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-Valvano nailed it and it was excellent radio listening to him realizing he had been duped and lied to all these years. I would assume Deener will be more of the same moving forward along with the other mouth pieces coming to the realization that they were all used. BV going in on the Adept being told to say "Tom is the best AD in the country" over and over and over is nauseating.

-Really it just feels good to see these things that didn't add up, that other rivals and teams aren't doing, that UK fans have been pointing out for years... to come to fruition. Like, we're not all insane.

-It's fairly obvious now Tom was running the whole school, systematic corruption from top down, $$ from the foundation, putting family members in strategic jobs, multiple scandals, Tom passing jobs he should have taken, sticking with his dudes until the bitter end. The depths of what went on there are probably unreal.
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No offense to KSR, but I enjoy Mid Day Rush from 10-12 with Lach, Sweeney, et al. Pretty funny and objective as it gets for this region IMO. ESPN radio so UofL doesn't own them.

Aren't ESPN 680 and 93.9 the Ville all the same station? Or at least Deener is the VP of both stations.
Greg Postel marcus welby...


I mean, this is a real life athletics version of Roadhouse.

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It's not a lie if you believe it.
That's my point. That dude lie'd so much that he actually believed the shit. Amazing that it's being exposed to be this brazen.

But again, he also married one of his staff members off to a one night stand after having him drive her to an abortion. <---Still the most unbelievable thing to happen in any of these scandals.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Individuals with this disorder exhibit a lack of ability to empathize with others and an inflated sense of self-importance.

The hallmarks of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) are grandiosity, a lack of empathy for other people, and a need for admiration. People with this condition are frequently described as arrogant, self-centered, manipulative, and demanding. They may also concentrate on grandiose fantasies (e.g. their own success, beauty, brilliance) and may be convinced that they deserve special treatment. These characteristics typically begin in early adulthood and must be consistently evident in multiple contexts, such as at work and in relationships.

Either that or the hair plugs have pierced his skull and are growing into his cerebral cortex.
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Also, should you be opposed if she is just occasionally sleeping with women (rather than leaving you)? I'm not sure I wouldn't be fully on board.
Sounds good in theory but usually goes like this, she can sleep with chicks but you can't because that's different. At least in my experience, which is total baloney of course.
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Heard Vitale interviewed on Sirius earlier and was shocked that he attacked Duke without specifically mentioning them. Questioned how a kid can reclassify in July and be eligible to play this year.
-Valvano nailed it and it was excellent radio listening to him realizing he had been duped and lied to all these years. I would assume Deener will be more of the same moving forward along with the other mouth pieces coming to the realization that they were all used. BV going in on the Adept being told to say "Tom is the best AD in the country" over and over and over is nauseating.

-Really it just feels good to see these things that don't add up, that other rivals and teams aren't doing, that UK fans have been pointing out for years... to come to fruition Like, we're not all insane.

-It's fairly obvious now Tom was running the whole school, systematic corruption from top down, $$ from the foundation, putting family members in strategic jobs, multiple scandals, Tom passing jobs he should have taken, sticking with his dudes until the bitter end. The depths of what went on there are probably unreal.

I mean, seriously- we've been calling this shit out in GYERO for 13 years now. Floyd Street is even more rotten than we thought.
You gotta think the FBI has audio recordings of the 3 phone conversations with Pitino. The last call being TWO days before he committed.

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I know it's like 5p on Thanksgiving, you've got your pants unbuttoned, the meat sweats are just about gone, you're fighting to keep your eyes open and just couldn't imagine ANY MORE HAM... but I beg you to check out this delicious ham served by Jason King.

Sweet sweet glazed honey ham

"I think he's an assh--e," a mid-major head coach said. "He's pompous and he just acts like he's better than everyone, like everyone should bow down to him. He's just not likable.

"Say what you want about (Kentucky coach John) Calipari…at least he's friendly and funny and doesn't act all high and mighty. Everyone's sick of Pitino's act."
I love Dickie V in the "old lovable grandpa" sense but he just needs to be put out to pasture at this point. Everyone tells him what he wants to hear because he's so enthusiastic about life and happy with how everything is going, and nobody wants to steal his joy. But sometimes it's like he woke up from his post-thanksgiving meal nap too early. The family that prayed for the meal and talked about benign church gossip is now vehemently arguing atheism vs agnosticism and calling each other sons of bitches and bastards and he can't cope with this reality. Everything he loved about the game is dead and gone. Sorry bud but it's the truth. They tried to let him down gently by quietly getting him off the big games but he keeps interjecting himself and nosing around in places he really doesn't want to be.
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