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The smart play at this point is to empty your bank account on Florida covering. At least that way you can recover some of your over the years paying for UK football.

I still have a picture of our former center Sam whatever his name was leaving me like $2 on a $70 check or something because I was making fun of UK football while slinging drinks. He wrote something to the effect of "Watch your mouth when you talk about Kentucky Football, you never know who you're taking to."
Sam Simpson probably.
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Only you would compare Cal to the universally agreed upon flaming piece of shit that is Bobby Petrino. First off, I can tell you right now Cal isn't blatantly cheating in Lexington. He doesn't have to now that he's at UK.

Whether he knew what was going on
during those 2 incidents at UMASS & Memphis who knows but to compare those situations to what Bobby Petrino did at Arkansas first & formost not to mention the spineless move he pulled at Atlanta mid season are two totally different universes.
Did Cal hire a mistress and put her on payroll? Did Cal walk out on his staff & players mid season by leaving a gutless note in the lockeroom?
Not as bad as I remember but still. Don't be terrible at football and your own fans probably wouldn't make jokes about you. I mean they were 4 months from embarking on a 2 win season.
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Bobby is a changed man, and now that Lamar is at the helm I see nothing but a huge upswing for our program

My grandmother died of Alzheimer's in 2010. It was very sad watching her mind slowly deteriorate.

Continue with the grandmother jokes though.
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Really looking forward to losing to Florida for the 30th time in a row Saturday as Louisville preps to host Gameday next week when FSU rolls into town and Lamar Jackson gets touted as the early front runner for Heisman. Doing things the 'right way' really pays off in the end.
Really looking forward to losing to Florida for the 30th time in a row Saturday as Louisville preps to host Gameday next week when FSU rolls into town and Lamar Jackson gets touted as the early front runner for Heisman. Doing things the 'right way' really pays off in the end.

Just wait til basketball season.
I really have a difficult time processing the UL football success. It eats me up and I'm not proud of it.

UL basketball rivalry is intense but in a fun way. The football thing, knowing it largely our own just maddening, maybe even more so than our own suck.

So I will not wax poetic about Lamar or Bobby or anything related with that program....(folds arms defiantly). Waiting on karma...
By the way, 73, my grandfather is in the UL football HOF...and I am certain he is rolling over in his grave given Pitino and the way Denny was treated on the way out, the corruption of the foundation, Petrino, etc.

I sincerely believe he would be embarrassed of TOMMY and his boys, regardless of wins and losses.
Our secondary vs Lamar and their WRs is actually a matchup I like. Too bad all they have to do is run the wildcat with their QB and rack up 500 yards of offense. Shameful
Well UK football should not be embarrassed by an ex NFL coach who loves his titties. :100points:

The argument would be a little better if we didn't hire Stoops.
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UofL just has a better talent pool to recruit from than UK does. Hard to get the best athletes to leave their home states to play all the way up here in the frozen ice tundra that is Kentucky. Louisville is a tropical climate, the football stars basically flock to the city on the river. Plus Louisville isn't known as a "basketball school". They are known for long standing success on the gridiron dating back decades. Louisville has also had much nicer facilities than Kentucky. For years they have been leading the nation in facilities. Pretty much set the bar for places like Alabama and Clemson. Just apples to oranges guys
Louisville's football success is due to several things:

#1, playing in shitty conferences for several years where they could rack up wins with impunity;

#2, having a brilliant, skilled and ruthless AD who will stop at nothing to build an elite program;

#3, boasting the most corrupt (yet shrewd) athletic department in the country;

#4, a pipeline of talented players from the Deep South who couldn't get into (or were kicked out of) SEC schools;

#5, hiring one of the most brilliant offensive minds in he country over a decade ago;

#6, pumping in millions of dollars to the program by dubious means:

#7, hiring one of the most brilliant defensive minds in he country 6 years ago;

#8, rehiring the aforementioned brilliant offensive mind 3 years ago when nobody else in America would;


Whatever. Call me an optimist, but I'm still banking on the guarantee offered up by Mitch Barnhart all those years ago, when he promised "WE WILL OWN THIS STATE!"

woodford, you forgot that the state flagship school gave them a home at home game to showcase their legitimacy.

Oh well...

So we gonna put up a fight in the swamp or no? I say it's interesting not because we are good but I think the gators are not. Another heartbreaker. UF 35 Cayts 27.

BTW, Drew Barker is going to be a good QB before its all said and done. I was out in front on that.
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