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Maybe Willy will start pulling his weight around here and put the FBI on Trevathan’s jersey and Pitino’s head in a GB helmet.
Man, that was a dirty hit/play. Not sure what the argument for Trevathan here is. If that were college, he would've been ejected immediately. I'll be shocked if he gets less than 2 games.
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Thank you, doctor.
Man, these folks have some serious cleansing needed.

They wanted to protect David, they don't want to ruin his career. He comes from a good family, no way he was involved with any of this. They need someone that knows them.

Hire Kenny!! He would be a great AD.

Have you not learned anything? These people gave no f*cks about anyone but themselves.
It is like an utter defeat in a culture war.

And We Won, which is hard to do.

If there really is evidence out there of UK violating NCAA laws, ok. The whole house is tumbling down.

Calipari took the proper stance and made the entire shebang about gettng kids paid in the NBA, and even alienated the people who paid him in the process with the THIS IS THE GREATEST DAY IN UK HISTORY nonsense on draft day.

If the FBI has more up their sleeve and intends to take down the majority of major NCAA programs, we still win.

Remember that, BBN.

The fiscal consequences of Louisville being entitled ***** is going to suck, however.
-Lol at the LeBatard 30 for 30 spoof on Pitino. Bravo.

-Pretty pumped for this game Saturday. Need to get out there and take some frustrations out on a decent team. Perfect start time.

-So Dawkins was Josh Jackson's coach, eh?

-Wonder what SEC coach Doyle was talking about? 2006. My guess is Gottfried, Pearl or Stansbury. The best B12 recruits were Darrell Arthur, Augustin and Damion James. I guess it could have another year. Although one name really sticks out. He does a really good job painting the picture of Final Four Friday. The coaches like to have fun that night.

-Honing in on a great morning coffee ritual. Setup right at $75.
There hasn't been nearly enough of a poo storm around Bruce Pearl, imo. If he goes down hard, he's got a solid claim to the Slimiest Coach of All Time. Very solid, actually.
I have a pretty bad Twitter problem as it is, shit is getting out of hand this week -- guess reports are true that starting at a bright cell phone screen for hours every night isn't good for the sleep. :weary:
Not enough of a poo storm around Kansas. The biggest Adidas basketball school. All the top recruits. They'll skate I'm sure but...
Yes some UL writer doofus came on claiming that there was a conspiracy starting with Bevin. Actually said he envisions TOM riding a white horse. These people walk amongst us.
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That recent season of Narcos was fantastic.

They interviewed the head of security for the Cali cartel who's now in witness protection about one scene where they pull a guy in half with Harley's. They ask him if that was true and he laughed and said, "No that's not true....they used land cruisers.":flushed:
Yup...Tom was a victim of a rogue coach...nothing more, nothing less. And he was fooled like the rest of us (Not GYERO of course).
We’ve all heard it before, what it means to be a “Louisville Man” or a “Louisville Woman”.

It’s a source of pride. A “Louisville Man” does the right thing. He’s honest. He does what he needs to do. He loves his family, he takes pride in his work, he attempts to make himself better EVERY DAY. A “Louisville Man” has integrity, he displays his ethics, he is honorable. A “Louisville Man” is not perfect, but he strives to be.

Also being a “Louisville Man” means that when you mess up, you pay up. Louisville’s fan base is not “Win At All Costs”. In fact, we are a quite patient as a group….another quality of a “Louisville Man” we don’t live in a microwave society.

As a c/o 2004 University of Louisville College of Business graduate I take a great amount of pride in my school. Like many of you, I’ve spent a great deal of time, effort, and energy following Cardinal Athletics and supporting the school’s efforts to become one of the nation’s preeminent universities…..and as an alumnus we don’t deserve this. But sometimes bad things happen, people make bad decisions, people we love sometimes disappoint us. But we aren’t “Louisville Men” without forgiveness and the ability to evolve & learn. We’ve been here since 1798 and god-willing we’ll be here another 217 years…..better than ever.
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JDrum summed it up pretty well. I have a lot of good friends who root for Louisville. They don't hate UK or harp on our program. They just root for their favorite school. I feel sorry for them.

But Pitino himself, Jurich, Ramsey, their families and kids, their apologists, their mouthpieces in the media, their Baghdad Bobs in the media, all of those jackasses and liars and all GGP'd, EAD, DIAF, and enjoy watching your shit stain of a program devolve into a mere footnote. I feel sorry for none of them.
Maybe Willy will start pulling his weight around here and put the FBI on Trevathan’s jersey and Pitino’s head in a GB helmet.

I know. I've been missing all the fun.

Been working extremely late every night. Board meeting was yesterday. Things should be back to normal by the end of next week.

My freaking kids were crying the other day because they miss Daddy. I'm not coming down to the EMU game because of that. Well played, Buckeye Marge...
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It sounds like we're getting beat tomorrow. Certainly don't need a ton of fans showing up and making it hard for our guys to communicate.
Seeing lots of talk about the economic impact on the city of Louisville and the state because of this.

Maybe don't tie your economy to a college basketball team*?? Just spitballing here

*Or aid and abet creating fraudulent financials for the sole purpose of building a multi-hundred million dollar downtown arena for said team when they, nor the city, could afford it.
Seeing lots of talk about the economic impact on the city of Louisville and the state because of this.

Maybe don't tie your economy to a college basketball team*?? Just spitballing here

*Or aid and abet creating fraudulent financials for the sole purpose of building a multi-hundred million dollar downtown arena for said team when they, nor the city, could afford it.
I dunno man, gotta hear both sides

Sullivan said it best here.

Either Padgett has intimate knowledge of the numerous legal, moral and ethical lapses committed by the U of L basketball program, or he’s been oblivious to the staggering corruption all around him. Neither alternative is a strong recommendation for a job that currently calls for squeaky cleanliness and constant vigilance. Strategically and symbolically, the school should be making a clean break.

Promoting Padgett is just a stupid ass move. So I'm for it, of course.
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And now Sonka reporting "coach 1" may be at practice until new interim AD can act to fire him. What. A. Mess.

Hey guys line on up. Oh yeah I ruined your college basketball career but lets tighten up those bounce passes.
Padgett is also married to Ron Carmichael's daughter. Ron Carmichael is Pitinos best friend.

lmao another classic "here i knocked her up, now you marry her" deal?

I mean, who are they gonna get? If this program doesn't cheat it's ass off, it's largely irrelevant. And when does the ACC kick them out?
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