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Jones correctly called his teammates quitting pou seys after the game makes him a lifetime fav. Destined to be another undrafted guy because he is at sucky Kentucky, but ends up an excellent starting nfl linebacker.

(see: Woodyard, Trevathan, Avery Williamson)
Instead we go out and hire a defensive coordinator because he shares some of the same genes as the head coach at Oklahoma. Makes no sense. We do this crap in politics - see Bushes and Clintons. We do this crap in sports - too many to name. You know where they don't do it? Real businesses. Imagine what shareholders would think if when GE hired it's next CEO they picked Eric Schmidt's little brother who happened to be a director of marketing at say, Proctor and Gamble?

It happens in big industry sometimes. Take Motorola for example. Paul Galvin starts the company and is CEO; his son Bob succeeds him and grows it into one of the biggest tech companies in the world; then his son succeeds him and ... the company falls apart in a few short years.
Llama, I liked your tweet that they featured on KSR. In fact, it was the only one of them that wasn't completely meh.

I thought "that last one's pretty good" and then noticed it was you. Imagine my surprise.
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Rogue, we hit a few places that were too crowded before we found a place we could get in to eat lunch - Oozoo Bar & Grill or something like that.

We just figured it out minute by minute as we went along. I think from 2-2:30 we were in the bookstore and after that went on over and into the stadium.

Agree with your comment that UF couldn't really even get that excited to beat our ass. No challenge whatsoever. Our UF friends / hosts genuinely felt bad for us. I felt bad that UK couldn't even make it interesting for one quarter. "Pitiful" would be an apt description.

Shit, their Blue-Orange Spring Game (or whatever) must have provided more intrigue than yesterday did.

Patrick Towles made such a smart move.

My fellow NKY cord cutters can catch him on 12-3 via antenna. He just made 46-yard TD strike to a converted CB on the first play of the series.

And he had all the time in the world.
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Patrick Towles made such a smart move.

My fellow NKY cord cutters can catch him on 12-3 via antenna. He just made 46-yard TD strike to a converted CB on the first play of a series.

And he had all the time in the world.
He just threw a 36 yard TD strike to the same dude on the first play of the next series.

Are you guys getting this?!
Clearly, Dawson and Towles were the problem last year. :rolleyes:

It's hard to think of a scenario in which Stoops could look more like a clown than he does right now.

But hey, we just finished Week 2, so there's a lot more football to be played! ~ Mitch Barnhart.

Stoops has plenty of time to display more incompetence. Nowhere to hide.

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- According to Jay (or maybe it's just "J") in Lyndon of KSR fame, Commonwealth Stadium ran out of the hot brown nachos during the Southern Miss game.

Good news! This shouldn't be an issue this Saturday.

I just hope Matt and Ryan cut out that "WELL IF STOOPS CAINT DO IT HERE NOBODY CAN" bullshit. That's stupid and embarrassing. Enough


Pretty sure it wouldn't be too terribly difficult to find a coach who could beat SOUTHERN GOSHDAMN MISS in his 4th year here. Half the dudes who coach Upwards teams on Sundays could pull that off, and they don't even keep score.
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Will be in Hilton Head during the next 2 games, will be in a wedding during the Alabama game, and will be in Gatlinburg during the Tennessee game.

Originally planned on going out of my way to watch the games, and even go to the UT game, now I'll just enjoy my vacations.
Brooks & Jerry Claiborne fielded respectable tough teams that only won at .500 clip still left fans with satisfaction of well coached prepared kids who competed as best they could against difficult odds

hiring a hot coordinator or young guy at a small school is going to fail at UK. need an old guy who has been through the wars over many seasons
Long ass weekend....

- blew it out with anth and his boys Thursday and Friday night (bachelor party).
- Thursday = day drinking, and then turned into dive bar hopping. Hit up my two favorites (Snake and Jakes and Brothers III)
- Friday --> Sturgill Simpson show. He crushed it. anth astutely pointed out that he brought in a local 3-piece brass band specifically for the New Orleans show. Played some old stuff, then ran thru his new album in order.

