science, redneck UK fans, people who say mean things on the internet.

Having said that, Ellen seems like a cool ass woman who, had she been born in Whitesburg, would be cussing Cal up one wall and down another while wearing a light up, knitted UK sweater vest.
If you bitches read the details, he turned down UCLA last week. UK has responded with a "lifetime contract." Which really means nothing, but it apparently includes coaching for 10 more years then being a "paid ambassador" for the university after he retires.

It doesn't mean we will be paying him $10 mill/yr when he is rolling his wrinkly balls out at the age of 80.

Some of our recruits were being told he was going to leave. This helps to alleviate those concerns.

Stop being bitches.
Cal's not my favorite guy in the world right now, and he's obviously not leaving, but if he were to go, I'd be less concerned right now with losing him and more concerned with who we'd go get. Normally there's at least a couple of guys out there that look like an up-and-comer ready to join the top tier of coaches. It's a barren wasteland out there right now.
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Cal isn't some thin-skinned pussy like some other coaches in the game. Zero chance that a few UK fans getting their feathers ruffled after a bed-shitting loss even moves the needle for Cal, much less enough for Cal to look to other pastures....

That said, maybe Cal should offer the same advice to his daughters as he does his players. Stay away from the "noise" on social media. And FFS, stop constantly trolling BJW if you're not prepared for the repercussions....
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