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get pumped lefkoe you whiny hack.

On the underd dogs claiming he sat on a UK pay for play story while at WHAS with his sources being instagram photos. BUT HE COULD NOT LINK IT BACK.

Seeing the kings go down who patted you on the head for so long is quite a life experience for some of these current and former sycophants. SAD.
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RE: Pitino

Look- it's not the end all and it's not a crime, but working in this profession at a place like Kentucky for 8 years, earning your way into the lore and hearts of its dedicated fanbase, and then going and coaching their blood rival four years later says a lot about a guy.

We all knew it. Only a shitty human being would do such a thing.
get pumped lefkoe you whiny hack.

On the underd dogs claiming he sat on a UK pay for play story while at WHAS with his sources being instagram photos. BUT HE COULD NOT LINK IT BACK.

Instagram, huh? Could be. Instagram photos aren't seen by just everybody. That's gold standard cloak and dagger stuff there.
RE: Pitino

Look- it's not the end all and it's not a crime, but working in this profession at a place like Kentucky for 8 years, earning your way into the lore and hearts of its dedicated fanbase, and then going and coaching their blood rival four years later says a lot about a guy.

We all knew it. Only a shitty human being would do such a thing.

I think we all have it wrong.

The truth is, Pitino showed his deep, unfailing love and loyalty to UK.

He knew the best way to destroy UL's basketball program was to do it from the inside. So he left UK for Boston, purposely bided his time with mediocrity, waited for the right time at UL, then struck. He got in. Then he very slowly earned the trust of their fanbase, all the while setting up his grand plan of destroying them. He even had UK fans hating him, which shows just how effective he was in becoming 'one of them.' But he was plotting their demise from day one. He knew it would be all that much sweeter if he won a championship for them, only to have it vacated. And once that was done, it was time for the final act, to destroy their program once and for all, and to bring down their AD with him.

Rick Pitino: UK's greatest coach of all time.
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Regarding Louisville being a nationally known/respected/talked about team, I will say this, NO ONE in Florida is talking about it at all. The only time it's brought up is because everyone knows I'm a UK fan.
It's not a coincidence that, presumably, UL is the one leaking,or having it leaked, that "#2" is infact HOFCR now so that they wont have to pay the buyout? No other #'d coaches names have surfaced, including the asst coach trying to keep it on the down low.
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- We knee Pitino was a sleazeball and that Tubby couldn't coach 10+ years before the rest of the college basketball world. We know our F'ing basketball and our F'ing humans here.

- Not getting nearly enough Likes or GYERO props for my perfect song quote analogy to Pitino's career. :(
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I honestly do feel bad for a few of their fans that called this BS years ago but loyally stuck it out. Vanetti and my Uncle(he's hated Pitino from day 1 and swallowed it unwillingly) are a couple. TV has hated those douchebags for years and suffered professionally. They're just fatigued and the worst part is, this isn't going anywhere for years. I'd say best case they are eligible for 2020 tourney and by then who are they going to have left? Assuming the players will be allowed to transfer without sitting out at some point in the next year 6-10 months. It's going to be a long ugly road back.

It couldn't have hit at a worse time. Death penalty is likely out but it's still kind of looming out there so what coach the caliber of that job would even consider it? You almost have to swallow your medicine, hire someone like Davenport for a couple years, then go get Gregg Marshall.

Also going to be weirdly interesting how our fan bases are in the future with one villain we both desperately despise. I mean we both hate that man with every fiber.

Lastly, something funny to me is innocent bystander Bobby Petrino getting tons of shade. I think they're all so done with the place and shadiness that he caught more shit than I thought he would this week. I'm catching the sentiment they'd just rather he bolt at the end of the year.

Fascinating stuff.
Let's not gloss over how weird it is/was to have a pep rally over an apparel contract. Did UK do that with Nike?
I think we all have it wrong.

The truth is, Pitino showed his deep, unfailing love and loyalty to UK.

He knew the best way to destroy UL's basketball program was to do it from the inside. So he left UK for Boston, purposely bided his time with mediocrity, waited for the right time at UL, then struck. He got in. Then he very slowly earned the trust of their fanbase, all the while setting up his grand plan of destroying them. He even had UK fans hating him, which shows just how effective he was in becoming 'one of them.' But he was plotting their demise from day one. He knew it would be all that much sweeter if he won a championship for them, only to have it vacated. And once that was done, it was time for the final act, to destroy their program once and for all, and to bring down their AD with him.

Rick Pitino: UK's greatest coach of all time.

Tongue in cheek I know but Pitino really DID end up being the poison pill.

Restored us to glory and left our sworn enemy in the dust.

It honestly could not have been written any better.
UL has only really known 2 basketball coaches. Crum and Pitino. Louisville fan knows deep down that their program just might not be bigger than the coach. UK fans would have punted Calipari if the Katina Powell scandal occurred at UK because we know UK is bigger than any coach.

Louisville fan is worried that they will float away and be lost to history. They are the next San Francisco.
We all bought into him, and we had been duped. Tom Jurich’s unwavering loyalty to him, a man who had put on a facade for everyone, probably including Jurich himself, is what ultimately was his downfall as well.

They just don't get it. Tomma could literally shoot someone in the face on live TV and there would be 50 articles asking what this person did to force Tomma's hand and why they would do that to him.
Fan since 2011. Lolz.

There's been a major influx of this type of fan since their original football success from 2004-2006, compounded by the YUM Center opening & the soon to be vanished title in 2013. Not to mention the social/casual & corporate fans.

It will be interesting to see how many of these type of fans jump off the wagon now.
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