- Saints game yesterday. Had the company suite tickets, then hung out in the players/family lounge post-game. Got to meet Drew Brees. I'm 5-10, 170, and that dude is smaller than me. He's got some big ole mitts, though.

- Every year, we go into the Florida game knowing they are significantly more talented than us, and yet we're shocked to see the inevitable demolishing. You think you'd learn. Ugh.

- The formula for winning is that we need a good coach who recruits well. Don't give a rip where he comes from.
Not that Clay Travis knows anything more about CFB than GYERO, but he posted this today:

4. Bobby Petrino is still the best offensive coach in college football.

And Lamar Jackson combined with Petrino is exquisite junk food.

I've said it already this season and I'll say it again, if I were LSU I'd go hire Bobby Petrino at the end of this season. And if I were Auburn I might well try and do the same. I think Petrino is without question one of the top five coaches in college football right now.

I'd rank them thusly, by the way:

1. Nick Saban
2. Urban Meyer
3. Mark Dantonio
4. Jim Harbaugh
5. Bobby Petrino

He may be an ass and he may have had his off the field issues at Arkansas, but if I were LSU and Auburn I'd give him whatever he needs, get out of the way, and watch him score points and win me games.

Can you imagine what Petrino could do with a top 20 job?

Goodness, he's dominated at Arkansas and Louisville, two borderline top 25 jobs at best.

With LSU's talent Bobby Petrino would be amazing to see.

This makes sense, particularly, for LSU, where Petrino would show up, sell a ton of Bobby Motherf'ing Petrino tshirts and finally score points after a decade of frequent offensive futility.

They would love him down on the bayou.

Point is:

a) UK had a great chance at a Top 5-10 coach, one who plays an exciting brand of football that could actually win here.

b) Nobody give a flying F about how good of a human being a head football coach is. Sure, some sanctimonious sports writer may pen a couple sharp-worded columns at the hire, but that shit ALL evaporates really quickly. CFB is a business, where many if not ALL cheat already. All anyone cares about is winning. There is nothing more overrated- especially for a perennial loser like UK football than class. When you have no tradition and no pride, that makes rolling the dice on a guy like Petrino even easier. I think we all would've gotten over what a douche he is after seeing the Cats hanging 60s and going to bowls.
Every year, we go into the Florida game knowing they are significantly more talented than us, and yet we're shocked to see the inevitable demolishing. You think you'd learn. Ugh.
I equate it to a deaf man walking on train tracks with a train coming from behind. You know what is going to happen but that doesn't lessen the shock of seeing someone mowed down by a freight train.
-Sorry, I think you're a real piece of shit if you don't stand for the Anthem on 9/11.

-Man, I love NOLA.
*Thanks to Ursch for giving us the behind the scenes diver bar tour.
*Snake and Jake's and his local water hole with the coke head bar tender. Place still had several tube TVs, most of the liquor bottles were empty and the juke box was the old school flip style with brown stained song cards. [laughing]
*Crew that we had isn't exactly my hard core party buddies from college. Just a group of really good dudes so we didn't go crazy but still put in some late evenings in Meow and Razoos. Those places just kill me. I'd like 1 night as a on stage karaoke DJ at Razoos.
*Luke(amazing), Parasol(great), Parkway Bakery (great), Stein's Market (great), District Doughnuts (wodie). Ate and drank like a maniac.
*Thinking about loosely jumping on the Who dat train. Need a team I root for in the NFL. Probably my favorite city in the country. Love the uniforms. Love the people. They're mediocre right now so I'm not bandwagon. Had a blast at the game yesterday.
*AirBnB in Treme' was awesome. Gotta admit I was REALLY REALLY skeptical but it worked out great. Place was 120 year old house turned into a duplex. 2 floors, 5 bed rooms, each with a bath, small private swimming pool and outdoor patio room on the back.
*The roads in that town :mad:, I honestly have ever seen anything like it. I guess it underscores why the city is so shitty because they can't even fix the roads in the rich parts of town but man, that's awful. Almost undriveable over by Ursch. He really needs a damn SUV.

