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Look at the camera and smile, you pretentious assholes. You aren't the f'n Beatles!
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Radiohead appears to be more like Rush than anything else. You either love them or hate them and you defend that take to the death.

I’m on the right side of both arguments, by the way.

And then Vern just went ALL-IN. Damn!
Radiohead appears to be more like Rush than anything else. You either love them or hate them and you defend that take to the death.

I’m on the right side of both arguments, by the way.

And then Vern just went ALL-IN. Damn!

They’re not F’ing Rush, you idiot.
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Radiohead is the same as Rush in the sense that their fans ignorantly praise them regardless of how stupid it makes them appear. When I hear someone likes either, I just assume they’re stupid, Canadian, or both.

Every musician and music snob I know likes Radiohead.

Like I said- a bunch of dimwit hillbillies in here.
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Difference between true music people and posers like you, Wodie, is that even if they don’t like a particularly good band’s style- they still respect and recognize how good they are.

You’re a sorority girl.
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Movies and music has always been a huge gyero blindspot. Literally anything BBdK has to say on the subject, other than rap, is a pathetic joke.

I enjoyed everything from OK Computer back, but they lost me from Kid A forward.

To not even know who Radiohead is, and be in your mid to late 30s and early 40s completely invalidates any of your music takes. We can pretty much assume you insulated yourself in Billy Ray Cyrus and Top 40 music. Either that or the 55 year old career bar musician influenced your musical taste through whatever he covered when you were out drinking.
I've gotta come clean... I'm not really a Radiohead fan but I am a wcc fan so I was just trying to lend him some support. That song I mentioned, Fake Plastic Trees, came on Lithium this morning and I changed the channel.

But Sloot would still hate my taste in music. I love classic rock, Prince and grunge. No country.
Teaming up lol. Chase is my greatest enemy on here. He hates my guts and wishes me to DIAF on a daily basis.

But you spouted your dumbass opinion so arrogantly, we were forced to squash our bloodfeud and join forces for a few minutes just to tell you what a stupid sonofabitch you really are.

So thanks for that too, idiot.
-Just back from the UK Kickoff Luncheon. Good crowd. A bit subdued. Stoops, Gran, and House in the house. Maggard asked questions. Nothing too inspiring, but seems like they're comfortable with the depth chart.

-Got to shake Stoops' hand in passing. Never met the guy. He's kind of just a little feller, though. Sort of caught me by surprise.

-Worship that 30-40 year old UK alum/professional/milf demographic which these events attract in droves.

-Not ready for my OFFICIAL W/L prediction but should have something prepared next week. Will keep you posted.

-Radiohead blows.

-Willy's basement will be one giant manifestation of "BUCKEYE FAN PARKING ONLY." :rolleyes:

-Through 3 episodes of Last Chance U and ready to declare it the best season yet. Great television.

-6:00 flight to Chicago for the night. Small conference tomorrow. Back tomorrow evening. Cocktails and a hotel room to myself is a nice little mid-week treat.

-Wish the logos on the white UK helmet were matte blue and not that high gloss mess. Still our best helmet and I praise the Lord that it's back in the rotation after the Brooks era.
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