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Stainless steel straws can't do this...

I’ll tell you what, man. It’s pretty much an all out war on plastic bags and straws these days. Has your city gone full nuclear yet, or nah?

I do a lot of business in food service - especially around disposables. While it's probably not a bad thing to reduce the amount of plastics we use, you cannot find a paper straw right now. And orders the distributors are making are getting canceled due to capacity issues. Moreover, the plastic straw makers have been getting out of the business, so there's even a shortage on plastic straws right now.
Things about me....

* not a straw user
* not a tree hugger
* not trying to pointlessly harm the environment, either

Straws? Plastic bags? Really??? THAT is the single best threat to Mother Nature??

Not buying it.
No, they’re just a couple of the easiest to stop using.

I’m not sure I’d be brave enough to “lip it” at a place like Tatoos and Scars. Getting knifed by rogue is a chance I’d be willing to take.
Everywhere you eat you bite off the same fork one thousand other people have, you’ll be okay.
I do a lot of business in food service - especially around disposables. While it's probably not a bad thing to reduce the amount of plastics we use, you cannot find a paper straw right now. And orders the distributors are making are getting canceled due to capacity issues. Moreover, the plastic straw makers have been getting out of the business, so there's even a shortage on plastic straws right now.
So don’t use either. Paper straws are awful.

-Trivia tonight at 7. Always a good time.

-Last night of a stretch of 5 straight nights closing the ol Saloon down at 4am. My buddy is out of town so I’m covering for his usual schedule. Can’t wait to get though this last one. Swing by for some mildly clean glasses and luke warm beer.
Paper straws are trash. Apparently the people who created them are unaware the paper loses its shape and strength when it's wet.

The people who created them are making a fortune and really don't miss a lot of sleep regarding that.
Love this time of year and the daily thunderstorms rolling through. Sat on the porch with the dogs and watched it come down for about 30 minutes.

There are actually people who need to use straws to enjoy a drink. Let’s not just send those people to hell
Unless you have a disability there aren’t really. Metal straws if necessary. It’s easy.

All single use plastics should be used as little as possible. They’re more convenience than anything in most cases.
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Things I initially expressed concern for but that turned out to be for the best and/or right, actually:

6 month driver permit
reducing the DUI limit to .08
Jared Lorenzen over Dusty Bonner
gay marriage
smoking ban in bars
attending my first gyero tailgate

Plastic straws ban isn't making the list, though.

:joy: That’s why he’s the best in guueryo.
- Luckily my wokeass wife has a million of those fancy organic grocery reusable bags. Stop being white men.

- Pretty damn pathetic Radiohead has to play in 1970s US Bank Arena. Only thing I’ll give Louisville over Cincinnati. So nice of their taxpayers to give the city such a nice concert venue.

- BRING ON Kahlil freaking Whitney!

- If it weren’t for his politics, religious beliefs, basketball takes and personality, I’d probably get along quite well with KingLlama.

- I appreciated Malik Henry’s remarkable poise and coachability most of all.

- Just watching JUCO football on LCU made me reconsider my optimism with Touchdown Terry, and in turn, UKFB.

- Have some dope extra UK coozies from my wedding that I will hand out at a GYERO tailgate but only to those who are nice to me. So start showing me some damn respect.
The fact Henry isn't playing this fall says it all. Kid has a rpg for an arm.

- brooks, where does deciding to sneak by an extravaganza rank on that list? Or is that actually expressed concern/ wrong?

- Whitney is blowing up as much as anyone this summer. The freak sf it seems we always lose to Kansas or Arizona. I'll take it.
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1970s US Bank Arena. O

The acoustics in US Bank Arena are actually considered to be excellent, and many performers love playing that venue because they sound great in it. This was personally relayed to me by Trey Anastasio backstage in ‘09.

The amenities suck, of course. Not the place to go if you’re looking for a craft cocktail loge experience. But if you’re just looking to smoke a bowl and rock hard, it’s pretty dope, actually.
Setlists I’m seeing for Radiohead are all over the place. Wish I could go, bucketlist show for me.
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