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If he's blowing through the stop sign he's a douche.

Yeah, totally blew my mind. Generally with cyclists I give them the benefit of the doubt(thinking about it being you, mcf, Willie back when he was skinny, etc) if one rolls through a sign when I'm the only car there or darts across a red a chinoe with no traffic coming on either side. This guy didn't slow a bit, and even started to put his arm out as I was trying not to run him over.

Guess he's just one of those guys who probably alienates everyone around him regardless of what it is. Would've done the world a favor if id just blasted him.

I should have blasted him.
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PAC12 After Dark comes through again. Topped off by a Leach interview. Batting about .800 over the years. It's one of the many reasons that central time >>>> eastern time.

False. Peak PAC-12 after dark is at 2:30 am eastern.
UofL keeping Tom jurich would be totally amazeballs lol I really I hope they do it

It would be a new low in division 1 athletics. Then again the previous new low was when they kept the coach and AD after they had underage recruits set up with prostitutes all of which was organized and financed by a coach.

I bet the NCAA will put some sort of ban on him....they'd have to.
It would be a new low in division 1 athletics. Then again the previous new low was when they kept the coach and AD after they had underage recruits set up with prostitutes all of which was organized and financed by a coach.

I bet the NCAA will put some sort of ban on him....they'd have to.

Clint Hurt, Foundation $$$ being paid to Jurich’s son, etc. it’s kind of sad that the gift that keeps giving is more than likely over. If they keep Tomma......
If a cyclist blows through a stop sign in front of me, he or she is probably leaving in an ambulance because I'm not making any effort not to T-bone them.

They'll probably still be in the hospital when they get served to pay the damages on my car.
And just saw the first tweet calling it a #falseflag proving once again we are the worst.
You ain't seen nothing, yet. Roll over to r/conspiracy if you want any vestige of faith in humanity left to be ripped to shreds.

Haven't there been several posts in the last month or so mentioning Craigslist crisis actors posts for the Vegas area??
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ANTIFAMAGA? Those guys are the worst.

OTOH it's a decent dinner special at Olive Garden.
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I'm usually one to hop on board a good conspiracy theory but after careful examination I think this really happened. Dan Bilzarian seemed pretty shoo

Do I remember correctly that you’re from/lived in Wilmington? Heading there for a long weekend and didn’t know if you had hotel/food recs. Thanks.
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-The groundswell of Jurich support was right out of his play book. Rally the dudes that are financially tied to you, put the message in the puppets mouth, get the few remaining supporters from the fan base talking. He's done this how many times? Surprised the guys like Demling aren't already done with him. Props to most of the rest for calling it out.

That dude is fired. Like I said last week, you can't just suspend a guy like that. Obviously, Postel was on to the problem from the beginning and thought this dude had too much power. Which is 100% true.

-Knew going in that we'd struggle Saturday because of the emotional letdown from Florida. Props for pulling it out. Eastern was a solid team. Need to put that shit behind us and get the offense rolling. We'll need it this weekend. Mizzou is awful, can't have a let down.

-Man, UT is a mess but should be in a decent position to hire a coach but they're probably going to be behind LSU and TAMU. I'd say the odds of Bobby being in Louisville next season are really low.
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- That EMU quarterback was the best one we've seen this year. Dude made some crazy throws under duress.

- I've resigned myself to the fact that this UK team isn't capable of pulling away from people and winning by big scores. Losing Badet and Boom has killed us from an explosive play perspective. Other than (maybe) Bowden, we just don't have big play guys on the roster.

- The whole "KEEP TOMMA" deal boils down to a fear that UL will never maintain the heights its athletic program has reached without him. A fear of irrelevancy. It's pretty pathetic - show some self-respect, Louisville Men.
It is not that UK can't pull away, the GD Ginger refuses to pull away. He gets the slightest lead, "OK boys it is ground and pound time." "Wildcat !!!!!!!."
- I've resigned myself to the fact that this UK team isn't capable of pulling away from people and winning by big scores. Losing Badet and Boom has killed us from an explosive play perspective. Other than (maybe) Bowden, we just don't have big play guys on the roster.
The Dorian Baker injury hurt as well, but losing Boom really, really has had a huge impact. As much as I love Benny Snell, he's not a prototypical feature back. He doesn't have breakaway speed or the ability to shift and pivot to find another running lane when the first one isn't there. King has shown flashes there, but he hasn't been given more playing time, either.

And Mosier's loss has clearly made our O-line struggle.
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All of those quick passes to Johnson were intended to stretch the defense the way Boom's runs used to. It's not ideal and sort of a red flag tbh.

Do I remember correctly that you’re from/lived in Wilmington? Heading there for a long weekend and didn’t know if you had hotel/food recs. Thanks.

The Sunspree in Wrightsville Beach is the best hotel if you are looking for ocean front...the best restaurant in the city is Bridgetender on the intercoastal waterway.

Carolina Beach also has some nice little local spots like Shuckin Shack. They also have my favorite bar in the country, The Fat Pelican.
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How can LSU not open up?

A&M is the only one I’d say may keep their coach.
Maybe LSU just isn't very good. That's as much on Les Miles as Orgeron this early in the season. They haven't had a decent QB in years. Talent level is obviously down.
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He's only 5 games into his tenure officially, they literally just cost themselves 9+ million in Miles and they owe Orgeron 12 million if they fire him after this year. They can bitch all they want, he isn't gone.
Monday randoms:

Got a pretty nice 2nd degree burn doing my dinner prep last night. Pulled a cast iron skillet off of the fire and I guess my oven mit had a little rip in it. Had a split second where I felt my hand touching the skillet, then the burning set in. Scrambled to set it down and ended up with a solid blister- right on my palm.

Also after pulling a tenderloin off the smoker, and only slicing off a few pieces to snack on before putting it on the counter rest- my dog took it right off the counter and ran outside. What a son of a bitch. A little over a pound of meat, gone in seconds. He was not doing well late last night though.

Joey Votto having to play his career in Cincy for that organization, with that team, is one of the biggest let downs in sports. The best overall hitter in the game, and the casual fan hardly notices. He plays every single day, makes every AB into a work of art, and had major league hitters studying and breaking down everything he does. And he's stuck in Cincy.

Crawford's "Open Letter to UL fan" (and open letters are awful, btw) drew a parallel between the increasing crime level in Louisville, and the University's attempt to improve their academic standing. A bit of a stretch, indeed, but speaks to my stance that the State of Kentucky with their focus on "elite research university status" should also focus on "any academic/trade prep" to give more people a chance.There are more opportunities for welders right now than there are for the 10k communications majors we are churning out.

Mexico on Wednesday and the forecast looks sad. We will fight through it, but c'mon, man.

I think its been established that the bulk of our offense is going to revolve around like 3-4 play sets with the weekly throw to a TE. If keeping it that simple gives us the best chance to win- go for it I guess. But yeah its tough to watch at times.

The homey D. Berger with the clincher. What a run for young US Golfers. Imagine you and some of your best buds just also happened to some of the top 20 golfers on the planet. Just some bros going out and winning international competitions.
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