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Louisville fans are hilarious. They're truly shocked they got their brains kicked in by one of the Top 3-4 programs in college football.

Whaaat?! They're fine. FSU, you know who is 20 something spots higher in recruiting and has tons of depth and athletes bounced back last year. So can Louisville!

They are such horrible fans. Like it's not even fun trying to discuss anything with them because they're so GD delusional and ignorant.
-The ones on my social feeds weren't happy with Pitino being on GD, couldn't understand why JLaw didn't fly home from Budapest for it.

-UCL nailed it. Basically ignored the UL game and was certain we'd lose. That last half hour was really solid.

-IDGAF about handshakesucka. Let's move on.

-2017-18 WCTGEGaK: Gator Hater Edition

-S dot Johnson
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Who is #1? Don't think I've seen him before.

-IDGAF about handshakesucka. Let's move on.

I actually hope the SC version of events is true. We need a bunch of d o double g dawgs out there punking folks in their home stadium. That would be a much appreciated about face from previous UK teams' attitudes
One thing about ol' Honest Bob - if you have an answer for his initial gameplan, he has a hard time dealing with it. Also riding a motorcycle with some ass on the back. He struggles with that, too.
R.I.P. Bobby "The Brain" Heenan
A true legend to sarcastic assholes everywhere.

"Jannety's trying to escape through the barbershop window! What a cowardly display!"

"I'm talking about the kind of people who walk around wearing one brown sock and one white sock and they've got a pair back at home just like it. These are the kind of people who Hulk Hogan appeals to."

"Let me ask you reverend... Have you performed a lot of funerals? How long does it take to get the gold teeth out of their mouths?"
UCL nailed it. Bobby is a master at game prep, but he is a terrible in game manager. If you stop his "scripted" attack, he has no counter attack. When the script goes to plan, he'll attack attack attack b/c he has you on your heels. He can't coach from behind. I think the last time he did well from behind was the Auburn game a few years ago, when Lamar was basically a surprise change of pace in the 2nd Half.
UCL nailed it. Bobby is a master at game prep, but he is a terrible in game manager. If you stop his "scripted" attack, he has no counter attack. When the script goes to plan, he'll attack attack attack b/c he has you on your heels. He can't coach from behind. I think the last time he did well from behind was the Auburn game a few years ago, when Lamar was basically a surprise change of pace in the 2nd Half.

I think we were up on them something like 49-0 in Commonwealth two years ago before they came back and won.
UCL nailed it. Bobby is a master at game prep, but he is a terrible in game manager. If you stop his "scripted" attack, he has no counter attack. When the script goes to plan, he'll attack attack attack b/c he has you on your heels. He can't coach from behind. I think the last time he did well from behind was the Auburn game a few years ago, when Lamar was basically a surprise change of pace in the 2nd Half.

And yet, you've still consistently sucked his dick for the last 15 years, and were devastated when we didn't hire him.

How ironic.
The Cape was dope. A lot of bocce, beach fires, local crafties, awesome friends, chowder and lobster. New England is just my kind of place.


-Pretty cool having an offensive coordinator that understands the importance of time of possession. That game was beautifully called.

-Benny Snell's not getting the corner in the SEC, but he's really good between the tackles.

-Receivers played well, which I was starting to worry about.

-Our defense is, dare I say it, nasty. Fast, violent, and pretty damn smart. If we can control the ball like we did Saturday night we're going to win a touch load of games this year. TS.

-UK and UofL are two ships passing in the night right now as far as I'm concerned. A win Saturday would only cement that, and perhaps some of the local narrative would change. However, for a program that's 2-4 in its last 6 games, I'm astonished that UofL's still getting the benefit of the doubt on a macro level. Who's replacing Lamar? Jawon Pass? K. They're in trouble, IMO. Their fans are starting to realize it, too.

-I've heard Stoops is very superstitious with uni combos, and after the 2014 UofL game and last year's Florida debacle I was afraid we'd never see the road pearlies again. Hopefully Saturday put them back in his good graces because they're flat sick.
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In October 2016 I played a round of golf. This past saturday I played my first round since then. What a shame to wait that long- and for no good reason really. Was surprised to actually strike the ball well. Honestly I think the long layoff forces me to slow things down enough where my swing is somewhat decent. Consistency isnt great, obviously, and short game was sketchy at best- but I was pretty pleased with the result.

My wife went to her friends skybox for the Bama game so I had the couch and TV's to myself from Saturday afternoon on to the end of the USC/Texas game. Blissful. She even felt a touch guilty about going so she picked up a large bag of pizza rolls and a 6'er for me. With that slate of games and the right teams coming out in the win column- it was a fine day.

With UL getting gutted, was a nice side note to catch Grantham's defense play well vs. LSU.
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There is definitely a comedic aspect that these ICP fans are having to march on DC to try and prove they aren't a criminal gang
So the fugly lesbos are still at my house. I think day 5 or 6. The alpha dyke has pretty much made this her home away from home no issue. My A/C getting cranked down to 70 (which I change back), listening to them talk about f'ing softball every word, making snide comments that no one would find amusing if they had a modicum of self-awareness and not alpha kunt is having a coach and her baby here for a meeting.

I'm beside myself with rage right now and about to go one a giant anti-LGBT tirade as I start tossing their dyke shit on the driveway.

And, I think we have a decent shot ending the streak but come on, cautious optimism at best here.
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