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team meetings, folks, works every time :fistbump:

florida's defense is going to chew up & spit out our O line. Barker throwing to talented tall WR's doesnt work if he is on his ass with 3 280 lb d linemen forming a tickle pile. their offense can run middle school level complex plays & score 30 against our tissue paper D.

the stories that come out of the events happening all day/night at Bristol will be amazing
The smart play at this point is to empty your bank account on Florida covering. At least that way you can recover some of your over the years paying for UK football.

I still have a picture of our former center Sam whatever his name was leaving me like $2 on a $70 check or something because I was making fun of UK football while slinging drinks. He wrote something to the effect of "Watch your mouth when you talk about Kentucky Football, you never know who you're taking to."
At first I was all like that's not a real thing but it is. It is a real thing.

So a group of people got together and spitballed ideas for the best ad about this particular weekend's big sale. I mean, who green-lit THAT idea? What could have possibly come in as the 2nd choice? Was there even a second choice to choose from?

- I guess it's OK to crack jokes about 9/11 now? I've heard some pretty weird stuff from comedians over the past 3-5 years. The SNL kid at the Rob Lowe Roast lost his dad on 9/11 but he seems like it's cool to joke about it. What the hell is wrong with people? I didn't lose a family member or anything, but I believe I'll refrain from the 9/11 jokes for a while longer, if you please.
think the South Park joke time limit rules are that 9/11 jokes will be OK in 2021
I think the safe approach is that if you're considering making a joke about something that resulted in the horrific deaths of thousands of people, and those people have parents, spouses, kids and grandkids who could see or hear that joke, it's probably best to resist the urge. IMO.
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