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Stoops should commit ritualistic suicide on the field, really only way to save face.
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GFY kentucky football. GFY Stoops. GFY Mitch. GFY facility upgrades, because it means I'm obligated to give the next coach 5 years too.

Players should be locked out of the new practice facilities for the rest of the season. You get the weight room in the basement of Lancaster Aquatic center . All of the players who cramped in the first GD half, quit. If you're too out of shape and too unprepared to hydrate yourself, you're not worthy.

Players should be forced to move into the top floors of the vacant towers.

I didn't play football growing up, I don't pretend to be an expert at breaking down every detail about what's wrong with this program … but it also doesn't take a doctor to recognize that a cold, immobile, rotting sack of flesh is dead either.

I'm embarrassed to be a KY football fan. Go the Transy route. Burn it down. Salt the earth. Never look back.
It's almost comical how hard Daniels and Verne are trying not to be be disparaging towards UK but it is coming through loud and clear.
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And these assholes are the reason I keep watching the football games. Christ. Yeah, the culture here is the problem. :rolleyes: The fact that ANYONE shows up for this shittyass program anymore is nothing short of a GD miracle.

You go, Marlene, you sexy fox.
Why? Dude is a multi-millionaire set for life. Doesn't have to work again in his life if he so chooses.
I think Stoops tried his ass off here. He inherited a f*cking train-wreck from Joker. He's just a shitty, shitty HC at the end of the day. And he's stuck on the sidelines for 10 more games, watching his career derail right before his very own eyes and there's not a damn thing he can do about it.

So yes, I pity him...

Also, not sure how you can blame Stoops one GD bit for his buy-out. Like any of you hillbillies would turn down free money.
Kansas has it figured out. Be so completely irrelevant that your embarrassing football program is basically invisible to the world. People can't hurt them. We have to endure this nightmare on national TV while the announcers go all in on trashing the fanbase for some strange reason.
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We're really going to have to fire him. **** me. this is unreal.

Whats unreal about it?? Havent you watched this jackhole coach for 3+ years now??? This was completely expected from where Im sitting and BBDK has about 200 emails from over the last 3 years saying it. They guy sucks and was never qualified to be a head coach. The dude had to call Mitch and BEG for the job, nobody reached out to the loser.

Joker is a better coach than Stoops, its really not even close.
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I think Stoops tried his ass off here. He inherited a f*cking train-wreck from Joker. He's just a shitty, shitty HC at the end of the day. And he's stuck on the sidelines for 10 more games, watching his career derail right before his very own eyes and there's not a damn thing he can do about it.

So yes, I pity him...

Also, not sure how you can blame Stoops one GD bit for his buy-out. Like any of you hillbillies would turn down free money.

Joker Phillips is currently at Ohio State and I'm sure he is making 6 figures as a Quality Control Assistant. Football coaches look after their own more than any other field it seems. Stoops will be fine.
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