-Sturgil deserves his own section. I'll admit I was a casual listener before the week. I knew the popular songs but... damn what an awesome show. He's absolutely amazing. No opening act. No lights, strobes, smoke, effects, lasers, trampolines, elevated stages, floating stages, swings, fire, etc. Just a badass on stage belting out some great music. Brought in some local brass instruments for this show. Came out to some hard core hip hop playing. Had a few jam band type solos. You can see influences of Nirvana, Tool and Smashing Pumpkins in his game. Huge fan now. Will def get back to one of his shows.

-:rolleyes: @ people running up the aisle on a plane. Dennis posted this a few weeks back, but this was a damn last leg at 11:30p in Lexington. Stay in your row until the one in front of you has exited. Come on.
-Double :rolleyes: @ the people running into the airport late as hell and trying to skip an entire TSA line. BUT triple :rolleyes: @ the people being dickheads about allowing them to skip the line. Sure it's annoying but it does happen and I'm not going to get all bent out of shape trying to make someone miss a flight.
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I concur with the aisle jumpers. Really just irritates me, and was very prevalent in Europe as well. Now a days I try to stand up and jump in the aisle ASAP to block such dickheadery.
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I just can't believe we're here again. Damnit. It's the same cycle: new coach -> enthusiastic fanbase -> "give him time to get his players in" -> inexplicable, embarrassing losses -> disgruntled fanbase -> attendance plummets -> lame duck coach -> dick-fingering AD -> coach fired -> more dick-fingering -> new coach. :mad: Rich Brooks was the exception to this rule, but he was essentially run off thanks to said dick-fingering AD. I don't know if I've got the heart for another coaching search, at least with Mitch at the wheel. I like the guy, I really do, but he needs to be held accountable for the dumpster fire that is the football program. It's just so damn frustrating to be here again. Actually, this may be the lowest I've ever been as a UK football fan, and that's saying something. I almost dread beating New Mexico St. because I don't want to hear the faux optimism from Stoops and Co. "Saw a lot of good things...," "good to get a win under our belt...," "feel good going into the South Carolina game...," "starting to gel...," etc. STFU.
I just can't believe we're here again.

An argument can be made that this is worse than all the other failures. At least then, apologists could argue that we didn't have the players to be competitive, or that the administration wasn't committed to football, or that it's impossible to recruit to this school, etc., etc., etc.

None of those excuses hold water any more. It's now 100% on coaching.
Guess what? We didn't hire Petrino 4 years ago. So unless you have a time machine, your bitching doesn't matter.

Who can we get this time?

And I am now 100% certain, Mitch needs to go, too.

Can Tressel start immediately? What is he doing with his time these days?

Fire and hire now so we can salvage some sort of class for next year.
Nobody give a flying F about how good of a human being a head football coach is. Sure, some sanctimonious sports writer may pen a couple sharp-worded columns at the hire, but that shit ALL evaporates really quickly. CFB is a business, where many if not ALL cheat already. All anyone cares about is winning. There is nothing more overrated- especially for a perennial loser like UK football than class. When you have no tradition and no pride, that makes rolling the dice on a guy like Petrino even easier. I think we all would've gotten over what a douche he is after seeing the Cats hanging 60s and going to bowls.

Indeed. This is basically all that needs to be said about the Petrino situation.
Also, while he's probably the best coach we've had here since the 80's, I don't belong to the "Brooks was the greatest coach ever" camp. After the "program-changing" win over LSU in 2007, we proceeded to go 3-13 in the SEC over the next two years.

