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You know what I hate? When you're walking to the bathroom at a restaurant or something and a little old man pops out in front of you and starts meandering towards the damn bathroom. I turn around and go back to my seat 100% of the time. F*ck that old man.
You know what I hate? When you're walking to the bathroom at a restaurant or something and a little old man pops out in front of you and starts meandering towards the damn bathroom. I turn around and go back to my seat 100% of the time. F*ck that old man.

Vontaze Burfict would take the old mans knees out on the way to the pisser.

-Sure feels like Rax's posts have gotten increasingly aggressive since his boys started playing football. Not sure I like the trajectory.

-With the Cali trip in the rear-view mirror(literally, LOLZ), looking ahead towards our 20th in two years. Haven't seen anyone on GYERO talking about those European river cruises, but they seem awfully appealing for two simpletons from Woodford County.

-Yes, I know, winning 21 straight has no bearing on whether Cleveland can/will win the WS. I still think it's a dogfight all the way through. But after the way our October ended, just let us have our fun, okay?

-It still arrives on newsstands way too early, but Athlon may have quietly become the premier college basketball preview mag. Fantastic articles by Parrish, etc. Lindy's is garbage.
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It doesn't make any difference if you change the name, the burial grounds underneath Commonwealth still know what's up.

Lipstick on a pig/When in Rome/which ever idiom fits
Been warning everyone about BRax for years now. The guy is two beers shy of a six pack if you catch my drift. He's out of control.

He texted me the other day- no clue how he got my number- talking shit about Trinity is already recruiting his boys. Claims the older one runs a 4.5.

Finally blocked him after the eighth text. Dude- I don't GAF.
-With the Cali trip in the rear-view mirror(literally, LOLZ), looking ahead towards our 20th in two years. Haven't seen anyone on GYERO talking about those European river cruises, but they seem awfully appealing for two simpletons from Woodford County.

1. My parents did Basel, Switzerland to the Netherlands about 3 years ago with my aunt and uncle. They seemed to enjoy it quite a lot. But since then, they have been flooded like you wouldn't believe with calls, emails, and brochures-in-the-mailbox trying to convince them to do another one.

2. When they went, I told my grad school roommate, who was from Germany and lives there now. He said it's mostly older people doing those cruises. My parents confirmed that to be the case.

3. Having said that, one of my UK buddies and his wife just did a 20th anniversary trip last summer, I think from the Netherlands down to Switzerland, then over to Austria and the Czech Republic. They're in their 40s and had lived in Britain for several years while in their 30s. They really enjoyed the anniversary trip. And their photos of Switzerland, Austria, and Prague were just incredible.
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Time for some good old-fashioned GYERO bragging of the non-humble variety:

<---- Was way out in front on B Bearup being a nut. I remember when he used to post here. Some of you guys were total sycophants. Anyway, at one point he made some hoops recruiting prognostications:

That Ramel Bradley in high school was playing pick up with current pros and holding his own and was a sure-fire NBA player.

That Christian Drejer (Florida) was a lottery pick.

That Mohamed Abukar (Florida, then transferred to San Diego State) was a future first rounder.

After none of those came true, I called him out on it. He denied ever stating any of them.
Nashville this weekend. :raised_hands:

First trip since the '15 SEC Tournament. Anything new I should check out or stick with Legends?
This 9/11 History three-part doc is tremendous. Just the sense of dread our intelligence officials had- they knew something was coming, they just didn't know what.
I had a kid break his collarbone in a football game during the second weekend in September last season. Had surgery, put a steel something in there, and was playing basketball by Thanksgiving. Different sport, I know. Different circumstances too, but technically a guy may be able to return by the last game of the season.

Mr. Brightside!
Found a new barber at the new gig. Thanks for all those who sent prayers.

"The Night Begins to Shine" has had some real staying power in the MaxPowerrr household.

Thinking some hot local pizza delivery, crafties, and terrible local NFL football on tap for tomorrow night.
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