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-51hundy. What a great place. It's up for sale right now. Was a feisty group that day. Early purple lot era. Miss those days.

-Baked potato bar.:joy:

-Social Catholics ftw. Credit to Francis though, he bypassed the fancy digs and shoes. Vatican is really obnoxious though.

-OSU fan is awful. Maybe the worst in sports outside of Philly/Boston.

-Ludlow Kissel and the dago bomb that struck back. Hardest I've ever laughed while reading.
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Pretty sure I'm the odds on favorite to die via Fat Boy dropping a nuke on Tokyo during my layover on Monday/Tuesday
WTF is wrong with a baked potato bar? :mad:

I'm feeding my hillbilly Kentuckian family, not trying to impress the neighbors, former frat buddies or the Palumbos.

What is so ridiculous about throwing a bunch of baked potatoes in the oven and then having toppings to choose from?

Besides, 10+ lbs. of smoke roasted filet mignon more than covers the #SmugGyeroLife requirements.

Plus, I'm making grilled houllami (brushed with olive oil and oregano)/cherry tomato/basil skewers drizzled in balsamic.

You silver spooners have taken things too far this time.

*** For others who enjoy an ice cold IPA every now and then... try Gamma Bomb from Warped Wing Brewery. I grabbed mine at the local Kroger(s). :bomb:
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A baked potato is a great vehicle for all sorts of toppings; it can be a great sidecar, or even a meal depending on how you choose to dress it. Love the potato. :100points:
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I try to stay out of the bovada game room but man when you get on a streak right before the super computers screw you its a blast. I may drink 600 beers this weekend.
It's okay, Willy. A potato bar is fine, no need to be so sensitive about it. Most people still like you even with the potato bar.
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Thank you, but, I mean, am I doing something wrong, Chase? Will my family be offended? Am I putting children and small animals at risk?

I'm just trying to be a good person, and sometimes its hard, man.

I stopped wearing jorts and Nike Shox because of GYERO, but I'm drawing the line at cargo shorts and baked potatoes, you guys. Sometimes, a guy has to take a stand.
Thank you, but, I mean, am I doing something wrong, Chase? Will my family be offended? Am I putting children and small animals at risk?

I'm just trying to be a good person, and sometimes its hard, man.

I stopped wearing jorts and Nike Shox because of GYERO, but I'm drawing the line at cargo shorts and baked potatoes, you guys. Sometimes, a guy has to take a stand.

I'm with you on the cargo shorts. It's the "in" thing to dis them right now, but they'll have to pry mine from my cold, dead hands (or legs, as it may be). Cargo pants are another issue. They've been dispatched to Goodwill a few months ago.
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Actually attended a Tequila tasting (Mike Beam) the other night.

Was pretty interesting, he talked about the different types in depth just like you would a bourbon -- & lots strict laws/rules exist w/ regards to location (Jalisco) , Agave, labeling, etc. Also didn't realize most everything but Silver is aged in Bourbon or Whiskey Barrels. Makes sense, I suppose.

Could really taste it in the Extra Anejo.

I never realized until I went to one of those that bourbon is clear, only the barrels give it the color. Lived 40+ years with no clue about that.
- My S-I-L does Roden and Fields and only posts about that and my nephews. This is the same one that was about to cry watching Live PD because she feels so bad for non-whites for being non-white. In other words, hasn't lived a day in her life around anyone but milquetoast white people but somehow understands the plight of the AA. Weird bitch to be sure. Made some good looking nephews, though so she gets a pass.

- tOSU fans suck. They are the football version of UL/KU/UNC fans. Insufferable people that can't talk intelligently about sports. Just chest-thumping and Southern bigotry. Probably the largest fair-weather fan base in College sports.

- Drove down to Tampa last night to hang with the wife's family for the weekend. About the most welcoming, generous people I know. Catholics, of course. Rain all weekend on the radar.

- Got my buddy a nice install in Jax. Was supposed to meet him at about 11 yesterday then he calls me to tell me he's late. He asked two of this guys to go get something from the shop and the one that has never driven and doesn't have a license ends up driving. Head-on collision with a lady. Broke her legs, possibly skull fracture and who knows what else. Poor lady was in surgery still up until at least the evening. Buddy is afraid to fire the kid because he's black and doesn't want it to turn into some crazy viral bullshit. Sadly, that's how it is today.

- Hope it's catfag that dies next.

- Have a great LDW, gaffots.
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I met him once and we almost fought and I wish we would have. He is my enemy.

Did this happen in the backseat of my Eclipse? I don't know that I ever mentioned how impressed I was with the ability of two grown men to fit back there.
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Didn't know I could hate tOSU or NCAA anymore than I already do, but I'm just now catching the Maurice Clarett 30for30...

Pretty unreal.

Makes me love Cal even more. So much respect for what he does in this bs NCAA world.
Nurse can pocket some coin, but she's not going to retire on it. I'd say $50,000 range. No physical injuries. Charges will be dismissed. Just not a whole lot of concrete damages to put on the table.
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I liked Duke as a rival more when all their five stars were nerdy white douchebags with pixie cuts and they left the athletic hybrid slashers for us. Reddish and Bagley belong with Cal at Kentucky. K needs to go get a five star shooter from New Hampshire named Sethery Tomminsdale who knows the game because his dad is the coach and leave us alone.
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