He was a decent head coach, and a helluva guy. But he ain't Lombardi.

-Of course no one cares about what Petrino did because he wins. Shit, UL hired him back and he absolutely torched those f*ckers when he left. They hated him as bad as we hated Pitino early on at UL but they swallowed their pride and like it or not they have a legit Heisman contender and a damn good shot at the playoff(FSU at home and looked some what vulnerable against Ole Miss and Clempson has looked off so far). We could and should have made that move. The perception was not much different than hiring Cal.

-I'm embarrassed. That's embarrassing. For f*ck sake. Had 2-3 people on Saturday say, "I'm sorry." Like just people I had just met. Was with 5 UL fans and they were empathetic. Godf*ckingdamnit. Don't care that I'm always the last one supporting a staff. That's just me. Always optimistic, no apologies there, I'm just not the type to look at something and always bitch. Has really nothing to do with losing to Florida and everything to do with how we lost to Florida. It looked like we didn't even belong on the same field and this is a weak ass Florida team. UMASS kicked their OLine's ass last week.

Our coaches must just be awful at actually coaching. You're telling me a top 11 QB and ranked 4* that Steve Spurrier was courting can't be coached to throw quick passes? Bullshit. Where is Juice? Baker? Conrad? I do not get it. How is a he that bad as his job when he's good in the other 50% of it.

Regardless, Stoops has like 1 decent win and the others are all shit. His raise came off of almost beating a shitty UF team. The team has quit. Jones is the only player out there that appears to give a shit. We're as bad in year 4 as we were when he started and now he's lame duck. You have to fire him. Buyout or not, Mitch's dumbass handed it out now he can figure that side of it out or GTFO as well. Obviously he gets the season to try and improve but I just don't see how it happens. I mean UL is going to hang 70 on us on the way to the off-season. Unless he has 5 wins going into that I see no way around it. He better beat the doors off New Mexico. If not they'll both be updating that resume. The venom this time seems to be extremely aggressive and I'm not sure who's actually safe.

-A coach can win here. Brooks did and he didn't recruit well. Stoops is recruiting well enough to be respectable but is obviously an awful head coach. I don't think there is a specific formula for who can win here but what we're trying right now is not it.
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Mitch has been looking for jobs, and I a imagine Cap is too. His job is done here. He rebuilt the whole damn campus and instilled #change. He's ready for Ivy League, or something. Surely. It's amazing what he accomplished.
Also, while he's probably the best coach we've had here since the 80's, I don't belong to the "Brooks was the greatest coach ever" camp. After the "program-changing" win over LSU in 2007, we proceeded to go 3-13 in the SEC over the next two years.

He was a decent head coach, and a helluva guy. But he ain't Lombardi.
Took UK to 5 straight bowl games and owns all but 1 of the best wins in my life. This is what is being missed, we're not asking for much. 7-8 wins and occasionally beat UL. Do this and we'll sell out 75% of the games.
- Hard to be in a bad mood this time of year. :sunglasses::pray:

- Feels like I'm living in an entirely new place- new floor. Live-in girlfriend, a cat and a golden retriever. Instead of a bachelor pad, my place has a little style now, which is cool. Still need to move in the last of her stuff, but it's pretty much done and a big relief.

- I have every intention of getting down to see PTI in New Orleans in the next 6 months to a year. All our travel has been to the benefit of her friends and family. Time to see one of my friends.

- Oktoberfest is a total cluster, but I still want to check it out next weekend.

- The OL is concerning (which is a shocker) but helluva win from the Bengals on the road. Gutsy.

- Tressel seems like a perfect fit from where I'm standing- especially with his vast Ohio connections. I'd love Briles, but that rape situation is much more sensitive than NCAA stuff.

- Give me:

PG- Young
Wings (2 of these 3)- Diallo, Walker, Petty
F- Washington
F- Knox
C- Bamba

Add some filler and I will be geeked.
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